josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »yes THANK YOU!!!! I am a Fire Drake I want to stay an FD on my whole account always end of story.
I am so sick of team Storm Demon and team Pit Lord lords EVERY TIME vs Fire Drake. they are always cheaters and spais who come onto FD team (because... ofc no LOCK) and when i go into cloak they jump and down on top of me to reveal my location. i can't shoot off a single snipe before they get me.
I WANT A FACTION LOCK !!! I am so sick of the trolls. I want to win for the glory fo the Fire Drakes! not SL or PD, god i hate those guys i swear they have exploits.
bikerangelo wrote: »Brothers and sisters,I cannot let this happen.
I've returned to address this issue that is dear to all of us with more than 6 friends on our friends lists.
In a world filled with diverse PvP build setups and cheese addicts, the lactose intolerant must find a way to move on. BUT NOT WITH THIS INJUSTICE. I can no longer sit idly by while this HEINOUS misstep of Cyrodiilic justice passes over our most basic rights as true BG separatists are simply IGNORED. WE WILL NOT BE MARGINALIZED. We will not be silent as the blood of the pact flows pure around the fields of the CHALAMO. We will not hold pause while unblemished ALDMERI bananas are peeled from their sniping roosts. We will NOT cling to passivity whilst the chalice of the COVENANT is filled with the unadulterated warrior's blood of the ORC, BRETON AND REDGUARD. Our faction is our home, our battleground pit is our sanctuary, our preferred WRIT CRAFTING TABLE LOCATIONS ARE OFF TOPIC. Give us all the locks on our immersion that the ghost of Paul Sage desired, or give us the freedom to affiliate with our enemies as One Tamriel intended.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »There is already a lock in BG's... you can't swap teams half way through the match. Only difference is Cyrodiil the matches last 30 days instead of 20 minutes.
Nono, what's needed are fully unlocked BGs!
So if you don't like the team you're assigned to, you can change mid-match if that's what happens to suit you. This would be permitted regardless of score and the number of players on other teams.
It's truly not fair that when a player loses their cool with the pleb teammates the rng gods cursed him with, they can't just switch to another team and kill them.
C'mon ZOS, this is supposed to be play how you want!
Nono, what's needed are fully unlocked BGs!
So if you don't like the team you're assigned to, you can change mid-match if that's what happens to suit you. This would be permitted regardless of score and the number of players on other teams.
It's truly not fair that when a player loses their cool with the pleb teammates the rng gods cursed him with, they can't just switch to another team and kill them.
C'mon ZOS, this is supposed to be play how you want!
DisgracefulMind wrote: »Hello, I identify as a loyal Pit Daemon team player for the Pact, and it greatly offends me that I can't be fully immersed in that identity; therefore, I suggest we faction AND team lock within BGs. That way, for no actual valid reason other than I want people to play how I want to play, we can divide the player base up even more. Also, I don't care about other time zones, we need to redefine ALL forms of PvP in Elsweyr, and that's why we need to be completely separated from each other even though we already have a small PvP community - let's make it smaller!
If you choose to be a Stormlord then you should always be locked into being a Stormlord on your account, but also you can only play with other Stormlord players that are of your faction.
ZoS encouraged us to mix together in One Tamriel, but that doesn't matter anymore, so we should go all the way! Only Pit Daemon EP players with Pit Daemon EP players, we hate Pit Daemon AD players (for no actual reason other than some sense of loyalty in a video game) and don't want to be around them ever.
In fact, let's also divide the PvE zones back up too, it totally ruins my playstyle that I have to stand in Deshaan with AD and DC players. Like, there is no reason those traitorspaihackingcheating scum should be allowed in my glorious EP zone.
Thank you.
-Fair Weather Friends
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Soft locked BGs seem a fair compromise. We can play with other Pit Daemon as long as they're Pit Daemon and that's it, you can't be friends with Stormlords and Fire Drakes though, One Tamriel is a thing of the past! The future is now. Segregating PvPers is exactly the future for such a small community.