Also, what are cheat spots players wait in to get scroll runners? Seems they would have to be lucky to know what route you will take outside of some deliberately designed pinch points like milegates.
I'm guessing he's talking about forward camps since you can see the scroll on the map and move in to intercept and drop a camp.
I'm guessing he's talking about forward camps since you can see the scroll on the map and move in to intercept and drop a camp.
It's not cheating, but it's cheap and can be exploited for an advantage.
There are those who would sit there, wait for all opponents to leave, flip the town and then go safely afk again while they do other things.
If a faction loses a town, its players in the safe spot should be transported outside.
That sounds excessively boring, doesn't help your faction significantly and is a lousy way to earn AP.
Solution: have it so you can attack the players chilling at the wayshrine. Problem solved.
Players don't get booted from a keep when the enemy faction takes it over so do the same to the town wayshrines.
kenjiblaster25 wrote: »
Best option if they aren’t to get booted.
No one said afk. Who complains about that? I’m talking about clusters of players who won’t or can’t fight and go wait there like little cowards. Then when you leave jump out and retake their 3k AP town. Stops the game being played properly - if you’ve cleared an alliance from an area then using this is cheating.