Actually sitting here thinking and DC once again is struggling to pop lock on Vivec, AD at least pop locks there so I am not sure where their "army" is but I guess I am kind of glad they don't go to the EP AOTP extreme. Then there is EP seemingly dominating pops on most campaigns. Is it really that many shallow Skyrimers or is there a bandwagon of low character people taking the easy way after that started?
DivineFirstYOLO wrote: »
I've been playing solo or in a 2-3 man squad a lot lately and it disgusts me what cyrodiil has become. So many people stack up and follow the zerg, especially now after the double AP event you will always find 30+ people attacking a keep/outpost. There is almost no chance for smaller groups to perform well (talking about No CP Campaign right now). 30 noobs hunting you for 5 AP and you can't even split them, they either come all at once or nobody at all.
DivineFirstYOLO wrote: »It's about time ZOS starts thinking about how to make people spread a little bit. Epic large scale battles/sieges are nice, but getting chased by 30 people at a ressource is not.
DivineFirstYOLO wrote: »For most people ball groups are evil and yeah, there are a lot of noob ball groups that hunt solo players, but Dracarys is not one of them. They are the Heroes Cyrodiil deserves and the ones that it needs right now
#morepowertoorganziedgroupplay (whether it is 2 man, 6 man, 8 man or 12-16 man)
WitchyWarrior wrote: »
I'm not surprised at all this post is from a Salty DC player.
You guys send the most hate whispers and it's HILARIOUS.
This is why so many dislike DC.
But you are entertaining, I'll give ya that.
This has been the majority of my experience fighting the AotP groups.
No ones salty. What I said was simply questioning why it's a fact there are so many EP. I'm surprised anyone can send much salt. I mean who do you send it to? So few stand out as being anything more than part of the lag out.
Apparently this is what most people enjoy doing nowadays. Playing with as many as possible and zerg people down while the enemy cannot cast skills or weapon swap or dodge roll or cc break because the server is melting. People don't care if the server is lagging crazy because they win in most scenarios. Even if those large groups are lagging too, in the end they still have more healing and damage potential and wins the fights.
If someday servers get more responsive and give a chance to the opposition to cast skills, they will most likely lose in 90% of the scenarios because people playing with 3full raids stacked on each other don't learn anything and never really improve at the game. As a result, they are not effective whatsoever and die very quick when not carried by everyone else.
I'm not saying that I am not being carried when I play with a 16men group, but at least I try to seek fights where I will be outnumbered, or fighting the same amount of people, pushing my limits and challenging myself to get better.
Vivec pop locks pretty much every night and every faction often has a queue -- altho in the case of DC it might be a token single digit queue. It's not actual lack of numbers to fight EP. It's that you CAN'T fight the lag-inducing blob and stay connected to the server; it's like the worst last emp keep fight you've ever been in except everywhere.
So there are a number of AD and DC that choose to brawl in the Ash to Roe Farm corridor, or around Brindle, or pretty much anywhere else the game actually functions.