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For PvE healing, are the new racial passives MORE balanced than the old passives?

I just want to hear other people's thoughts on this matter as I feel like it hasn't been discussed enough.

For PvE healing, are the new racial passives MORE balanced than the old passives? 28 votes

The new racial passives are MORE balanced for healing.
CastanamereAhPook_Is_HereLiquidPony 3 votes
The new racial passives are LESS balanced for healing.
Kalikiaellegaardjensenb16_ESOjbjondeaueb17_ESOEdziuDisgracefulMindRazorback174KulvarDracan_FontomKadoinSilver_StriderLluandaGnortranermaraMinaithelaneso_nyaSilverPawsWyresscliffracerFinedaibleNumerikuuTruthFireJazzyNova 22 votes
The balance of racial passives is essentially unchanged.
Ogou 1 vote
giantpixieGaunterODim 2 votes
  • Gnortranermara
    The new racial passives are LESS balanced for healing.
    The only viable endgame healer left in the game is Breton.

    See HatchetHero's data here. He has properly controlled tests and the most stringent, properly adjusted data available for this PTS. For one thing, he's the only person besides myself that I've ever seen make the adjustments necessary to remove human error and variations in critical hits across tests. He also properly controlled testing conditions to fairly assess Breton and Khajiit, whose passives require certain adjustments to test properly (blue food, crit normalization). His analysis is the most data-backed information you will find on these forums.
  • Razorback174
    The new racial passives are LESS balanced for healing.
    Rest in peace my Altmer Templar healer main. It's been a fun 5 years, but there is no way you will ever compete with Bretons for that role ever again. In fact NO other race will ever compete with Bretons for that role ever again...

    Still wondering when they'll deliver on that "diversity" they pitched before they rolled this steaming pile of mess they call a "racial rebalance" patch out...
  • Kalle_Demos
    The new racial passives are LESS balanced for healing.
    As with the dynamic between Altmer and Dunmer in Mag DPS being lost to Breton, the competition between Breton and Argonian for Healing is also lost. Diversity is lost on BOTH fronts. The exact opposite of what the balance update was meant to achieve...

    "If I am to be Queen, I must look fear in the face and conquer it. How can I ask my people to have faith in me if I don't have faith in myself?" - Queen Ayrenn
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    Both my healers will stay the race they are, argonian and nord. Not enough of a difference to difference for me to care.
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