@Athas24 We are up to 329 people if you'd like to edit our intro page at all.
That said, while we aren't exactly actively recruiting - by that, I mean seeking out new players, we absolutely still love to invite people we mesh with when we meet them doing dungeons or trials etc.
We would like to have a larger group of people who are online at various times interested in doing Trials. We do have to go to trade chat/friends guilds now and then to fill, and usually make some more friends, but we'd love to be able to keep trial runs completely in guild at all times so that we can get started quicker.
I've been in this guild for over 4 years now, taken significant times of breaks, and played as little or as much as I want. I highly recommend our guild if you're looking for a casual but social place to hang out and play solo while chatting or doing some dungeons etc.