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[DEV/GM LOOK INSIDE] The Level and VR Level XP nerf

I was wondering why this was not recognized in the beta? Why was XP per mob in public and dungeons nerfed that late?

People got within 18 hours to 50 and within 3 days to VR10. Then the XP per mob nerf came in.

What is the result? Those abusers are roflstomping AvA and will also lead the adventure zones leaderboards soon while the general public stays behind and plays the farmloot/dummies.

Why are those people not getting rolled back? I am one of these people and would like to get rolled back as everyone else that abused this, just fyi not a whine thread.

I cannot understand Zenimax.
Edited by danteafk on April 10, 2014 3:55AM
  • Rondros
    I completely agree. People were level 50 within 24 hours.. Was this skill based? Were these players veterans of other games? Did they have magical know how that the rest of us didn't have? No. They exploited. By definition they cheated. They should be banned. Anyone using an exploit for any reason should have there characters deleted or tweaked back down to level 1, there gear? Money? that should all go too.
  • South_of_Heaven
    They can still get 50 in 1-2 days by endless grinding. But instead of nerfing monster exp which affects everyone they should have put a diminishing return on monster exp after a certain threshold which would only affect grinders and would keep grinding as a viable option but nerf it so that it's not ridiculously benefiting.

    The company can't ban them now it's too late and to be honest it would be unfair since they weren't warned that they would be banned if they did this. Still I am amazed with how this was allowed to happen.
    Edited by South_of_Heaven on April 10, 2014 1:04AM
  • Korozenn
    Let me answer your question with another question: How would you like to have worked your way through all three faction zones, reach VR 10, and then be rolled back to a previous VR from an XP nerf?

    That's never a change that's accepted by anyone. People would have just dropped the game if something like that happened because I honestly can't recall playing any online RPG game that has ever done that, let alone an MMO. It was a mistake on ZeniMax's part and they have to own up to it for happening in the first place (and by 'own up' I don't mean they owe us anything because they don't as it's part of the agreement you sign up for). Of course, it'll anger those who are newer to the game, but in a lot of ways something like this just can't possibly be tested until the game is put under pressure by thousands of players. Game mechanics change in games like this all the time, but they are done in ways that are (usually) implemented in the most non-intrusive way possible.

    Whether these dungeons were abused by these players or not, it is completely unjust for ZeniMax to issue a ban to anyone for something like farming a dungeon, mob, or quest, which is done in almost any online RPG by players when they find something they can clearly exploit.

    Also, for as long as this game 'has' been out since Early Access began, there has never been an XP nerf. Enemies in the game give the same amount of XP as they have since Early Access started; it's just respawn timings that have been changed, for good reason. Part of what makes Early Access, Early Access is the fact that it gives players the headstart over those who did purchase the game at launch; it's a way to reward fans of the game. Those five days were more than enough to start seeing people hit the VRs, and ZeniMax already knew this, hence why we're already beginning to see a level cap increase introduced with the update to Craglorn later this April (as depicted in the video with VR 12 character).

    In terms of AvA, you really are meant to be doing PvP quests, taking over resources, keeps, etc. while you are working with a group of people from your faction. Especially when it comes to dungeons, it's risky doing content like that by yourself because you can get easily ganked. Now, if a group of three-four people (as an example) gets owned by a single VR 10 character, then we clearly have a problem balance-wise with PvP. But what ZeniMax and these other people who do get owned in AvA need to realize is that it also has to deal with how experienced you are (level-wise in-game, and also in terms of you playing in PvP and learning the game's mechanics), how well you make use of your skill set, and how that skill set matches up against whatever attributes that other player has on the opposing side.

    However, I don't see the reason why people who 'have' completed all of this content already and are already in their VRs need to be rolled back. Something like that is just unjust and would paint a bad image for the company. So what? If I came back after a year of VRs were added to the game after hitting VR 10 on my two characters, I would need to load back up my characters from VR 3 due to the game seeing a nerf in how much XP you get from mobs?

    That's a funny one.
    Edited by Korozenn on April 10, 2014 1:13AM
  • drizzintahl
    They can still get 50 in 1-2 days by endless grinding. But instead of nerfing monster exp which affects everyone they should have put a diminishing return on monster exp after a certain threshold which would only affect grinders and would keep grinding as a viable option but nerf it so that it's not ridiculously benefiting.

    The company can't ban them now it's too late and to be honest it would be unfair since they weren't warned that they would be banned if they did this. Still I am amazed with how this was allowed to happen.

    The company can ban them any time, any where. You don't need every server in a first person shooter to say, "No racist remarks, no aimbotting, no exploiting" everybody knows that. If you're exploiting a game, you should be banned, period. If I found a quest mob that gave full exp each time you killed it and it respawned every 15 seconds, I'd do about 3-5 times while recording, submit it, and move on, for fear of a ban. That's how companies work, that's how games work, that's how it should work. You find something that gives you an extremely unfair advantage, you get this feeling in your gut you probably shouldn't be doing this. Iono, maybe console players never learned gaming ethics from admined games? I assume lots of console fans are in this cesspool at the moment because of the title, but still. You should know you're doing something wrong, and the company doesn't have to "warn you".
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  • randomaffliction66
    Yeah except farming solo instances isnt an exploit. An example of an exploit is this. Oh hey that chest over their give out 200 gold and it doesn't despawn after its looted so im going to keep looting it over and over again to get rich. You must be new to mmos, sorry you level so slow I was able to finish every quest in every zone in three days and I went slow. Sorry you're getting roflstomped in a zone thats intended for level 50s need I go on? You may find thay m morpgs arent for you perhaps you would prefer call of duty on the PlayStation
    Brave New World.
  • drizzintahl
    thay m morpgs? are you 12? It was so broken they fixed it, the company acknowledged it was broke, AND THATS SAYING SOMETHING! With all the really broken things in this game, THAT gets fixed. There is a quest that's stopping all progression in the game for thousands of people, and they fixed the exp. Are you new to reading? The company literally admitted it was a *** exploit and fixed it. Maybe you should stick to console, herp derp.
    Notification, you received the THREAD DELETED Badge, worth 10 points!
  • randomaffliction66
    thay m morpgs? are you 12? It was so broken they fixed it, the company acknowledged it was broke, AND THATS SAYING SOMETHING! With all the really broken things in this game, THAT gets fixed. There is a quest that's stopping all progression in the game for thousands of people, and they fixed the exp. Are you new to reading? The company literally admitted it was a *** exploit and fixed it. Maybe you should stick to console, herp derp.

    If they admitted it was an exploit then more than fifty percent of their player base would have been banned. You're getting some bad information some where. By your poor typing, and horribly pathetic insults I'd say you're about ten which is why you believe every thing you read on a wiki page lol because you sure as hell didn't get your information off of this site
    Brave New World.
  • KindaMayvelle
    I don't PvP so I don't really care about this issue one way or another... but here's a screenshot of the patch notes so you guys can discuss exactly how ZOS approached the issue:


    Have fun guys, and remember to be civil (the forum admins don't like it when people get too testy, I've noticed).
  • South_of_Heaven
    They can still get 50 in 1-2 days by endless grinding. But instead of nerfing monster exp which affects everyone they should have put a diminishing return on monster exp after a certain threshold which would only affect grinders and would keep grinding as a viable option but nerf it so that it's not ridiculously benefiting.

    The company can't ban them now it's too late and to be honest it would be unfair since they weren't warned that they would be banned if they did this. Still I am amazed with how this was allowed to happen.

    The company can ban them any time, any where. You don't need every server in a first person shooter to say, "No racist remarks, no aimbotting, no exploiting" everybody knows that. If you're exploiting a game, you should be banned, period. If I found a quest mob that gave full exp each time you killed it and it respawned every 15 seconds, I'd do about 3-5 times while recording, submit it, and move on, for fear of a ban. That's how companies work, that's how games work, that's how it should work. You find something that gives you an extremely unfair advantage, you get this feeling in your gut you probably shouldn't be doing this. Iono, maybe console players never learned gaming ethics from admined games? I assume lots of console fans are in this cesspool at the moment because of the title, but still. You should know you're doing something wrong, and the company doesn't have to "warn you".

    Dream on. They will not ban them.

    "Getting a feeling in your gut that you shouldn't be doing something" does not define an exploit. As someone above said an exploit is more of a "glitch" that benefits you tremendously. This might have benefited many tremendously but it was a part of the game - not some kind of glitch - and a mistake made by ZOS. At any case this can't be considered a ban-worthy exploit.

    Edited by South_of_Heaven on April 10, 2014 1:48AM
  • Anjelicus
    Rondros wrote: »
    I completely agree. People were level 50 within 24 hours.. Was this skill based? Were these players veterans of other games? Did they have magical know how that the rest of us didn't have? No. They exploited. By definition they cheated. They should be banned. Anyone using an exploit for any reason should have there characters deleted or tweaked back down to level 1, there gear? Money? that should all go too.

    ummm those people that made lvl 50 in 24 hours didn't have to "cheat / Exploit" the game at all. most of the people have been playing in closed beta for a LONG time, and already had VR toons, they know the system and where to go for the most efficient xp/hr PLUS they all had rings of Mara AND only leveled in a group. the group xp bonus and the rings of mara is a substantial boost in itself regardless of if you know what your doing. I know/played with several of them, I however could not dedicate 24 hours straight to save my life lol so im not even close to their level.
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  • Nox_Aeterna
    Well , i have nothing against people that exploit games , using devs flaws for ones advantage is actually interesting, while in single player it affects me less , i keep this policy to multiplayer also.

    With that said , im against cheating , which means the player altering the game for their own benefit.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Soothy
    By your poor typing, and horribly pathetic insults I'd say you're about ten which is why you believe every thing you read on a wiki page lol because you sure as hell didn't get your information off of this site

    The problem with you writing this Clotholachesisatropos666b14_ESO, is that a post earlier you wrote a post with poor typing, grammar, and thinly veiled insults. So by your own definition of why drizzintahl is about ten, you have painted yourself to be the same age.
  • joshisanonymous
    While I think it's unfortunate that there was apparently a problem, I hardly see it as a big problem.

    You're kinda describing this as if getting to VR10 is a race to be won and that there's some sort of continuing race that happens after VR10 that those who reached the former finish line first will forever have an advantage in. So what if some players got to VR10 in 3 days? Everyone else who wants to get there will also get there at some point. I have trouble finding any long term advantages that this situation could have bestowed on those who raced to VR10.
    Fedrals: PC / NA / EP / NB

  • danteafk
    While I can absolutely agree with your arguments, they can't force players a roll back since they might leave, but what about the other players?

    Due to this bug/exploit they are in a disadvantage. Everyone is. Thus, making the game unbalanced for everyone else.

    Do you know what a VR10 group in AvA does? They kill hundreds of randoms, just like this. Easy farming of Alliance points. Getting further and further ahead while the rest still needs to grind through cheap VR quests getting 1.5k to 3k XP per quest.

    Upcoming Adventure Zone Dungeon Rankings, the VR10 group will lead the rankings, leaving others not a slightly chance in the top 10 to 'maybe' get some items as reward.
    Edited by danteafk on April 10, 2014 4:17AM
  • l-wilson-1986b16_ESO
    I don't get VR for anything except quests or pvp kills, no mobs give me any VR. And since nobody can progress due to the main story bugs in coldharbor it is pretty much guaranteed that the current VR10's will remain top of the ladder.

    So not only is the game inbalanced, but they have left it 5 days where it is impossible for anyone to restore some balance.
  • SuperJChat
    I think it would be -Mostly- fair if the people who actually did abuse an exploit got most of their levels removed, but then got a free month or two of gameplay. that way they aren't being entirely punished for what they did, and Zenimax studios is in a way saying to them "hey, sorry but we can't let you do that. However thanks for letting us realize we had a loophole in our system! As a sign of thanks please take this month or two of gametime, on us!"

    Reason: I don't think its fair to all the other players, but I also don't think its fair to the Abusers. I mean, in their own way they are ruining the game experience for themselves, cause hitting max level by a glitch/exploit doesn't really give you the satisfaction of working hard for it, and once you are at the top, you really have little else to do, and will likely get bored and stop playing.

    Anyone who has cheated to become OP in Skyrim knows this, its just not "fun" to kill everything easily. there isn't a "challenge" aspect to it. Everyone knows you Abused the system to get top of the leaderboards or whatnot, and most people discredit you as an actual player and you get labeled "Cheater" everywhere.

    Just a thought ;P
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