On every side in every campaign there are multiple groups of players. Some are guild groups, some are groups of randoms, some are groups of friennds doing small scale pvp, some are optimized and some are not. All of them however share the same sets of goals. Most of the time they operate individually.
I've been thinking about an addon that would help those groups to cooperate. It would optimize efforts while allowing more strategy.
I thought of two fundamental functionalities:
- Marking all group leaders on map with their names and group sizes.
- Adding a chat tab just for group leaders.
Ofcourse not every group leader would have a access to all of that informations. A group would need to be sufficiently large to prevent espionage from happening.
What do you think? Would you want that? Would you use that as a group leader?
Would you want an addon to organize efforts of multiple groups in an Alliance? 12 votes
I often lead a group and I would like to have an addon like that.
I often lead a group and I would not like to have an addon like that.
I usually don't lead groups but I think that this addon is a good idea.
I usually don't lead groups but I think that this addon is not a good idea.