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How many racechanges will you commit with current Racial Passives notes?

  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    maybe one, my Altmers, but I’m thinking of making him a Breton or wood elf, because Altmers don’t have black hair
  • kojou
    As it is now...

    Dunmer to Altmer

    Wood Elf to Red Guard x2

    Playing since beta...
  • Stratloc
    I must admit I lol'd at the guy claiming race changes are the death of ESO.
  • paulychan
    0. Absolutely 0. It's a really obvious cash grab and, in all honesty, my toons can survive as any race with whatever changes. I'll spend my money on crack
  • jainiadral
    Zero, but I'm casual. I make what I want and what I haven't tried yet.
  • HazelRose
    I love the anger and pages of wrath in the forums compared to this poll. ZOS is greedy and intent on forcing everyone to change races. Poll: no one even cares about the changes enough to use their free race change.
  • Juju_beans
    None because I'm not a min/maxer.
  • CrimsonGTX
    I need no race changes, playing to the lore actually saved me the race swapping :D . All my magicka classes are High Elf or Breton and stam won't really change much for me.
    Sorc & Warden Main - PC NA(CP 1k+) & Xbox NA (CP 1k+)
  • UrQuan
    I honestly think this will kill this game.

    Definitely will not kill the game. I hate when people dive to extreme conclusions like this.

    LOL dude were you around after the sorcerer nerfs? That almost killed this game and this is going to finish it.

    I've been around for every single balance change this game has had since launch. Every single time there have been people on the forums and elsewhere spouting off that the changes would kill the game. Instead ESO gets healthier and healthier every year (well, it sure didn't in the first year, but since the sub-only model changed it's become healthier and healthier).

    That doesn't mean that every balance change (or proposed balance change - there have been many that didn't make it to Live intact because players spoke up about them with well reasoned arguments) has been good. But there's effectively zero chance that these changes to racial passives will kill the game.

    When there are significant balance changes the vast majority of players adapt. Some players leave. Some old players who previously left come back. And some brand new players come to the game (although this is hardly ever driven by balance changes - usually by new content or sales). The game lives on.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Jolipinator
    I voted none, but I may end up using the free token. I have 9 characters and will have 10 with the free character slot added with Elsweyr. I have 1 of every race except Bosmer, but I don't want a Bosmer Necromancer, so I might change the race of an existing character.
    PS5 EU.
  • SydneyGrey
    Just one.
    Despite having a million characters, I'll probably only race-change one of them.
  • kypranb14_ESO
    Just one.
    I will use the free Race Change Token, any other characters that I want a performance increase/change for, will be recreated from scratch.
  • Loves_guars
  • Ertosi
    None because I refuse to reward shady business practices such as this. This is just a shake up for the purposes of grabbing some extra cash from those that fall for it. The more that reward them by buying those tokens afterwards, the more often they are going to shake things up. That last round of sustain nerfs that happened not too long ago must have worked out very well for them for us to be going through this again so soon.

    I've got a full roster of toons (see sig) with all races represented (except Breton and Imperial) and every one of them are being negatively impacted from these changes for their builds and roles, mostly because of the universal max stat nerf these overall changes represent.
    PC NA @Ertosi
    ♠♦ My Team ♥♣
    GoanJabsplar [Grand Master Crafter, Master Angler, Tamriel Hero, Explorer]
    FigsStamblade Sneakthief [Master Thief]
    Sir PriceStamblade Bow Ganker [Daedric Lord Slayer]
    MayaStamblade Speedster
    AhmedMagblade Bomber
    BalzarStamSorc Blitzer
    WinniePetSorc Thunder Mage
    TanksStamDK Tank
    MonaMagDK Fire Mage
    BearlyStamden Tank
    IvanaMagden Ice Mage

    CP 950+
    ♌ DC Loyalist ♌
    ✄ Grand Master Crafter
    No new crafting or game systems for 2019? "Season of the Dragon" would be better named "The Year of no New Major Features" to see major features of the last few years compared. to see a detailed comparison of this year's Q1 to the last two Q1s. to see a detailed comparison of each years' first two quarters combined. to see a projected comparison of the full years and what 2019's Q4 will need to catch up.
    Unsubbed January 15th, 2019 due to the lack of any new substantial features shown to be coming in 2019.
  • Caligamy_ESO
    Just one.
    My Altmer magsorc is still fine, I think my bosmer stamsorc is better off now?, but my dunmer dk will probably get the free change token. It makes it an easier decision for me which characters I am going to delete to make room for magicka, stamina, tank, and healer Necro slots though so theres that...

    I think its a really crappy move on ZOS's part in a long long looooooong line of really crappy moves to make fundamental race changes and only allow for 1 free race change and expect players to foot the bill at $30 a pop to fix their flip flopping and indecision. Add on top of that many will probably not have 'Any Race, Any Alliance' and find out the race they're trying to change to needs another purchase.

    Its a shame whats becoming of Bethesda and Zenimax.
    love is love
  • Nestor

    One of the huge benefits of not being a slave to the Meta is none of these changes ever have all that big an impact on me, if there is any impact at all.

    The last update that had any effect on me was 1.6 which focused attributes.

    96% Rules!!!
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • sp_korshun
    None, cause i don't want to pay Zo$ for their dumb pseudobalance changes. Every dlc we can see that they aren't play their game at all and want only to make money via chapters and crown store.
  • xan4silkb14_ESO
    I don't pick the race for the passives. Besides, I haven't even maxed out my character slots yet, so if I absolutely need a certain race after these changes I'll make a new character.
  • Caligamy_ESO
    Just one.
    Nestor wrote: »

    One of the huge benefits of not being a slave to the Meta is none of these changes ever have all that big an impact on me, if there is any impact at all.

    The last update that had any effect on me was 1.6 which focused attributes.

    96% Rules!!!

    Translation: It doesn't effect me so who cares about you. Why are YOU a community ambassador?
    love is love
  • max_only
    Nestor wrote: »

    One of the huge benefits of not being a slave to the Meta is none of these changes ever have all that big an impact on me, if there is any impact at all.

    The last update that had any effect on me was 1.6 which focused attributes.

    96% Rules!!!

    Translation: It doesn't effect me so who cares about you. Why are YOU a community ambassador?

    The majority of players don’t come on the forums, they don’t choose race based on stats, they choose based on looks. So, it sounds like he is accurately representing a large part of the player base.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Sylvermynx
    I'm not changing any of my girls - I have some of everything, and that won't change. I'm not a min/max player, and I'm not into group content where it matters (due to 2k ms lag, and just all around don't like grouping).
  • Knightpanther
    My main and only character is an Imperial, nothing they have changed will male me race change away.

    Be safe
  • Imryll
    I race changed one character in WoW and regretted it because she seemed to lose her identity. I wouldn't race change again. If any of my characters proves dysfunctional, I'm most likely to shelve them until something changes. Of course, I only have four characters, so I have plenty of open slots for rerolls.
  • Thorstienn
    None of mine need it. I dont chase the meta, especially when it comes to something so insubstantial as race.
    I make my characters to a theme first, optimization second.
  • richo262
    Just one.
    I'm contemplating my Dunmer, he is a magDK, so unless DK gets a buff, or Dunmer passives get revised, I'll probably change him out. I'm not changing a thing based on paper, I'll see what he is like in practice after the patch. On paper though, my magDK now sucks.
  • eso_nya
    I pick(ed) races for looks.
    Is kinda hard to nerf magicka bosmer with racial changes. ;)
    Edited by eso_nya on January 18, 2019 1:00AM
  • Nestor
    Nestor wrote: »

    One of the huge benefits of not being a slave to the Meta is none of these changes ever have all that big an impact on me, if there is any impact at all.

    The last update that had any effect on me was 1.6 which focused attributes.

    96% Rules!!!

    Translation: It doesn't effect me so who cares about you. Why are YOU a community ambassador?

    Not sure how you came up with that. I answered the question posed by the thread and gave my reason why.

    Now, a better translation would be, the race passives change are really not that big a deal, they are affecting everyone. ZOS has all the math, they see the numbers and like it or not, there is pretty good balance in this game. Otherwise, everyone would play the exact same build. Yes, of course competitive trials has some constraints and need more focused builds, even then, I bet most don't change, as, again, these changes affect everyone. So, a rising tide raises all ships, so an ebbing tide lowers all of them
    Edited by Nestor on January 18, 2019 2:07PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Crixus8000
    Just one.
    I only play one char anyway really, and now I have even less reason to play the rest since they will all be the wrong best race choice.
  • DeadlyRecluse
    Just one.
    If it goes live as-written, just one. At least at first.

    Of my 10 vet toons, I only use 2-3 per patch, so for now I'm fine. At some point I may have to swap another couple around, but who knows.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    I honestly think this will kill this game.

    Definitely will not kill the game. I hate when people dive to extreme conclusions like this.

    LOL dude were you around after the sorcerer nerfs? That almost killed this game and this is going to finish it.

    I was and as a sorcerer main it did'nt change much for me and i didnt hear any guild mate cryinng about it either plus there is 5 class(soon 6) in this game not just sorc
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