Joy_Division wrote: »I don't quite get the logic that one-shoting players and wrecking entire groups with a piece of inventory can be considered exciting, compelling, and interesting game-play, yet killing a player too quickly with actual abilities is bad and ruins the game.
Pain In The Axe wrote: »even for small scale or solo players this siege is bad, say you are doing a 1v1 2v1 or whatever and suddenly you're hit by a 15-16k siege outa no where. chances are you're gona die or be close to dieing from one random shot. Before if you were hit you were still able to make it work. Siege should do a medium amount of damage to players and weaken a larger group so that a smaller scale group can move on the bigger group and destroy them. I dont think a single seige shot should drop a group down to 0-20% of their hp lol(considering most people run 25kish hp)
Stay out of the red.