Really great points Jules. However I don't want to see any global bandaid fixes this time. We need targeted adjustments exactly like is happening with Time Stop.
For examples,
Instead of a football field of snares on Sacred Ground, it could give Minor Expedition to the Templar and reduce resistances of enemies within.
Dk Warmth could be reduced to a proc chance, maybe 10-15% with some ancillary effect added when it procs.
Wall of Frost could perhaps only apply the snare when the root procs instead of a constant snare. Ice should be slippery anyway, not snarey.
Anyway just some ideas. I hope they approach it intelligently instead of lazily.
Agree w/ some of these and not so much with others, @Solariken
I think the minor expedition to templar, while I would totally love that and definitely benefit from it, wouldn't make sense for the class. Templar is meant to be a melee class and by design shouldn't be speedy/kitey. Minor expedition on this skill- which is nearly always down, would be too much. When procced, it would too give templar the same base speed as sorcs (hurricane) and that just seems wrong as that's their class identity, not ours.
I sortof like the concept of reduction of resistances but it would have to be by a pretty small amount and maybe even have a cap of 6 players and also not stack if multiple purifies are down. The aoe is massive so your opponent basically has no way to get out of it, reducing their resistances by too much would be insanely powerful and have nearly 0 counterplay to many classes. And to be fair, purify is already an insanely powerful skill just by its base design. It most likely could have the snare removed and not be compensated with anything at all and still be perfectly useful.
I like the concept of warmth being a proc chance instead of a constant. I'm not sure it'd just put it at a random 10-15% RNG roll, maybe make it proc at higher rate but smaller window (like 40% proc chance if target below 50% health ect). I don't really like the concept of passive snares at all but I can respect that a snare makes sense in DK toolkit somewhere as its a melee/brawler type class. This snare helps them secure the kill against a more mobile, dodgerolly class and that's good. Though they already have roots and snares available through skills, mdk barspace is pretty tight as is with having to run multiple dots for pressure. Wouldn't want to oppress them too much.
The third concept about wall of frost I like all around without change, and agree, ice is meant to be slippery, not snarey. Very intelligent breakdown, appreciate your input.
Can we see some clips of your solo play so we can all learn how to handle snares better?