universal_wrath wrote: »I think the nerf to shield is not justifable, as sorc does not have a burst heal, shield is there only mean of surivival, and tried to wait for hots to heal them without pets.
Hardened ward is class exclusive ability and should not be same as other generic skill that is availabe to everyone, it should be better. I guess next time we skill a surpise attack for everyone... oh wait, i forgt about silver bullet. Turn evil is a superior version of fear...etc
universal_wrath wrote: »I think the nerf to shield is not justifable, as sorc does not have a burst heal, shield is there only mean of surivival, and tried to wait for hots to heal them without pets.
resto's single target heals were buffed, that's the counter. i don't like these new dots at all but self healing is about to go way up for mag just by slotting a resto staff.
i think shields where already nerfed enough. this is overkill.
Malamar1229 wrote: »Why not just nerf shields and leave dots alone??? It's already become a meme with the wep dmg set having like 80% uptime on 800wep dmg, and dots were already a counter to dmg shields. Nerfing them and then buffing the dots is a bit overkill. We're already having reports of it being difficult to sustain hardened ward on pts....I mean I am personally glad you butchered pet sorc but now you're turning what I thought to be a fun class (petless magicka sorc) into a high maintenance class. And of course what I mean by that is we dont really have much in the way of options when it comes to dot builds and you're turning this into a stam dot meta. In it's current state it feels like another pigeon hole into running hots (meaning a resto staff) and sustain at the expense of competitive dmg. Dont forget we're losing some now not running the bird.
Regeneration's crazy strong now. Made a no-cp build on PTS that gets about 15k tooltip over 10 sec + I think 8.5k burst when I go below 20% on the mutagen part. Else it's 15k over 5 sec - like old time vigor for most builds.
Wolf_Watching wrote: »Sorcs have a hot... surge... a burst heal... the deal. Tf are ppl bsing for?
Dark Deal, Dark Conversion?Wolf_Watching wrote: »DD Sorcs won´t have any reliable source of healing after patch but potions, unless some Pvp builds with Resto staff.
Wolf_Watching wrote: »Sorcs have a hot... surge... a burst heal... the deal. Tf are ppl bsing for?
vesselwiththepestle wrote: »Dark Deal, Dark Conversion?
Wolf_Watching wrote: »Sorcs have a hot... surge... a burst heal... the deal. Tf are ppl bsing for?
universal_wrath wrote: »I think the nerf to shield is not justifable, as sorc does not have a burst heal, shield is there only mean of surivival, and tried to wait for hots to heal them without pets.
Hardened ward is class exclusive ability and should not be same as other generic skill that is availabe to everyone, it should be better. I guess next time we skill a surpise attack for everyone... oh wait, i forgt about silver bullet. Turn evil is a superior version of fear...etc
Peekachu99 wrote: »
Matriarch, Clannfear and Dark Exchange? What game are you playing cause it’s not ESO.
Just because they’re burst heals you don’t like doesn’t make them nonexistent.
Saril_Durzam wrote: »
Do we really have to explain this over and over?
We want a GOOD heal, not mediocre ones. People complain not about the lack of heals, but the lack of proper ones. Every stamina class has one, most mag classes have one, i don´t understand why it´s so hard to understand. This answer might be the same as "im not doing enough DPS. Answer: hey, dont complain, you have skills that deal damage!!".
Matriach and Clanfear: both takes up TWO slots and after patch they wont add really DPS so waste of slot.
Dark Exchange isn´t even burst. Burst mean quickness. A 1,2 seconds channel heal, apart that losing DPS (you lose two GCDs instead of one), means that you may be interrutable. In pvp, that´s also telegraphied. Dark Exchange is only useful outside combat. Oh! and takes stamina which is VERY needed on magsorcs. Very.
To be honest, i already propose to change Dark Exchange to be instant, with some losing on the magicka regen part even. Take away the pet heals as magsorcs won´t play them anymore with the upcoming changes.
We don't need a good heal if mutagen/rapidregen is good enough.
What we need is a strong and not too much expensive shield.
Magsorc on live is overpowered.
That's why I can't run a single day in Cyro without seeing them and their pets everywhere. Each death recap when I get blown up from 35 meters away is frags, curse and a whole line-up of magsorc skills.
Do they need a nerf? Hell yes.
But I won't deny - having played one myself- that magsorc walks a thin line between being too weak and being too strong.
My opinion is that the whole class needs a rework.
Streak isn't too strong.
Shields aren't too strong
Their burst isn't too strong.
But combine them all in one and you get an untouchable, super tanky, burst-bot that you pretty much can't kill or can't catch.
Saril_Durzam wrote: »
The issue is Pve.There must be a way to nerf Sorcs in Pvp without compromising PvE. I agree that the class needs a rework. Good possitive criticism, wish there were more like yours.
Magsorc on live is overpowered.
That's why I can't run a single day in Cyro without seeing them and their pets everywhere. Each death recap when I get blown up from 35 meters away is frags, curse and a whole line-up of magsorc skills.
Do they need a nerf? Hell yes.
But I won't deny - having played one myself- that magsorc walks a thin line between being too weak and being too strong.
My opinion is that the whole class needs a rework.
Streak isn't too strong.
Shields aren't too strong
Their burst isn't too strong.
But combine them all in one and you get an untouchable, super tanky, burst-bot that you pretty much can't kill or can't catch.
Which is why anyone reasonable said before patch:
Rework pets.
Remove shieldstacking.
Now we get weaker more expensive shields which encourages more stacking.
We get useless pets instead of a rework.
We get massively buffed dots that already worked as a decent counter for shields on live.
We get massively buffed hots that the class does not synergise with.
And every sorc player that made reasonable suggestions on how to nerf sorcs in the areas the class was undeniably overperforming gets a heartattack bc the class gets zosed again.