Correct. I am talking about the character's faction. Didn't think I had to clarify that, but OK. You seem to be missing the point, however. You are talking about playing multiple characters in the same campaign to advance their respective factions. That's not unreasonable, but some people are abusing the system by playing "alt"ernate characters against that character's own faction, for the purpose of advancing the interests of their "main" character.My character's faction. I am a guy playing a computer game. I do not have a "faction". I am able distinguish between characters and play on multiple characters, in multiple factions.
"small minority" once again you can't prove that. In fact a poll on here a couple of weeks ago showed the minority wanted a full faction lock. I have more evidence than you. Move along.
caeliusstarbreaker wrote: »The last time RvR meant anything was when you got PvE buffs.
Which was also when we had faction locks.
Which was also when emp trading for passives and general so-called “exploitative” actions regarding any logging to another character potentially mattered.
Which was also the last time we had a PvP population to fill more than one server.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »Correct. I am talking about the character's faction. Didn't think I had to clarify that, but OK. You seem to be missing the point, however. You are talking about playing multiple characters in the same campaign to advance their respective factions. That's not unreasonable, but some people are abusing the system by playing "alt"ernate characters against that character's own faction, for the purpose of advancing the interests of their "main" character.
This kind of thing occurs because, given the choice (as they are now) people will automatically switch to the winning side, instead of focusing their efforts on one of the losing sides. If there is a zerg going around, people will join that. This creates a snowball effect that results in a painted map as you describe. In a faction-locked campaign, people will be forced to defend their side. And yes, winning a campaign will become a point of pride again and not totally meaningless as it is now.And just to clarify, when one faction's population imbalance reaches critical mass and they paint the map (and that's a matter of when, not if), what is everyone locked in to that faction supposed to do?
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »This kind of thing occurs because, given the choice (as they are now) people will automatically switch to the winning side, instead of focusing their efforts on one of the losing sides. If there is a zerg going around, people will join that. This creates a snowball effect that results in a painted map as you describe. In a faction-locked campaign, people will be forced to defend their side. And yes, winning a campaign will become a point of pride again and not totally meaningless as it is now.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »This kind of thing occurs because, given the choice (as they are now) people will automatically switch to the winning side, instead of focusing their efforts on one of the losing sides. If there is a zerg going around, people will join that. This creates a snowball effect that results in a painted map as you describe. In a faction-locked campaign, people will be forced to defend their side. And yes, winning a campaign will become a point of pride again and not totally meaningless as it is now.
For sure, this is an issue of some people ruining it for everyone else. Like guys that dunk scrolls.Haashhtaag wrote: »Yes there are groups that do that but no everyone switches to winning faction.
Maybe, but this is not possible without a radical redesign of the entire game. Faction USED to mean a lot more than it does now. In the past, you couldn't even travel to other faction's zones without completing the main quest line.Jabbs_Giggity wrote: »However, the Faction Choice made should then spread account-wide to all your created characters - effectively removing "Faction Choice" from character creation, as it has zero bearing on PVE whatsoever except for starting zones. Thus, leading to the "starting zones" which should be locked ONLY to the race [Not Faction] chosen at character creation.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »Maybe, but this is not possible without a radical redesign of the entire game. Faction USED to mean a lot more than it does now. In the past, you couldn't even travel to other faction's zones without completing the main quest line.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »This kind of thing occurs because, given the choice (as they are now) people will automatically switch to the winning side, instead of focusing their efforts on one of the losing sides. If there is a zerg going around, people will join that. This creates a snowball effect that results in a painted map as you describe. In a faction-locked campaign, people will be forced to defend their side. And yes, winning a campaign will become a point of pride again and not totally meaningless as it is now.
@Ishammael played with me when our guild was almost exclusively homed on Haderus years ago. We barely had the pop to fight then. I've said it on other threads but it went alot like this.
KHole vs. "insert guild here" a few times over the course of 2 hrs. Other guild can't PvDoor their buddy to emperor because there's opposition so they queue to the 30 day for a bit until the map is dead. We're soon left with no one to fight so we have to queue to the 30 day or call it for the night.
This was back when the PvP pop was larger. Fast forward to today where there's really only ever a queue for EP and a bit of a queue for AD on Vivec in NA prime time. Where are the extra players coming from to fight on Shor? Are there going to be some massive influx of PvE or EU guilds coming over that we don't know about? Probably not. This is why faction locks were removed, to begin with. So it's not a matter of being pessimistic or self-fulfilling prophecies. We've been in this exact position before, the experiment yielded negative results, so why are were here again?
Faction locking is for pvdoor players only
And even when you did, you would be in an instance of the zone for only players of YOUR faction, you would never queue into a dungeon with players from other factions or meet them around the world. You could only see them as enemies in Cyrodiil, which is why faction locks back then - while not being good for faction balancing - made perfect sense.
Now however, applying faction lock after you already ran into all your friends from all factions, played with them all in PvP and made different characters on different alliances to play with several groups of friends all around - now applying it generally forces you to make a choice between which friends to play with. Which is exactly why I am so against it in the end of the day.
It's okay to want factions to mean more than they do, I think that would be pretty cool. But it's not okay to force a player to choose between their friends and guilds after having played with them regularly for years..
Why are we here again? It's because ZOS sees something which tells them that now is the perfect time for faction locks. It's a different time now, and the game is in a different place.
I have faith that they know what's best for the game and in their vision.
kpittsniperb14_ESO wrote: »
Oh be polite. There are enough rational and reasonable arguments that can be made against locking campaigns at this point in the game's lifecycle that doesn't require stooping to name calling. This doesn't help.
Their vision is to get as many folks buying crown store goodies as they can.
He's not all that wrong though. It will have the most impact during off-peak hours, and any resulting pop imbalance will be baked in to a campaign for 30 days. Last night I hopped on my red on XNA, and we had 2 bars yellow, 1 bar blue and... zero bars red. Yellow basically pvdoored across the map, unless you count steamrolling over a couple of defenders at a keep to be PvP. If faction locks go ahead, and that's a true reflection of off peak population, yellow wins that campaign, and every red and blue player either learns to love being gated, or switches off. My money is on them switching off... how about yours?
Me, I still have RDR2 on my gaming "queue" to play, so whilst I'll miss eso, it probably won't be for long. Zos will probably miss my sub money though.
Your still not getting it...
ellahellabella wrote: »
Neither are you. It's been said time and time again that the 7 day is not a viable option for playing in off peak. You tell us to stop being selfish and then when we say why something won't work, you say it's 'not your problem.'
Stop being a hypocrite.
Well that still have nothing to do, with what i and other want, faction locks is going to happen... now trying to ask for what we have to change isnt the path... If you want a 30day faction hopping campaign then ask ZOS for that, but dont try to force me to keep playing with this BS, thats essentially ruined pvp in ESO, in my opinion...
Imagine Dota, oneside is loosing, and can instantly leave their side to yoin the winning side, its so bad for competition...
ellahellabella wrote: »
Translation: I don't want to be forced into something but I'm fine with others getting forced to play my way.
You will have faction hopping campaigns
ellahellabella wrote: »Neither are you. It's been said time and time again that the 7 day is not a viable option for playing in off peak. You tell us to stop being selfish and then when we say why something won't work, you say it's 'not your problem.'
Stop being a hypocrite.
dtsharples wrote: »
I'm going to say the exact same thing in reply to this recurring style of comment.
If you populate the 7 day campaign with people in your time zone you will have zero issues.
You will have competitive game-play and plenty of action during the time that you play.
We already know that ZOS has zero fuks given about balance, and that the only real way we can create somewhat equal game-play is to 'regulate' the game ourselves.
Campaign to the guilds that you run with / against in your timezone to give the 7 day campaign a try! Why give up so easily?
There will be plenty of people that will join the 7 day campaign because they are happier swapping out factions as they wish, I think you'll be surprised how many will try it out.
You have to remember that there will be no Vivec, no Shor, no Sotha - they are all new campaigns, a totally clean slate.
It's up to you (not you personally as such, but us all) to mould and shape the new campaigns into how we want them.
It's a fresh start, it's a new opportunity. Take it as a chance to create a new way to play and not as a disadvantage.
It might not be easy to make it happen, but nothing worth doing is.
dtsharples wrote: »Why would you be playing 2 servers?
You'd be playing 1 server, the 7 day one that you are populating with your fellow Aussie, Kiwis, Koreans etc etc
ellahellabella wrote: »
Do I need to copy and paste EVERY single comment about the 7 day not being an option? I even told you 2 comments ago!