I should preface by saying I love that IC has been moved to its own campaign. That was a necessary step and improved the experience for people who enjoy IC and people who don't want 20% of their faction in IC while they get waxed on the main map.
Currently IC has decent action but its lack of scoring may result in that action dying as time wears on. So here is my idea for a dynamic scoring system that could lead to consistent action both below and above ground.
1. Every district is worth points same as a keep on the main map.
2. Every boss kill is worth points. 1 flaggers, are worth 1 point. 2 are worth 2 etc. Topside bosses worth more because you're more likely to have to fight for them.
3. Simulacrum of MB is worth 10-20 points and provides your faction with a AP and TV buff (say 10%).
Additionally you could add a few outpost flags in the sewers for people to cap that could be worth points. Also while there should be no emperor adding after campaign rewards would be nice.
All of this would create a far more dynamic feel to the map with multiple roaming groups in the sewers and above ground with dynamic objectives as well as a large reward objective that would see constant action (Molag Bal).
PS: In before someone says "I'm asking for a lot." And I know I am. However I think these changes could see IC as a fun dynamic urban warfare campaign that it has the potential to be. Please add ideas and comments. Thanks