Sounds like you need to dismount and slowly walk towards the action especially if you just logged in so your client can render everything. The server will naturally desync the lowest common denominator and prioritize the front line fighters performance-wise. This will happen even if you have a beastly PC with no add-ons on default video settings.
We need the following zerg busters:
- siege dmg increased somewhere between live value and OP siege levels.
- buffs to bombblades
- increase prox det/inevt det percentage dmg to 450% at max but still keep the 25% to single target.
- earthgore heal GUTTED>
Then and only then will lag returned to normal via the scalpel-killing of larger groups clustering together.
We need the following zerg busters:
- siege dmg increased somewhere between live value and OP siege levels.
- buffs to bombblades
- increase prox det/inevt det percentage dmg to 450% at max but still keep the 25% to single target.
- earthgore heal GUTTED>
Then and only then will lag returned to normal via the scalpel-killing of larger groups clustering together.
Sounds like you need to dismount and slowly walk towards the action especially if you just logged in so your client can render everything. The server will naturally desync the lowest common denominator and prioritize the front line fighters performance-wise. This will happen even if you have a beastly PC with no add-ons on default video settings.
We need the following zerg busters:
- siege dmg increased somewhere between live value and OP siege levels.
- buffs to bombblades
- increase prox det/inevt det percentage dmg to 450% at max but still keep the 25% to single target.
- earthgore heal GUTTED>
Then and only then will lag returned to normal via the scalpel-killing of larger groups clustering together.
magblade88 wrote: »
Bad thing is you buff proxy again and you have proxy ball groups running over everyone... proxy needs a group check mechanism. If more then x players in a group the damage of said zerg busting skill gets reduced. Same thing for the old batswarm and eye of the flame groups.
Thus far any supposed zerg busting skill has always been exploited by the zergs themselves.
Unfortunately, it's the PVE side of the game that feeds players to PVP and the PVE side of the game is the most brain-dead MMO I'm presently aware of. So except for a tiny minority, don't expect this playerbase to do anything other than follow the path of least resistance.Players, stop using earthgore and auto DMG sets moving forward. We want better performance, it starts with us.
So we all agree then, buff the *** out of siege so people die lol.
Players, stop using earthgore and auto DMG sets moving forward. We want better performance, it starts with us.
While proc sets have their own issues, I don't think they're a big contributor to lag, unless you count how earthgore allows bad ball groups to endlessly run laps in keeps. I think the server load-per-player of ball groups is the biggest contributor to lag. Case in point: a few days ago, 30-40 of us DC watched 20 Omni (or Drac or Fantasia, etc doesn't really matter) run laps around the walls of Glade for a half an hour while we battled lag more than their ball trying to kill them. Later, I was part of a 40+vs. 40+ at Chal with basically no lag, and no well-organized ball groups. They had apparently all logged off for the night, and the game performance was noticeably better, even with more players at one location. It's apparent to me that ZOS' coding just can't handle the strain the highly efficient ball groups place on it.
Now the AotP faction stack is a whole 'nother thing, that I think goes without saying.
It was Brian Wheeler who explained how proc sets contribute to lag. He didn't specify how much, but if it was irrelevant, why would he have mentioned it at all?While proc sets have their own issues, I don't think they're a big contributor to lag,
While proc sets have their own issues, I don't think they're a big contributor to lag, unless you count how earthgore allows bad ball groups to endlessly run laps in keeps. I think the server load-per-player of ball groups is the biggest contributor to lag. Case in point: a few days ago, 30-40 of us DC watched 20 Omni (or Drac or Fantasia, etc doesn't really matter) run laps around the walls of Glade for a half an hour while we battled lag more than their ball trying to kill them. Later, I was part of a 40+vs. 40+ at Chal with basically no lag, and no well-organized ball groups. They had apparently all logged off for the night, and the game performance was noticeably better, even with more players at one location. It's apparent to me that ZOS' coding just can't handle the strain the highly efficient ball groups place on it.
Now the AotP faction stack is a whole 'nother thing, that I think goes without saying.
It was Brian Wheeler who explained how proc sets contribute to lag. He didn't specify how much, but if it was irrelevant, why would he have mentioned it at all?
Performance is so tight they had to remove critters and deer, so it makes sense proc sets would have a significant impact. Unfortunately, ZOS keeps adding more! It really underscores how unimportant AvA is to them.
On all 3 full-pop factions on Vivec NA, I can login just fine, spawn at the faction base, zone chat was busy, i spot where the fight is on the map.... but as I'm riding closer to a big battle, I would suddenly.....
- ....see NPC not moving
- is completely empty
- ....battle/fights are nowhere to be seen....
- ...skills not firing off......
- back to login screen.
Example was couple nights ago NA Vivec got a huge fight at Alessia coz DC scroll was there, so it's a 3-way ***. Everything is normal, I spawn at Sej, started riding.... then when I crossed the bridge, I start to feel something's off.
I see the FD is wide open. Few NPC standing there, Inner door also open... and nobody else? I ran around a bit until I'm kicked out.
This happened at least 5 times (I'm stubborn that way) until I gave up for the night. At one point, there's a guy riding just 10m in front of me, from the bridge toward Alessia (we're both EP), and he suddenly STOP right on the hill outside of the front gate.
So I stopped too, I thought, maybe he spotted something. So I ride closer... closer... and he's just standing still. This is like my 4th attempt so I thought, oh fudge me, he's in the same boat. Then I try to dismount.... but I can't OH hello login screen.
Sounds like you need to dismount and slowly walk towards the action especially if you just logged in so your client can render everything. The server will naturally desync the lowest common denominator and prioritize the front line fighters performance-wise. This will happen even if you have a beastly PC with no add-ons on default video settings.
This bug has been around since release but was largely aggravated at the beginning of Summerset. I explained the bug in full details to a dev a month ago in Discord and was asked how much memory I have and what my CPU is. Just another proof that nobody in the development team Pvp actively on Vivec whatsoever.
This being said, I believe that this issue is caused by elements not being rendered in the right order or proper delays. Ideally I would say that when you approach a very active area with 40+ players stacked close to each other, you want your rendering system to work in the following order :
1) environment (ground, structures, sky)
2) siege weaponry
3) players
4) players passives
5) players frames
6) spells and abilities
As explained on the last 2 Twitch live streams covering the next chapter coming up, Rich Lambert mentioned that they intend on working on 2 different aspects for the next 8-10 months ahead of us :
1) Character
2) Rendering system
If they do it properly, they should make sure that when entering an area with a lot of people, your client tries to render elements in the proper order and with considerable delays to not create timeouts and close the connection between the client and your server without even letting your client know like it is the case right now.
As people pointed out already in this thread, the typical effects of this timeout can manifest themselves as followed :
1) You block once and your character stay stuck in the animation
2) You dismount but keep going at full speed while running
3) Everybody around you stop moving
This is what happens when the server is not sending you data anymore but your client wasn't told you got disconnected. As a result, if you wait until the game actually boot you out to the login screen, there are high chances you will get also kicked out of Cyrodiil and will have to queue again. Very frustrating when you've been waiting for a 1 to 2hours queue (happened to several of us more than once).
The solution to avoid getting kicked out of Cyrodiil is to spot one of the effects described above and to immediately crash your game using the Windows task manager. Usually, it will take you 4 login attempts to get back in game, and you will respawn at your faction's gate. If the battle ends and players disperse, you will be able to log in back where you crashed.
As a temporary solution (because 8 to 10 months seems very long to address an issue that should have been looked at years ago), I propose that ZOS gives every client getting in Cyrodiil a good 10 minutes to relog until you get kicked out of Cyrodiil. It should not even matter if it's a crash or a simple relog to get stuff on another character, craft potions and what not. You shouldn't be instantly kicked out because of a simple relog. Especially when you crash 5 minutes after getting in Cyro after waiting into a 2hours queue to have to queue another 2 hours. That's over ridiculous.
Keeping you from getting booted out of Cyrodiil might be a bad idea. I often cannot relog into the character until it gets kicked. Can log in with a different character
Sounds like you need to dismount and slowly walk towards the action especially if you just logged in so your client can render everything. The server will naturally desync the lowest common denominator and prioritize the front line fighters performance-wise. This will happen even if you have a beastly PC with no add-ons on default video settings.