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I want template LVL 50 ALTS Available for Sale in the CROWN STORE

  • Emma_Overload
    How about changing the title of this CLICKBAIT post so that it reflects reality? It's not cool to get people's hopes up like that!
  • Sheezabeast
    I'm not saying you should be handed keys to a fully fledged powerhouse...

    This is, literally, exactly what you're asking for when you ask for a template. If you'd asked for a pre-level 50 character, that's one thing, but a Template is far more than that.
    but for someone who has spent the time achieving those things already, then yes, very much yes,

    If your complaint is about having to achieve stuff again, then the answer is a little simpler. Give us account wide achievements. Getting a character to level 50 is not that onerous. If you really have a lot of endgame characters, you can easily do that in a couple hours. But, you're not asking for a level 50, you're asking for a template. A template isn't a character that's ready to run endgame content (however you define that), a template is a finished character. A character that's already done everything and has nothing left to do, so that you can use it to test out new content.

    lol. "Literally"

    Nevermind the qualifier where I pretty clearly stated that for someone who has already levelled everything, it's okay. I'm not saying someone can walk off the street with level 10 Undaunted.

    You seem to be projecting that.

    Inb4 "You're literally saying you should be able to buy Emperorship" Kekery

    Seriously, what’s your real problem? You started off with a flippant attitude saying you didn’t give a **** about people who had a different opinion than you, you corrected someone’s grammar like some tryhard, and you keep responding to everyone with a bipolar mix of passive aggressiveness and entitled sympathy because you feel like you deserve a character magically pooped out of the aether because you would rather pvp than play the damn game.
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • myskyrim26
    I saw this model in another game. Once you reach a max lvl on one character, you can buy alts. I think it is really useful. I'd love to try different classes in this way. Levelling alts is not fun for me.
  • StolenEyes
    I’d be happier with a token that allows you to change the class of your character, once and once only.

    With the availability of XP Scrolls and and some decent training gear, getting to level 50 is so quick and easy these days, and it’s fun! I find the idea of a level 50 template to be pretty much worthless. Plus the title of the OP’s post is clearly clickbait.
    Edited by StolenEyes on January 20, 2019 1:26PM
    Xbox/EU1750+ CP--The Vessius Sisters, exiled Imperial/Breton family - Sarenia, Stamina Sorcerer, AD Lexia, Stamina Nightblade Silencer, DCHelvena, Dragonknight Tank, EPMalerie, Magicka Vampire Necromancer, DCQuiselle, Magicka Templar, ADKethria, Magicka Nightblade Vampire Thief, AD
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    erm...takes 4 hours to grind 1-50 so why should people pay money?
  • Inklings
    Erris wrote: »
    @Inklings leveled a new character on the PTS to 50 in under an hour on a Twitch live stream.

    I could be mistaken, but I believe that was with his third account, on live, not PTS.

    I have done it on both servers on stream. Last one was on pts and I did 1-50 in 36 minutes 34 seconds.

    Edited by Inklings on January 20, 2019 4:27PM
  • miteba
    Dont agree with it!
  • RedFireDisco
    I'm not saying you should be handed keys to a fully fledged powerhouse...

    This is, literally, exactly what you're asking for when you ask for a template. If you'd asked for a pre-level 50 character, that's one thing, but a Template is far more than that.
    but for someone who has spent the time achieving those things already, then yes, very much yes,

    If your complaint is about having to achieve stuff again, then the answer is a little simpler. Give us account wide achievements. Getting a character to level 50 is not that onerous. If you really have a lot of endgame characters, you can easily do that in a couple hours. But, you're not asking for a level 50, you're asking for a template. A template isn't a character that's ready to run endgame content (however you define that), a template is a finished character. A character that's already done everything and has nothing left to do, so that you can use it to test out new content.

    lol. "Literally"

    Nevermind the qualifier where I pretty clearly stated that for someone who has already leveled everything, it's okay. I'm not saying someone can walk off the street with level 10 Undaunted.

    You seem to be projecting that.

    Inb4 "You're literally saying you should be able to buy Emperorship" Kekery

    Seriously, what’s your real problem? You started off with a flippant attitude saying you didn’t give a **** about people who had a different opinion than you, you corrected someone’s grammar like some tryhard, and you keep responding to everyone with a bipolar mix of passive aggressiveness and entitled sympathy because you feel like you deserve a character magically pooped out of the aether because you would rather pvp than play the damn game.

    Projection. That's what you're doing. At NO STAGE did I imply, infer or directly state that I believe anyone should be entitled to a fully built character - But - If you've fully leveled a character and done everything there is to achieve then why shouldn't you be able to start again with a different class/race from the heights you've reached.

    ...and I don't care what people who don't want it think. Don't like it? Don't buy it.

    I didn't set out a 10 point plan for what I think you should or shouldn't get but damned if in a game where your freaking account tag is visible to all playing, if it really matters if the character changes. Let us play and have fun. You do your thing and I'll do mine.

    ...and if I've played "the damn game" why do I have to play it again. I don't want to. really really don't want to grind ever again. How entitled of me. I know.

    Edited by RedFireDisco on January 23, 2019 12:56PM
  • WoppaBoem
    Yes please this needs to be in game. I would buy it. I have 3 maxed toons and I will not make another to do undaunted again and all skill points. I completed three toons and want to have the feel I completed the game and focus on end game and keep my focus on it. I work full time and have a family I cannot grind as many of you here on this forum.
    Xbox EU & NA - PVP Only
  • AlboMalefica
    No thank you
  • Yamenstein
    People that want this crap just want the game to be done. ZOS can go for it when it's time is up, make some last minute final ca$h. But the game is alive and thriving. It doesn't need this or any P2W content.
  • mairwen85
    WoppaBoem wrote: »
    ... I work full time and have a family ...

    Sounds like almost everyone I know who plays the game -- we're not all (not many of us are actually) unemployed neckbeards living in mam's basement.

    I think creating alts is part of end-game; creating new builds/characters and exploring other classes falls under that, I feel.

    Edited to add:

    I've said it in other threads, bemoaning the 50 level grind is possibly the biggest L2P issue in the game. You can power level in a few hours, or organically level in a day or 2 (I prefer the latter for a new class as it helps learn it, the former for something I know).
    Edited by mairwen85 on January 23, 2019 1:32PM
  • Merlin13KAGL
    WoppaBoem wrote: »
    Yes please this needs to be in game. I would buy it. I have 3 maxed toons and I will not make another to do undaunted again and all skill points. I completed three toons and want to have the feel I completed the game and focus on end game and keep my focus on it. I work full time and have a family I cannot grind as many of you here on this forum.
    Everyone. On. This. Planet. Has. Limited. Time. To. Play.

    I'm so tired of this excuse. Relate it to in game play time or don't relate it at all. The overall time to {fill in the blank with goal here} is more or less the same for every player out there in terms of /played time.

    You don't have to grind. You don't have to casual. You can do it however you choose to do it, in whatever session durations you wish to do it in. The end result does not change, nor does it need to.

    Game doesn't need to be dumbed down because your work schedule is different from someone else's or because you've maxed three whole characters.

    What about people with limited income?
    Hint: Everyone has a limit to that, too.
    If they have both, then that puts you at advantage to them, right? I suppose you're okay with that, though.

    OP if you want a premade, go play on the PTS. They've already simplified and accelerated so much of the game compared to what it once was. If they accelerate it much more, there won't be much left to actually play.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • ZarkingFrued
    Yes. I don't give a s**t about the opinions of those who say no. Don't want one? Don't buy it. Move along.

    It's not that easy to roll another alt for some of us. It can take a long long time if you pvp. You need to level your skills, the Mage/Fighters line, Undaunted takes forever and don't get me started on feeding the horses.

    120 days to get your horses up to speed and stam. I'd rather play a new game lol.

    You can already buy mount speed.
  • Ash_In_My_Sujamma
    No, leveling is too easy in the game and there are numerous tools to help you reach lvl 50. Maybe making guild lines account wide would reduce the grind but still it should not exclude your character from running the questlines.
  • ZarkingFrued
    Vanzen wrote: »
    I d be happy with Undaunted and Magica guild account based ...

    Cant imagine lvling undaunted and searching books AGAIN ?!!!!

    I have gotten lorebooks on 5 characters, and psijic on 4, soul assault on 2, undaunted on 9 characters. Skyshards for all. At this point farming those skill lines is just a matter of inebriation vs boredom.
  • fojo82
    keto3000 wrote: »
    IMO, the game has reached a point in its 5 year history to allow the viable option of purchasing ready made TEMPLATE LVL 50 for alts (Just like on PTS).

    A) The option to purchase a lvl 50 Template is only available if you already have at least one lvl 50 main toon that you've earned through gameplay.

    B) You can purchase "Achievement Packs" to supplement need skill points, main quest completion, etc.

    C) ALT toons BELOW lvl 50 would NOT have access to CP points UNTIL reaching lvl 50. this would make for more balanced and fairer interaction and gameplay with other first time and new players.

    Never, this would make me rage quit
  • DeadlyRecluse
    I wouldn't really care if pre-leveled characters happened, but I don't particularly support it either. It's really not needed--with the all the free exp scrolls in the monthly rewards and the absurd frequency of double XP events, it's not like leveling up a character is a ton of work besides the character work (guilds, shards, etc.)

    ...having the character work for sale is something I'd be opposed to, but on the other hand I also wouldn't really care. I've already got that done on the toons I care about, I'll get it done on future toons, and honestly it's no skin off of my back if someone else decides to pay for that.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • WoppaBoem
    WoppaBoem wrote: »
    Yes please this needs to be in game. I would buy it. I have 3 maxed toons and I will not make another to do undaunted again and all skill points. I completed three toons and want to have the feel I completed the game and focus on end game and keep my focus on it. I work full time and have a family I cannot grind as many of you here on this forum.
    Everyone. On. This. Planet. Has. Limited. Time. To. Play.

    I'm so tired of this excuse. Relate it to in game play time or don't relate it at all. The overall time to {fill in the blank with goal here} is more or less the same for every player out there in terms of /played time.

    You don't have to grind. You don't have to casual. You can do it however you choose to do it, in whatever session durations you wish to do it in. The end result does not change, nor does it need to.

    Game doesn't need to be dumbed down because your work schedule is different from someone else's or because you've maxed three whole characters.

    What about people with limited income?
    Hint: Everyone has a limit to that, too.
    If they have both, then that puts you at advantage to them, right? I suppose you're okay with that, though.

    OP if you want a premade, go play on the PTS. They've already simplified and accelerated so much of the game compared to what it once was. If they accelerate it much more, there won't be much left to actually play.

    Cant access PTS I am on console. It is not about getting to level 50. That is fun and you get the experience on a new charater and I usually take my time for this as I enjoy this. Creating the build do the research, farm, craft and buy all fun. The problem I have the same as many people is undaunted, mages guild, fighters guild. Most people that are PVE only also don't like ranking up Alliance that is less of a problem for me as I will do both PVE and PVP with my characters. Doing the guild again is just so not fun and soul crushing. Running the same content over and over again. After 3 characters are I reached my max. I am not complaining so much as I really enjoy two of them. Still I would do much more with the game if the guilds where account wide plus possibly the skill points.
    Xbox EU & NA - PVP Only
  • Ash_In_My_Sujamma
    WoppaBoem wrote: »
    Yes please this needs to be in game. I would buy it. I have 3 maxed toons and I will not make another to do undaunted again and all skill points. I completed three toons and want to have the feel I completed the game and focus on end game and keep my focus on it. I work full time and have a family I cannot grind as many of you here on this forum.
    Everyone. On. This. Planet. Has. Limited. Time. To. Play.

    I'm so tired of this excuse. Relate it to in game play time or don't relate it at all. The overall time to {fill in the blank with goal here} is more or less the same for every player out there in terms of /played time.

    You don't have to grind. You don't have to casual. You can do it however you choose to do it, in whatever session durations you wish to do it in. The end result does not change, nor does it need to.

    Game doesn't need to be dumbed down because your work schedule is different from someone else's or because you've maxed three whole characters.

    What about people with limited income?
    Hint: Everyone has a limit to that, too.
    If they have both, then that puts you at advantage to them, right? I suppose you're okay with that, though.

    OP if you want a premade, go play on the PTS. They've already simplified and accelerated so much of the game compared to what it once was. If they accelerate it much more, there won't be much left to actually play.

  • AlnilamE
    Yes. I don't give a s**t about the opinions of those who say no. Don't want one? Don't buy it. Move along.

    It's not that easy to roll another alt for some of us. It can take a long long time if you pvp. You need to level your skills, the Mage/Fighters line, Undaunted takes forever and don't get me started on feeding the horses.

    120 days to get your horses up to speed and stam. I'd rather play a new game lol.

    Considering that you can buy riding lessons in the Crown Store, that part is already taken care of. You would be silly to think that a "leveled toon" would come with full riding skill and not account for the Crown cost of buying full riding lessons.
    The Moot Councillor
  • mikemacon
  • Sheezabeast
    I'm not saying you should be handed keys to a fully fledged powerhouse...

    This is, literally, exactly what you're asking for when you ask for a template. If you'd asked for a pre-level 50 character, that's one thing, but a Template is far more than that.
    but for someone who has spent the time achieving those things already, then yes, very much yes,

    If your complaint is about having to achieve stuff again, then the answer is a little simpler. Give us account wide achievements. Getting a character to level 50 is not that onerous. If you really have a lot of endgame characters, you can easily do that in a couple hours. But, you're not asking for a level 50, you're asking for a template. A template isn't a character that's ready to run endgame content (however you define that), a template is a finished character. A character that's already done everything and has nothing left to do, so that you can use it to test out new content.

    lol. "Literally"

    Nevermind the qualifier where I pretty clearly stated that for someone who has already leveled everything, it's okay. I'm not saying someone can walk off the street with level 10 Undaunted.

    You seem to be projecting that.

    Inb4 "You're literally saying you should be able to buy Emperorship" Kekery

    Seriously, what’s your real problem? You started off with a flippant attitude saying you didn’t give a **** about people who had a different opinion than you, you corrected someone’s grammar like some tryhard, and you keep responding to everyone with a bipolar mix of passive aggressiveness and entitled sympathy because you feel like you deserve a character magically pooped out of the aether because you would rather pvp than play the damn game.

    Projection. That's what you're doing. At NO STAGE did I imply, infer or directly state that I believe anyone should be entitled to a fully built character - But - If you've fully leveled a character and done everything there is to achieve then why shouldn't you be able to start again with a different class/race from the heights you've reached.

    ...and I don't care what people who don't want it think. Don't like it? Don't buy it.

    I didn't set out a 10 point plan for what I think you should or shouldn't get but damned if in a game where your freaking account tag is visible to all playing, if it really matters if the character changes. Let us play and have fun. You do your thing and I'll do mine.

    ...and if I've played "the damn game" why do I have to play it again. I don't want to. really really don't want to grind ever again. How entitled of me. I know.

    The word is MOBA, the game type you describe wanting to change this game into. This is a MMO. If you don’t enjoy character progression through achievements and growth per character and think one and done is better, seriously, I see why you’re unhappy playing. Try Dota 2 or another MOBA.
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • ZOS_Mika
    Since this thread has gone off the rails rather quickly we have gone ahead and closed it down. Thanks for your understanding.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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