This is a fanmade rework of the CP-system/gear customization!
I think ESO should play to its strengths which is the customization of you char so it matches your unique playstyle.
My proposed changes are:
CP capped at 300 (you could still go higher for pride)
20% increased max stats from CP300 should stay (it adds balance to max stat vs. WD/SD)
Remove the boring nodes, in the CP system, you put points into atm.: "%offence, %defence or %recovery nodes"(like "mighty" or "Precise Strike".
Instead you get 5 points total you could spend on the remaning nodes, like: "last stand" or "perfect strikes" (max 1 point in each constelation)
(which you would unlock with the new CP-system(10, 30, 60, 100))
Gear/sets rework:
2-5 piece sets instead become 1-4 piece sets (like "hunding")
2-3 piece sets instead become 1-2 piece sets (like "agility")
both backbar and frontbar sets are active at the same time
This will give 14 equipments slots allowing you to equip 3 sets of 4 piece + monster set (or arena weapon, or a 2piece set)
Allowing you to regain alot of the strength you lost from the old CP system and furthemore add customization.
Now that the CP progression/endless power gain is removed. I propose that we instead gain "horizontal progression":
Sets, minor bonuses, can now be argmented with transmute stones: changing fx. a "129 spell damage" to "129 weapon damage" or "129 magicka recovery" (any other stat)
This should be expensive to do: first argment would cost 100, second cost 125 and a third argment should cost 150 transmute stones.
With this change you would get "horizontal progression" so people wants to play the game for many hours, to get the perfect stats on their sets.
Every time ESO adds new sets this progress would then repeat.(adding valueable replayability and gear customization)
I tried to keep it short :P
Thanks for reading! Im looking for feedback, so feel free chime in