As much as I'd like to hate on guilds for this - and guilds *are* part of the problem, particularly those stacking multiple raids in the same spot - fact is the game was designed and marketed as being able to support 2,000 people on a server with fights 3-5x larger than what we're dealing with right now, and the fact that 60 people being in the same spot being loosely coordinated is gamebreaking is 100%, unequivocably, Zenimax's fault and they need to fix it.
I personally never hit above 160ish ping in even the biggest fights and my FPS is at 30 since the double AP event. The only time I crash is when I am solo, so definitely an improvement! 😃 If I ever hit bad lag though I think adding another 20 people to the Zerg SHOULD help with that 🤔
I personally never hit above 160ish ping in even the biggest fights and my FPS is at 30 since the double AP event. The only time I crash is when I am solo, so definitely an improvement! 😃 If I ever hit bad lag though I think adding another 20 people to the Zerg SHOULD help with that 🤔
I'm sorry Crow, but I call BS if you claim your ping never hits above 160 on Vivec during prime time. I was getting frequent spikes to 350-400 Friday night, while my normal ping is 150 (100 in PvE). And it was happening even while in a pretty empty area (i.e. guarding Drake or Arrius while everyone was piled up at Chal or BRK). And this was reported by multiple other players in zone chat. At one point there were three of us trying to flip the Drake farm, and we were all going "WTF is this lag?" in /say, as our skills wouldn't fire, or fire with 2-3 seconds delay. And that's just three players fighting 6-8 NPCs at a resource, while EP were stacking 1-2 raids worth of zerglings elsewhere at the same time.
And I also find it interesting that only two persons who voted "Yes" have posted in this thread, and both are in AP...