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Problems with Aggro/Threat/Hate

  • korwinthale
    @Audigy Yeah i feel what you are saying but honestly my group really couldnt do much but run for their lives trying to kite and not die , pretty much what happens every time. And I tried pulling smaller groups but it seems the mobs are all linked or something.
    "Still, we have to keep trying and hoping. That's what's important--the trying and the hoping. Maybe that's most important of all."
  • elder42
    For the people that say not to give up and that I should just keep giving the game a chance, I am. I have even filed for a refund and am still trying to get some steam going and find a way to enjoy this game, because I would rather enjoy this game than get my money back and have nothing to enjoy. It is pointless to mark that as a bad attitude, it is actually the exact opposite. I am very interested and want to give my money to help support this thing but here are some things I need to know to make my experience better.

    If the PvE system is working and well designed, then their job is easy because they don't even need to take the time figuring out what is broken and then fixing it, they just need to make a post somewhere explaining how group mechanics in this game are supposed to work, and then I could make an informed decision based on that.

    If the PvE system is not working, or is working but is poorly designed, then their job is much harder, because then they will end up having to fix something which is broken, which inadvertently admits to players that they did not take the time to craft it properly prior to release, and if that is the case then they will not say anything at all, because it is better to keep us in the dark, thinking that maybe it is actually working and is good but they are saying nothing because they just want us to figure it out ourselves. Which to me would be a foolish but understandable thing to want to believe. I remember during the glory days of WoW there were many posts and information fed to people on the forums from the development team to help players figure out their world. If these developers remain silent and leave us to our devices while things are chaotic, it's because it is better to say nothing than to help people find out the game is broken. This is just the way PR works, so if they are very silent on matters over the next while, it's because it is better than helping people out, and if that becomes the case, then it is also a very bad sign for this game.

    As is, I will likely end up trying for a refund without knowing whether it was the right decision or not. Because I might actually enjoy this game for what it is, there is just no room to figure it out right now, and that is not a good situation for developers to be leaving their players in.
    Edited by elder42 on April 4, 2014 11:50PM
  • elder42
    What we need is a page like this:


    For group dungeons and role definition.
  • Kryden
    Most non-boss and non-flying enemies are easy to cc - especially a dragonknight does extremely well in the first 6 dungeons.
    Usually i see them massCC trash mobs right after beginning the fight with dark talons. The synergy effect also helps to burn down enemies fast.
    I rarely see a boss mob going out of control, tho some like to charge players randomly, which i guess is intended.

    Being a templer myself (tho i am playing a healing/casting role) i think you might have a hard time, because of your lack of good CC.
    We only have a single target knockback and an aoe blind, which we get pretty late.
    Maybe it helps if you ask fellow players to help out with that. Damage dealer dragonknights and sorcerers might massCC with dark talons or encase to ease fights with multiple targets or boss fights with adds, since it is not your duty alone to ensure the safety of your group :)

    I hope you find some of that that useful and start to enjoy groupplay some more again.

    (I excuse in advance for my bad english :))
    Edited by Kryden on April 8, 2014 11:49PM
  • MercyKilling
    elder42 wrote: »
    Honestly, based on what I've seen, I don't think this game has an aggro table at all. I think it's entirely based on temporary taunt effects induced by abilities, if none of those effects are in place the monster just picks someone.

    Oh, I quite disagree. MANY times I've seen a mob break off from the several people spamming attacks at it to home in on the healer like a guided missile. Even puncture can't break the aggro generated by a heal being cast, which leads me to believe aggro is borked.
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
    elder42 wrote: »
    It's because tanking and threat doesn't work the way it does in most all other MMOs these days. I actually think the "Holy Trinity" factor in this game is pretty bad, from what I've been able to see so far. As a tank, I'm basically a guy that takes a lot less damage, but deals a lot less as a result, and due to the "threat" mechanics (or lack thereof, to be honest) I'm not even preventing a lot of damage, since I'm only effectively holding one or two mobs at a time. I can't even hold boss aggro consistently, and range DPS doesn't even need me because of how easy it is for them to kite stuff in this game.

    As a tank, so far, I don't feel like I'm even necessary in this game, from a single-player or group aspect. My survivability isn't that great in solo content because despite higher mitigation I don't do much damage, and I *have* to stay in melee to kill, and I feel severely underwhelming in groups (when I've been able to get group dungeons to work). Better to roll 2 range dps, 1 melee dps and a healer, from what I can tell.

    I think they focused more on the faction PvP than they did on PvE group design. You really can't split your focus in MMOs, and this is showing why. PvE might as well be an offline game.

    You're probably right. I was curious as to how the threat table worked too. There's really no need for traditional tanks. Just have a team with some good snares and CC to make it easier to kite mobs individually and a healer that can take a lot of damage and knows he will be targeted.
    Edited by OZGODUSA on April 9, 2014 9:00AM
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