I don't post very often, but i feel compelled to correct you. In no way, whatsoever does cleansing ritual / extended ritual / ritual of retribution stun or snare. You may want to google the skill and its morphs to see for yourself that the actual effects generally only remove negative effects and heal over time.
Best of luck in your future battles.
Jabbs_Giggity wrote: »Eh. Honestly, there are way bigger problems to PVP - and BG's than Templars...
I main a Templar, and we have ZERO crowd control (other than the snare from Ritual) to please our wacky spammable hitbox that hits for, on average, less than 30% accuracy - if target is not snared/immobilized.
The bigger problem in BG's, specifically, is unkillable targets - Tank Meta with high burst needs to be addressed.
Another issue with BG's is PUG-finder. I understand this isn't as easily addressed. However, in a perfect world the group finder should group people with similar BG scores/achievements to create better synergy between randoms to combat pre-mades.
Thirdly, I have noticed that the top leaderboards (at least in Deathmatch) is Sorcs (Obviously, because they are the most cheese!). Then Stamina DK's - not sure why people complain about this class being underperforming...in PVP they are easily the tankiest, most mobile and near highest burst. Finally, comes the Stamina NB and/or Stamina Warden. But let's face it...they just spam Whirlwind now trying to kill steal - or sit back and still Snipe spam (NB's).
Lol I had to look it up myself but yeh maybe dont comment or jump the gun before checking thoroughly.
I agree with Jabbs. The bigger issue is the premade vs pugs and sorc cheese.
What did you think that giant circle was that was snaring you the entire time you were inside of it that templars constantly drop on every fight when they cleanse themselves or while they're kiting?
Maybe templars dropping rituals non stop is only something that happens at high MMR, since apparently some of them don't even know that it snares. Playing one of my other characters who has only done a handful of BGs the other night, I ran into a lot of magplars, and none of them bothered to drop a ritual more than a few times, with none of them using it specifically to kite/snare, and some of them seemingly not even slotting it.
Even if it's only a thing at high MMR, pvping in a giant circle that lasts 24 seconds which is placed all over a bg, which also snares things above and below the terrain it was placed on, really sucks. It's a guarantee that the entire time you're actually pvping, you will be snared, and this is still an issue for people who don't like to play an entire BG while snared. I don't know who actually likes this kind of slow motion gameplay, but I sure as *** don't.
Jabbs_Giggity wrote: »
You can use snare removal and get immunity of plenty of sources...a 30% snare is nothing when other skills can easily be applied up to 60% at a third if the cost to ritual. Just saying.
30% snare is hyuuuuge and is the same as major expedition. If you have major expedition, how easy it is to kite a target without it? How easy is it to catch a target without it? It's the exact same thing, just in the form of a movement speed debuff rather than a movement speed buff. It lets everyone inside of that 24 second circle kite or catch any of their opponents the vast majority of the time because people are almost always moving at normal speed during combat. To move at normal speed you have to sprint, to catch an opponent you have to sprint or use a gap closer, to kite away at any reasonable speed you have to sprint if you're in an opponent's ritual, etc. This is a huge drain on opponents resources.
On CC removal/movement speed skills: sources of major expedition and cc removal/snare immunity are expensive, extremely short duration, and have to be slotted by everyone to counter a ground aoe snare that can be continually placed by one person. The difference here is one Templar slotting one ability that snares for 24 seconds vs 8 players slotting an ability that allows them to move normally for 2-4 seconds. The Templar's ability doesn't just snare, it provides a synergy, it heals, it removes debuffs, and it provides minor mending. As a stamdk Forward Momentum in a BG is impossible to use regularly due it's cost plus the heal from Rally is huge, Quick Cloak only lasts 4 seconds, and Race Against Time is also too expensive to use.
Again, IMO Extended Ritual would be worth slotting in a BG for the ground aoe snare by itself. I believe it gives you that much of an advantage. In high MMR BGs, kiting opponents and catching opponents who are kiting is the difference between securing a kill and someone getting away.
Do people really like being snared so often? Is there anyone who actually enjoys this kind of gameplay? I mean, I can see how if you're ranged and a sorc with streak it wouldn't be a huge deal, but playing melee with little to no mobility and being snared for the entire duration of a BG is the opposite of fun. I'd rather be doing anything else.
30% snare is actually stronger than Major Expedition, far as I know, because snares are last in the speed equation. A 30% snare is based off of your final movement speed, while a 30% speed buff is based off of your initial movement speed. A 30% snare on a character with 100% movement speed is 30%, while a 30% snare on a character with 130% movement speed is 39%.