@OP : I'm here for all.
- Community
- Graphic (which is more ambiance than graph tbh)
- Theory-crafting
- Challenge (raid/dlc/achievement)
- Story (thanks Skyrim's books who bring me here)
- Solid content
- Dark Fantasy (most mmorpg are just boring heroic fantasy)
- 0 other good mmorpg on the market (personal opinion)
Also I'm not gonna play a game if I don't love something in it, what the point ?
ESO is a great game by all these aspect, they just need to fix server issue and it will be perfect.
I enjoy the richness of the lore and the captivating npc characters in the world. I love that I can travel and explore and always find something I haven't noticed before. Love is in the details and I find these lil charms all over tamriel. I'm an adventurer at heart so I enjoy immersing myself in the stories wether it be the main epic storylines or the side quests that allow me to meet the different peoples of Tamriel and help them out...they start to feel like friends that I've met in my journeys.
Another important aspect of eso for me is the monsters I encounter along my journeys. I have the most fun joining in with a random group of people to kill a monster. Chasing and killing Dragons is a fun sport I've recently taken up. I'm still a Rhookie in training at the moment. I enjoy exp,oring public dungeons and delves because I can fight things without having to queue up.
I also enjoy crafting and collecting recipes aswell as buying houses and turning them into homes.
I am a bit of a guild gypsy. I can't seem to find a guild I can settle in so i'm guildless atm but it doesn't bother me as I'm very busy with so much questing and levelling😊
I'd like to find a guild that is doing normal trials and vet dungeons. I don't have the energy at the present time to get into a vet trials guild. I'd rather relax but still see some endgame content
I play because I'm a long time Elder Scrolls fan but I think they made some major wrong choices in this game which hinders my enjoyment of it. I hate having trade guilds in the game. It should be equal opportunity for everyone no matter if they want to join a guild or not. But ZOS had this stupid idea that an auction house would bring in gold farmers. Sorry to tell them, there are still gold farmers and bots but they are punishing the majority of us for their ineptitude at curving the gold farmers.
I do like the landscapes and the music but I'm getting bored doing the stories over and over again. So mostly it's for my characters that I play. I haven't found a good RP group that actually RP stories and not just meet up at the tavern. The best thing lately are the outfits/costumes that give my characters a role to play, makes it more interesting and I do like the necromancer class though it needs to be fixed.
I have a year sub so I'm planning to play it long term but sometimes I just log in for the daily reward.
the stories, beautiful and diverse landscapes, housing system and roleplaying options. i just love how much options for customization there are, especially with outfit system and tons of collectibles.
and at the end of the day, what also keeps me coming back is a steady sense of progression in everything i do in the game. gaining cp, gold, furnishing my homes or unlocking and leveling new and cool skills. and all of that in a world populated by millions of other players (and a bunch of nice guildies).
also, it really warms my heart at times how lovely and positive the community can be (ofc there's always a grain of *salt* but you just have to take it with humour).
eso is the only game i keep coming back to after 5 years of playing it, and it always makes my time worthwhile.
I love that old content can still remain relevant. Look how long vmol has been out and you still see people progging it. Go to WoW or something and you can solo old raids no sweat.
I also like that I can always find something to do. Small group of friends available? Let's farm some dungeon motifs or challenger achieves. Raid group? Let's knock out coffers or go for achieves or farm gear. Just me? Quests abound, vMA, fishing, etc.
We're here for those lusty argonian maids. But it's really my dream sequel to the original Guild Wars which came up with the whole cross class system and let you build any character you wanted really. May not be the best or meta, but it was possible. That's what's important to me, giving me the option to do something even if it's not the greatest path to take.
I am only 30 but I grew up with RPGs on paper with friends and I was always obsessed with hybrid characters, always trying to balance my build perfectly. I am in love with games that allow me to do this, and surprisingly they are very rare if we're talking triple A quality. I'm competitive so I do play meta to the best of my ability but freedom is extremely important to me.
I've been playing since a really long time, i'm gonna try to give an honest feedback on what i like/dislike about the game.
- The graphics are nice, not incredible but became really beautifull with a Reshade
- Level design is absolutly gorgeous
- The gameplay itself is really nice, fast without any CD on skills
- The community in general is really welcoming, as for everything there are exceptions
- Bestiary suit to the T.E.S Lore, but it feels a bit empty in my opinion
- Overall performance of the game, it's just awful, FPS side & Ping side
- Cyrodil performance same as the overall, the only place still playable is imperial city.
- InGame tools are mostly not working as they should, A.K.A = Group Finder, not working properly for years now
I'm not talking about the difficulty of the game, because i think we can't really debate about it. I see a lot of people complaining about the overworld "Questing" difficulty, even tho i don't really see why it should be complicated or challenging, the most important is the story, the Lore. If you are playing E.S.O without even reading once the quests then you are missing a huge part of the game.
For challenging content, i could say that we have Trials, with HardMode, seeing how few Guilds are successfull on the DLCs trials i wonder why there is still so many peoples complaining.
Been playing this game for what seems an eternity, I do every so often take a break away from the game which sometimes can be from a month to 6 months but always come back. Things I like are the quests, the ridiculous amount of gold that can be made and Cadwell, so glad to have him back in Elsweyr. I have done Cadwell's silver and gold so many times I have lost count. Things I don't like and this happens to me quite often, I have asked a good few people that I know ingame and it hasn't happened to them so it must be just me. The players that whisper me asking for gold, that really gets my goat.
After you complete certain quest in certain way, it will affect the instance, NPC and even the world. No many online game done that. I always enjoy "perfect ending", where after you complete all side quest before certain main quest conclusion, everyone show up.
ESO is the most detailed game I've seen so far. The amount of detail is amazing. Many things offer some kind of interaction (for a MMO game at least, where objects cannot free fall), you can RP and be immersed so freely that's is a crime that many people just rush things.
Just walk (yes, walk, don't run!) with the torch personality inside Dark Brotherhood sanctuary. It's a jaw dropping experience how good that feels and looks.
It's mind-blowingly large. The world, quests, dailies, pvp, pve, trials... Seriously, I'd need 2-3 lives to see and experience what this game offers, to see every single corner and a quest.
I love all the bugs, exploids, lag, the great server performance, waitings ages for guildstore searches etc. These extra game features make this game great and unique. I cannot imagine this game would be cool without all those extra awesome features. I hope Zeni pulls more of these great performances tricks out of there coding hats. Can't wait for more!
The lore and a well-written story. If neither of it is any good, I don't have any reasons to play the game. I got a few occassions, when the game is almost unplayable, but so far the story development keeps me interested. There was a serious one, with the Murkmire prologue, when I stopped to play for several month, because of the silliness of those Cyrodilic Collectors daily quests. An unbearable experience. Almost like the last two seasons of GoT. Almost.
EU PC:@logarifmik | Languages: Русский, English Dimitri Frernis | Breton Sorcerer | Damage Dealer | Daggerfall Covenant Scales-of-Ice | Argonian Warden | Tank / Healer | Daggerfall Covenant
The lore, and character personnalisation.
The gameplay is not bad, but really not good, peaple who play for the gameplay really didn't play other mmo with dynamic gameplay.
The look and feel still makes me stop and stare, I was amazed at release with the beauty of this place and that shine has never gone away.
Memories, each zone has its own feel - yesterday I went to Wrothgar for the first time in ages and I had to smile remembering the times I spent there, only Everquest gives me that experience.
Cyrodiil, love siege warfare and the fact you can play at your own pace.
But mainly choice, I don't do dungeons (grouping - i do solo them) so I have the advantage of having my character how I want, one week I can be a mage next week a tank type, or hybrid or something completely stupid just for fun!
This is the main advantage of ESO over any other MMO ive played, I don't need alts when my main is so flexible.
In general gameplay comes first when I'm considering a game.
Having said that, good gameplay is not synonymous with challenge in my book. It doesn't have to be hard - just fun. I enjoy face rolling content and I like feeling powerful. Sometimes a challenge is great - but if the entire game is a challenge and I can't choose when I want to be beaten to a bloody pulp I will loose interest. I have enough challenge in real life, and I play games to escape. An engaging story / fleshed out world comes second, but a game doesn't need to have a story or lore to be fun.
In terms of what I get out of an MMO specifically - I play them primarily so that my wife and I can play together. Occasionally I like group stuff with guilds too, but frankly, if the lot of you disappeared from my gameplay I wouldn't notice and I wouldn't mind. It's nothing personal, I'm just not motivated by or interested in competitive or comparative gameplay. I don't care about leaderboards or how many people you 1vX'd. (Not that there's anything wrong with people who find that to be their primary motivation.)