Hello, can anybody here explain me in details how is movement speed calculated in game. Like some kind of equation maybe? What is additive, what is multiplicative, etc?
Here is example:
Warden (15% redeced effectiveness of snares in 5-1-1 (4% reduced effectiveness of snares cuz of 1 light piece) which is using steed mundus stone (10% increase movement speed) and 1 swift piece (6% increase movement speed) and is sprinting (i think it's 40% increse, but not sure) got snared by heroic slas (60% reduce speed) and is running in caltrops (30% snare - didnt get hit by them, only running in them). What is his movement speed?
Forum War - pro AC sideEU PC Azura Star/Sotha Sil/Bahlokdaan/Ravenwatch
Triggered Tryhards / Aetherius Art / LND / DC-PD
DC - Frostitute magden
AD - Pees-under-Trees magden
DC - Lemme Dark Deal stamsorc
EP - Lemme Dark Déal stamsorc