ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »More players means more server calculations; that is 100% correct. However the key variable in all these scenarios is how much information is being calculated on a character by character basis depending on abilities being used, passives, armor sets, etc. This is why population is not as big a factor compared to what's being calculated on a character by character basis within that population. Let's take an example of a typical armor setup now a days.
A player wearing Viper, Velidreth, and Red Mountain doing a single heavy attack costs the server 3 times as much as a player doing Heavy attack without those sets because of calculating whether to proc those 3 sets or not. Even when a proc is on cooldown, the server needs to check per attack if the cooldown is done yet, which means every attack it checks whether it can fire or not based on either percentage, cooldown, or other situations. Factor in Champion Point passives, class passives, weapon passives and whatever temporary passive bonuses from potions, and you add to those calculations per attack/being attacked. In campaigns like Blackwater Blade and Azura, there are simply less things to calculate even when they have higher population than Trueflame.
MisterBigglesworth wrote: »Just a reminder that a Dev confirmed Champion Points help cause lag and we should therefore encourage changes that remove any extraneous calculations from hitting the server.
Just play in Sotha Sil and until you get your CP up enough then join us in one of the CP campaigns. It’s a grind, but you’ll get there.
method__01 wrote: »also remove all sets and abilities,ppl stay in keeps,others attack we (the inside) kill em all with oil
then we go to attack their keep,they kill us -again with oil
this crap with CP whiners on over every forum section must end
dont have cp?go play to non cp campaign
dont have enough cp?play more to reach cp cap or play with a group or dont play at all
some ppl earn their cp very hard and by playing many hours,why punish them?
its like i log into fallout-im only L31 and start whining cause i get 1 shoted
just stop
No one has "earned" anything. This is a videogame.
Proc sets also contribute to lag, and yet zos keeps adding more...
I'd rather they eliminate these sets first.