Siohwenoeht wrote: »I get what you're trying to do, and it will be an important metric, but posting anything now, before the changes won't show anything. If there are enough people that want an unlocked CP campaign, they'll play shor/equivalent and vivec/equivalent will be the ghost town.
IF that happens, then zos will probably do what they should have in the first place and lock the 7 day campaigns and leave the 30 days unlocked.
It's bad data until the new campaigns go live.
I will be interested to see how the pops are after the 20th.
kpittsniperb14_ESO wrote: »
Right after the update drops would still be too soon, give it at least 90 days to see what happens. Midyear Mayhem as well will impact population numbers. The populations will need time to adjust between campaigns to figure out the path of least resistance, which campaign will be dominated by their faction etc. Even then I'm not sure you can gauge the popularity of faction lock based on metrics given the small number of servers left. Now if they were to have added an additional locked 30 day campaign or locked the 7 day it would have been readily apparent after the event is completed but they didn't cause reasons.
A few months ago, on NA PC Vivic I took an AD EP and DC character and repaired one wall each, so they each had about 50 AP just to see where the standing would be in that campaign. I used this to see about how many characters(not accounts) were in each alliance for that campaign. As it turn out AD had about 7700, EP around 7500 with DC around 7400. Using something similar would probably be better then just looking at the population bars.
Siohwenoeht wrote: »I get what you're trying to do, and it will be an important metric, but posting anything now, before the changes won't show anything. If there are enough people that want an unlocked CP campaign, they'll play shor/equivalent and vivec/equivalent will be the ghost town.
I don't think it will work like that. It's not individuals making a decision, it's groups of players in guilds and friend lists that span time zones and preferred factions trying to decide and watching communities painfully fracture. And look for other games to keep the community whole.
30 day CP is the default because it works 24/7. In a dozen pvp discords, not a single one wants to go to the 7 day camp because it sucks at prime time and sucks worse at prime time for the rest of the world.
IMO, that method became unreliable after geodes were introduced because it's so common for players to play through all alts for geodes. It is again more accurate on faction-locked campaigns, but won't be on the unlocked campaigns.A few months ago, on NA PC Vivic I took an AD EP and DC character and repaired one wall each, so they each had about 50 AP just to see where the standing would be in that campaign. I used this to see about how many characters(not accounts) were in each alliance for that campaign. As it turn out AD had about 7700, EP around 7500 with DC around 7400. Using something similar would probably be better then just looking at the population bars.
Siohwenoeht wrote: »
If enough people want that type of PVP, it shouldn't be empty.
It's like folks saying on one hand "we don't want to play on faction locked campaigns, but we don't have enough people that think the same way to populate a campaign" while on the other hand, they're saying, "people who want faction lock are in the minority"... Please decide which way it is. I'm tired of being confused.
I don't think it will work like that. It's not individuals making a decision, it's groups of players in guilds and friend lists that span time zones and preferred factions trying to decide and watching communities painfully fracture. And look for other games to keep the community whole.
30 day CP is the default because it works 24/7. In a dozen pvp discords, not a single one wants to go to the 7 day camp because it sucks at prime time and sucks worse at prime time for the rest of the world.
A few months ago, on NA PC Vivic I took an AD EP and DC character and repaired one wall each, so they each had about 50 AP just to see where the standing would be in that campaign. I used this to see about how many characters(not accounts) were in each alliance for that campaign. As it turn out AD had about 7700, EP around 7500 with DC around 7400. Using something similar would probably be better then just looking at the population bars.
I don't know why, the two aren't mutually exclusive.
On XNA you really don't have enough a lot of nights to support one campaign.
Siohwenoeht wrote: »
Both sides can't be the minority unless there's a third side of people who don't care one way or the other and it's larger than both faction-lock, non-faction lock camps.
I'd played exclusively in shor on xb1, in off hours, around 9:00am- 1 or 2pm, weekdays, always found other players to fight. Was it as spectacular as the massive battles in vivec? No, but it wasn't a laggy mess either. If the population balances between locked an non- locked, the PVP experience should improve. Off hours are off hours and no matter what and the pop will fluctuate.
Go back and reread your original claim, and you'll see what you have argued there is different from your original claim.
It's really simple maths. Faction lock advocates can be both in a minority (which you are) of the total population, and there can also simultaneously be not enough people to populate Shor during off peak. There's barely enough to have PvP in Vivec.