Slowly starting to feel burned out.

  • huntgod_ESO
    Take a break and refresh yourself then come back to the game.

    No one is going to hand it to you...unless you have some immensely cool friends.

    You aren't going to get it done solo and people running it regularly are doing so with the same groups of people, why should they open a spot for you? You have to give them a reason to.

    You say you are in two PVE guilds, if they run this content, you need to push to be involved...unless they are a very special group they aren't going to handhold you. Do they have a website where you can sign up for events or trials, do they have any mechanism for scheduling things...if they don't look for a guild that does.

    There are plenty of PVE guilds out there looking for motivated folks who want to be a part of running vet content, so long as you are willing to put in the work to contribute. YOu may just have to do some real searching to find one. They are out there.

    I wish you luck in your search. I am thankful I found the guys at Vanquish as they have been so open and helpful when I came back to the game 18 months ago and had to get caught up on things that had changed since I last played in beta and a few months into release.
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • Odovacar
    Join dungeons and be can meet a lot of people to go dungeon running with a simple "hello, how are you?" when you queue in. A lot of people are after the same accomplishments you are, so players with those motives are out there you just gotta speak up. As far as trials, try normal to get a feel for mechanics and positioning, and maybe a PUG out of Craglorn (go to belkarth WS) for vet here and there once you get more comfortable. Its nearly a guarantee you can find "some" good folks to partner up with after that.
    Edited by Odovacar on February 11, 2019 7:14PM
  • Rontabs77
    Do some art or music, or some neighborhood activity. That is why there is Community Creations.

    I, for instance, play the guitar. If I get tired of the game, I focus on music.
  • lassitershawn
    Kalgert wrote: »
    Didn't think I'd be making a forum thread about this so soon, but I guess here we are, making a thread about this... Oh well, here it goes.

    I feel like I may be getting burned out on the game. Not because I don’t enjoy it or I am doing unenjoyable things (To a degree), but moreso because I wanna get in to PvE here, but I just find myself really… Frustrated with that whole venture.

    I wanna do raids and dungeons there on the harder difficulty, primarily because I want to unlock the appearances from those difficulties so I don’t have a part of my mind suffering “Aaargh, missing unlockables!”, rather than wanting to show them off and try to look prestigious and pride and accomplishment and all that nonsense.

    But there is a really small chance of me ever getting said unlocks, either because I myself may not be the pristine form of a PvE doer (Because the gearing system in the game is just… Boo, and I somehow still feel like I am doing poorly despite playing piano with my abilities), which is a bit of a hurdle in terms of getting unlocks.

    And you know what? That painful feeling of missing unlocks, along with wanting to do PvE and getting frustrated over certain aspects makes me really just… Not enjoy the game as much. And I can do the overland content (And enjoy it to some degree) but that junk is ***-easy, so it’s not properly satisfying me.

    I have no idea what to do with myself… What would you folks suggest?

    A lot of people feel like this trying to break into raiding at first. Ask some good players on discord and/or watch some youtube videos on how to improve your parse, practice, and do some vMA. Ask in discord or on the forums for a progression guild, give your parses once they meet the req and there are a lot of progression/training raid guilds that will give you a try/training (for a lot of progression/training guilds this can be as low as 35-40k on mag). If you have a good attitude and are willing to learn and take advice it will get noticed and you will get more and more invites. Make friends and join a few guilds. Hang out after runs.
    William Thorne - EP Breton Sorcerer
    Astrid Winterborn - EP Breton Warden
    Erik Ironskin - EP Nord Dragonknight
    Venasa Viri - EP Dunmer Nightblade

    IR x8, GH x5, TTT x2
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