We Need Faction Locks in BGs Too

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  • TBois
    No ZOS needs to add individual locks! No grouping, join the battle royale future!
    T-Bois (Stam Sorc since 1.4) - AD
    An Unsettling Snowball (Templar) - AD
    Bosquecito (Stam Sorc) - DC
    Peti-T-Bois (Stamden) - AD
  • Edirt_seliv
    So, when is the revert to one tamriel coming. Quite frankly it's a disgusting concept that i might have friends from another faction in my trial raids.

    This needs to change.
  • Joy_Division

    In fact, let's also divide the PvE zones back up too, it totally ruins my playstyle that I have to stand in Deshaan with AD and DC players. Like, there is no reason those traitorspaihackingcheating scum should be allowed in my glorious EP zone.

    Thank you.

    -Fair Weather Friends

    This actually is a pet peeve of mine. The NPCs make reference to maundering Covenant soldiers and Aldmeri Dominion infiltrators trying to perpetrate war crimes on the Argonians and I've got to see all these Blurberries and Bananas frolicking around in our capital city ruins my immersion.
  • Alucardo
    Kaiz wrote: »
    Seeing a DC player on my stormlords team as a loyal AD player makes me want to unsubscribe and stop buying crowns. It makes me want to spend time with my children instead.

    You've just won comment of the year
  • josh.lackey_ESO

    Ya I don't want to be a loyal Pit Daemon Pact member and be around those filthy Pit Daemon Covenant members either, they're just spais and hackers. PDEP FO LAIF

    Yes it totally breaks my immersion!! when I am just on a team with someone in a battle ground who i think is my Fire Drake comrade, but then moments later they are trying to kill me in Cyrodiil!?! we need to have faction lock as well as team lock for bg's
  • josh.lackey_ESO
    zyk wrote: »
    Nono, what's needed are fully unlocked BGs!

    So if you don't like the team you're assigned to, you can change mid-match if that's what happens to suit you. This would be permitted regardless of score and the number of players on other teams.

    It's truly not fair that when a player loses their cool with the pleb teammates the rng gods cursed him with, they can't just switch to another team and kill them.

    C'mon ZOS, this is supposed to be play how you want!

    YES! Thank you! Right now you can just log off your character and log into another character and be on a different BG team just like you said. It needs to STOP I am sick of the cheeters and spies. You should get the same team EVERY TIME after you pick for your account. Period.
    Edited by josh.lackey_ESO on April 3, 2019 9:28PM
  • DisgracefulMind

    Yes it totally breaks my immersion!! when I am just on a team with someone in a battle ground who i think is my Fire Drake comrade, but then moments later they are trying to kill me in Cyrodiil!?! we need to have faction lock as well as team lock for bg's

    I KNOW, it's sooo immersion breaking! Why would I be fighting with someone of a different alliance!?!?! It's almost like One Tamriel encouraged us to make friends outside of our alliance....blasphemy!
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • DisgracefulMind
    So, when is the revert to one tamriel coming. Quite frankly it's a disgusting concept that i might have friends from another faction in my trial raids.

    This needs to change.

    Agreed, why would we fighting trial monsters with people we're at IRL WAR with?!?!?! Disgusting.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • DisgracefulMind
    Ranger209 wrote: »

    But I've already made friends with stormlords and fire drakes and pit daemons cause 1 Tamriel, let me switch mid fight when my team is rolling the others so I can single handedly even the fight and balance the score.

    Didn't you know that you're not actually balancing the fight? You're actually just being a cheating spai macro hacker when you swap over. The weaker teams shouldn't get any reinforcements, just die. They must be camped at their respawns until they get a full team.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Vietfox
    I feel you. I miss the time before one tamriel, where your dungeon teammates were from the same alliance too.
  • Zer0oo
    We need also to lock the races: I do not want to have some argonians on my team!
    Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
    - Update 23
  • dazee
    No no no you got it all wrong! reverting one tamriel is NOT ENOUGH! we need to revert the WHOLE GAME! Go back to the time before ESO existed! surely that is superior!
    Playing your character the way your character should play is all that matters. Play as well as you can but never betray the character. Doing so would make playing an mmoRPG pointless.
  • DisgracefulMind
    Zer0oo wrote: »
    We need also to lock the races: I do not want to have some argonians on my team!

    The only time I want an Argonian on my team is if it's in chains and knows its place.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • DisgracefulMind
    dazee wrote: »
    No no no you got it all wrong! reverting one tamriel is NOT ENOUGH! we need to revert the WHOLE GAME! Go back to the time before ESO existed! surely that is superior!

    This is genius, I fully support!
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • juhislihis19
    Aah, the faction hoppers and glory hunters are out in force. Love the tears!
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