I was fighting in Cyrodiil today, and while I was running around in a frozen world state I wanted to take some screenshots of the positioning of the enemy faction.
I blurred or marked out the names and faces of the enemy faction for their privacy and to adhere to forum rules. How does a group of players counter this winning strategy if CC/snares/AoE wont fire due to the immense lag that stacking half of a faction causes? It's so bad I cant play during certain times.
I was fighting in Cyrodiil today, and while I was running around in a frozen world state I wanted to take some screenshots of the positioning of the enemy faction.
I blurred or marked out the names and faces of the enemy faction for their privacy and to adhere to forum rules. How does a group of players counter this winning strategy if CC/snares/AoE wont fire due to the immense lag that stacking half of a faction causes? It's so bad I cant play during certain times.
Hey! That's us! 😃
Hey! That's us! 😃
Why people persist in playing on Vivec i don't know. How is this even fun.
Log onto your bomber and bomb them.
i just wanted to point something out about this picture above ^
i did not make that photo, and i am not talking about the person whom made this picture photo.
note: this has NOTHING to do with the person whom took the photo.
what i am pointing out, is the fact that those 2 yellow faction characters are all alone against a big group of red players.
and obviously they are going to die, why? because is a whole lot of Red players against just those 2 yellow players, yet what happens here on this forum every single day, is that normaly on a daily basis, 1 of those 2 yellow players is going to come to this forum and make a thread asking that what ever skill or weapon or or snipe or earthgore armor or sneak invisibility, or heavy armor, or wings, or healing, or light armnor, or sloads, or medium armor passive, or warewolf damage, or assylum weapon, or Master weapon, or ANYTHING whatsoever that was the final blow that killed them in the above picture situation above, was and is OBVIOUSLY "to them" is Overpowered and MUST BE NERFED!
i mean they HAVE to be able to survive an entire LARGE GROUP like that or the game is COMPLETELY imbalanced and the entire staff of eso and all of the rest of us are just garbage players because we cant see and agree with them that what ever killed them in that situation above is ovepowered.
when infact nothing was over powered, all that was over powered was that alot of the other alliance killed them and they were outnumbered was the only real thing that killed them.
i hope one day that all of this forum members and all of eso members and all the staff and developers of the entire elderscrolls online community will see this trend and realize how it has caused massive nerfs and destroyed build after build and class after class just because 1 or a few people come to this forum and make threads continuously about things that killed them that MUST BE NERFED and that this has been going on now for YEARS.
please zenimax, please make this stop happening.
Obviously numbers against numbers help but then you are still leaving it to RNG. A smaller group can take out a larger group if well commanded and they listen well. We used to see this more often early in the game but I think we have few left that can command in a manner needed when going up against 20+ players.
It takes a coordinated group. Players using the skills and ultimates when they are told to use and when it come to ultimates they use it when they are told to use it. For someone to command well enough they have to be able to read the situation well and have a group and listens and executes well. That is not a group formed from zone chat.
Idk why people have issues with drac over AoTP.
-extremely well organized guild that has been playing together for a long time
- very well coordinated
- they adapt to each other's play style
- they run to benefit the group not themselves. That's skills and set wise
- ran by ego players
- stack 3 plus raids together
- doesn't benefit each other
- refuses to learn game mechanics
Am I bashing AoTP nope. They have knowledge players and actually really decent/friendly players as well.
Will I promote 12-16 man group playstyle yes.
Oh what the hell I'm gonna go drink my bleach now. This is useless
what i am pointing out, is the fact that those 2 yellow faction characters are all alone against a big group of red players.
and obviously they are going to die, why? because is a whole lot of Red players against just those 2 yellow players
yet what happens here on this forum every single day, is that normaly on a daily basis, 1 of those 2 yellow players is going to come to this forum and make a thread asking that what ever skill or weapon or or snipe or earthgore armor or sneak invisibility, or heavy armor, or wings, or healing, or light armnor, or sloads, or medium armor passive, or warewolf damage, or assylum weapon, or Master weapon, or ANYTHING whatsoever that was the final blow that killed them in the above picture situation above, was and is OBVIOUSLY "to them" is Overpowered and MUST BE NERFED!
i mean they HAVE to be able to survive an entire LARGE GROUP like that or the game is COMPLETELY imbalanced and the entire staff of eso and all of the rest of us are just garbage players because we cant see and agree with them that what ever killed them in that situation above is ovepowered
I hope one day that all of this forum members and all of eso members and all the staff and developers of the entire elderscrolls online community will see this trend and realize how it has caused massive nerfs and destroyed build after build and class after class just because 1 or a few people come to this forum and make threads continuously about things that killed them that MUST BE NERFED and that this has been going on now for YEARS.