I have gone through the PTS patch notes 5.0 and 5.0.1. Some great changes I see and some other changes that remain to be seen how they play out. But overall good strides in addressing mobility and DOTs for PVP. Necromancer looks like a great addition to the game. I like that magicka classes have ways to address snares/immobilizations as vampire and non-vampire now. I notice now that RAT, mist form, and NB double take have 4 sec immunities to snares/immobilizations. At this point can, we please extend the amount of time for snare/immobilization immunity for "shuffle" of medium armor active skill. Maybe we can have 2 secs for base immunity with 0.5sec for each medium armor piece worn (thus 4.5 secs with 5 pieces and 5.5 secs for 7 pieces of medium armor). Medium armor should inherently have equal amount of snare immunity similar to the RAT and mist form abilities (magicka players also get inherent snare reduction through grace passive).
Speaking of passives (nice segue from previous paragraph), the "improved sneak passive" has to be given some active combat utility at some point. I am aware that Brian wheeler said that class abilities were primarily looked at this patch and passives will be looked at in the future. However, I ask that we revisit this passive. Light armor and heavy armor all have passives that have utility in active combat. No reason medium armor should not get the same treatment. I ask the community for suggestions on this topic, or let me know if I am being unreasonable in these requests. Class Reps, please bring this to the devs' attention (I'm sure they won't read this post). Thanks.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_Gilliam