Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

These race changes are a complete hogwash. It further limits specific class for a race.

For example, lets take a Redguard Sorcerer. With these changes, it becomes absolutely useless for any Redguard to even *think* about becoming a sorcerer class because there is absolutely "0" incentive or bonus (not even in attribute points) for a redguard to become a sorcerer at all.

A Redguard who chooses to become a sorcerer will face severe restrictions simply because of its "racial" passives.

What a crock of ***.
  • Khivas_Carrick
    It's also accurate to the people of Hammerfell who aren't exactly thrilled at the idea of magic.

    Just saying.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Left4Daud
    If the goal was to increase the viability of each race for a plethora of roles in every facet of the game (like they said), then they failed miserably.
  • Thevampirenight
    When I play a race I don't do it because of their passives. Its because I want to make a roleplay charater. Based on that race. I don't see the reason why so many just play races for their passives. Sure some want to be the best dps, tank or healer so they want to make sure they play a race that is meant for those things. Does not leave any room for making a unique character. Like a Orc Sorcerer and Scholar or redguard necromancer when they come out. Something unique for each character. Instead they go by a common meta standard when things change a new meta standard is set. This is kinda why they shouldn't have added Race Change and this is might be the main reason why they didn't add Class change.
    Edited by Thevampirenight on January 17, 2019 6:38AM
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Vapirko
    Wait, did I miss something? Have they already stated how it’s going to work?

    Edit: never mind, just saw it. It’s not horrible but it’s not going to provide more diversity. Not liking the huge max Stam loss for orcs.
    Edited by Vapirko on January 17, 2019 7:24AM
  • CipherNine
    It's just another fail by ZOS. They are liars. They advertise the game as a game with diversity. Yet they do this bs making your choices severely limited.
    I have said it many times. Racial passives should be completely removed from the game
    Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Argonian Necromancer - Healer
    Breton Warden - Healer
    Nord Necromancer - Tank
    Argonian Templar - Tank
    Nord Warden - Tank
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    Vapirko wrote: »
    Wait, did I miss something? Have they already stated how it’s going to work?

    Edit: never mind, just saw it. It’s not horrible but it’s not going to provide more diversity. Not liking the huge max Stam loss for orcs.
  • Intextio
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Whatever. If you wanted to ever kill a game this is the way to do it.

    ESO was unique because it allowed for sword and shield wearing sorcerers.

    But apparently they are going more toward a specific "mold" as in traditional MMORPGs.

    I think this really will be the nail on the coffin for most people. Its not like a large percentage of the population already quit after the sorcerer nerfs.

    FU Zos.

    Do you need tissues to wipe your tears? Or toilet paper? Because you're crying and full of shift.

    oh did I hit a nerve? Come back after these changes go live and see how the game fares after 3/4 of the current, remaining population leave the game from utter frustration or anger.

    Calm down. The patch isn't going to happen until March. We have 2 months to submit feedback and test so they can balance them appropriately. Bitching on the forums won't help your case.
  • ccfeeling
    OMG , I have 6 Argonians at all , but ZOS just provide 1 race token ?

    Are you kidding me ?

    If I buy and change the race , will they revamp the race passives again ?
  • max_only
    ccfeeling wrote: »
    OMG , I have 6 Argonians at all , but ZOS just provide 1 race token ?

    Are you kidding me ?

    If I buy and change the race , will they revamp the race passives again ?

    Why would you change from Argonian? You still get a free tripot for drinking trash.
    Edited by max_only on January 17, 2019 7:31AM
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • LightMaster7
    Intextio wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Whatever. If you wanted to ever kill a game this is the way to do it.

    ESO was unique because it allowed for sword and shield wearing sorcerers.

    But apparently they are going more toward a specific "mold" as in traditional MMORPGs.

    I think this really will be the nail on the coffin for most people. Its not like a large percentage of the population already quit after the sorcerer nerfs.

    FU Zos.

    Do you need tissues to wipe your tears? Or toilet paper? Because you're crying and full of shift.

    oh did I hit a nerve? Come back after these changes go live and see how the game fares after 3/4 of the current, remaining population leave the game from utter frustration or anger.

    Calm down. The patch isn't going to happen until March. We have 2 months to submit feedback and test so they can balance them appropriately. Bitching on the forums won't help your case.

    LOL that's what they said before the Sorcerer nerfs happened and look IT HAPPENED.

    They don't listen to feedback. They listen to guys who tell them how to make $$$.

    Welp I'm definitley note buying their next expansion if this is what its offering and probably gonna wind this game down.

    Was fun while it lasted...
  • MartiniDaniels
    CipherNine wrote: »
    It's just another fail by ZOS. They are liars. They advertise the game as a game with diversity. Yet they do this bs making your choices severely limited.
    I have said it many times. Racial passives should be completely removed from the game

    More then that - just month ago ZOS advertised those changes like something which will provide diversity, so basically any race can play any role in endgame. Instead of it just nerfs and further pingeonholing, and several races which are less nerfed to sell race change tokens.
    Those changes bring nothing new and only makes everything worse (with exceptions on those toons which use optimal races - i got breton healer and redguard stamden among the others, they will be better next patch, but what's the point if it's still same racial system like before but only nerfed).
  • ccfeeling
    max_only wrote: »
    ccfeeling wrote: »
    OMG , I have 6 Argonians at all , but ZOS just provide 1 race token ?

    Are you kidding me ?

    If I buy and change the race , will they revamp the race passives again ?

    Why would you change from Argonian? You still get a free tripot for drinking trash.

    Sustain nerfed .
    I gave up other race passive perks for that .
  • ZonasArch
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Whatever. If you wanted to ever kill a game this is the way to do it.

    ESO was unique because it allowed for sword and shield wearing sorcerers.

    But apparently they are going more toward a specific "mold" as in traditional MMORPGs.

    I think this really will be the nail on the coffin for most people. Its not like a large percentage of the population already quit after the sorcerer nerfs.

    FU Zos.

    Do you need tissues to wipe your tears? Or toilet paper? Because you're crying and full of shift.

    oh did I hit a nerve? Come back after these changes go live and see how the game fares after 3/4 of the current, remaining population leave the game from utter frustration or anger.

    Dude... I bet my hand and my leg 3/4 of them won't even notice any change, and from the other 1/4, half will beach about it and half will praise it. L2p, baby. ESO is a casuals game. These people you think will leave, and they won't, are a tiny minority... Very tiny. I promise you

    Good bye though. Haha
  • zaria
    CipherNine wrote: »
    It's just another fail by ZOS. They are liars. They advertise the game as a game with diversity. Yet they do this bs making your choices severely limited.
    I have said it many times. Racial passives should be completely removed from the game
    The one step in right direction is moving from +% buffs to fixed numbers.
    it will not move the meta however
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • LightMaster7
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Whatever. If you wanted to ever kill a game this is the way to do it.

    ESO was unique because it allowed for sword and shield wearing sorcerers.

    But apparently they are going more toward a specific "mold" as in traditional MMORPGs.

    I think this really will be the nail on the coffin for most people. Its not like a large percentage of the population already quit after the sorcerer nerfs.

    FU Zos.

    Do you need tissues to wipe your tears? Or toilet paper? Because you're crying and full of shift.

    oh did I hit a nerve? Come back after these changes go live and see how the game fares after 3/4 of the current, remaining population leave the game from utter frustration or anger.

    Dude... I bet my hand and my leg 3/4 of them won't even notice any change, and from the other 1/4, half will beach about it and half will praise it. L2p, baby. ESO is a casuals game. These people you think will leave, and they won't, are a tiny minority... Very tiny. I promise you

    Good bye though. Haha

    Prepare to lose them then.
  • Turelus
    Ask yourself the following, "Do I want to play the game for fun, or to be top tier competitive?"

    If it's for fun - Screw what racial passives do and play what you want.
    If it's for top tier competitive - Follow the meta, you make compromises to win.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Jameliel
    Removing Bosmers stealth damage bonus and acting as if the useless stealth reduction in any way makes up for it is ridiculous. ZOS showing their greed and incompetence once again.
  • Lab3360
    Never seen a more comtradicting statement in my entire life.
  • nuvak
    CipherNine wrote: »
    It's just another fail by ZOS. They are liars. They advertise the game as a game with diversity. Yet they do this bs making your choices severely limited.
    I have said it many times. Racial passives should be completely removed from the game

    More then that - just month ago ZOS advertised those changes like something which will provide diversity, so basically any race can play any role in endgame. Instead of it just nerfs and further pingeonholing, and several races which are less nerfed to sell race change tokens.

    Well, in the post they admitted their goal was: "Allow more effective options when picking a race for each role in tanking, healing, or damage dealing." It's the subtle difference, but it's just the other way round. They don't want any race playable in any role, they want some options of races for any role. I would also prefer they approached it differently, but that's the way they have chosen, and that's where the fail is in my opinion.

    Edited by nuvak on January 17, 2019 9:20AM
    Lets have a moment for argonians
  • ralphylauren
    SOME OF YOU GUYS DONT GET IT, This Pony(ZOS) is running out of new tricks so they are removing liked and frequently used things and will place them on the new DLC’s items, sets and ability’s.

    IMO this feels like a cheesy cash grab tactic That doesn’t sit well with me. I understand what that one poster said when he referred to this as ESO’s “death kneel”. The sheep will not see it tho until it’s too late.....
  • ZonasArch
    CipherNine wrote: »
    It's just another fail by ZOS. They are liars. They advertise the game as a game with diversity. Yet they do this bs making your choices severely limited.
    I have said it many times. Racial passives should be completely removed from the game

    Racials don't change anything for most players, you have full diversity for everyone but highest end game players. So unless you're trying leaderboard or emperor, you have all options still viable. So much so that I run a redguard Magicka Templar and a wood elf stamina Templar, and they are just as effective as each other. Race doesn't matter because I can't hit more than 25k(I tried stamina on the RG too) with either resources, and sustain issues are solved with gear and CP. Matters very very little. Keep in mind... Most players, a crushing majority, will not even go as high as 20k. 1 or 2 % more or less damage means so very little... So irrelevant.

    Just run random dungeons and see what I'm talking about. You'll find good players very far in between, 30k+. 15-20k are more common but still not at all enough that I'll always get one on my pugs. And I only run pugs with tanks and healers to avoid the DPS queue... I know about bad DPS. My main tank has DPS gear in the bag because of it...

    Race does not matter, as long as it's not op, and it isn't. BiS will still be a thing, but variety was always there, and so will remain. Comes in form of stamina and Magicka builds for every class, and in form of every class being somewhat usable for every role. All in all, there's no false advertising anywhere, and that's the single biggest factor why I love ESO so much... I play how I want.
  • MartiniDaniels
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    CipherNine wrote: »
    It's just another fail by ZOS. They are liars. They advertise the game as a game with diversity. Yet they do this bs making your choices severely limited.
    I have said it many times. Racial passives should be completely removed from the game

    Racials don't change anything for most players, you have full diversity for everyone but highest end game players. So unless you're trying leaderboard or emperor, you have all options still viable. So much so that I run a redguard Magicka Templar and a wood elf stamina Templar, and they are just as effective as each other. Race doesn't matter because I can't hit more than 25k(I tried stamina on the RG too) with either resources, and sustain issues are solved with gear and CP. Matters very very little. Keep in mind... Most players, a crushing majority, will not even go as high as 20k. 1 or 2 % more or less damage means so very little... So irrelevant.

    Just run random dungeons and see what I'm talking about. You'll find good players very far in between, 30k+. 15-20k are more common but still not at all enough that I'll always get one on my pugs. And I only run pugs with tanks and healers to avoid the DPS queue... I know about bad DPS. My main tank has DPS gear in the bag because of it...

    Race does not matter, as long as it's not op, and it isn't. BiS will still be a thing, but variety was always there, and so will remain. Comes in form of stamina and Magicka builds for every class, and in form of every class being somewhat usable for every role. All in all, there's no false advertising anywhere, and that's the single biggest factor why I love ESO so much... I play how I want.

    I agree that actual difference in dps/hps numbers for majority of players is not that big.
    But there is social acceptance and it's very important factor.. for example i have argonian dk tank (not fully developed and i'm not very experienced with him and how to time his potions) and bosmer dk tank (which i play daily and which is fully optimized to his racials). And so i offer join as tank, and when leader asks you race and class - argonian dk, oh yeah, welcome, welcome, despite that i'm not really good with him since it's new char. And when leader sees bosmer as tank and which is really good in my hands, he says "eh, bosmer, tank? i thought they are only for pvp stamblades" and so on.. of course it's rather rare situation, but this is uncomfortable feeling that you need to explain, to argue simply because of your race.
  • WuffyCerulei
    I think people are still gonna be redguard stamsorcs because they want to be.
    For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
  • LightMaster7
    I think people are still gonna be redguard stamsorcs because they want to be.

    Was never about "stamsorcs", was talking about MAGSORCS.
  • WuffyCerulei
    I think people are still gonna be redguard stamsorcs because they want to be.

    Was never about "stamsorcs", was talking about MAGSORCS.

    Ya said sorcerer and only sorcerer. So I made an educated guess in that you were talking about stamsorcs, as most stamsorcs are Redguards.
    For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
  • Banana
    Im looking forward to some changes. Im sick of looking at lizards
  • LightMaster7
    I think people are still gonna be redguard stamsorcs because they want to be.

    Was never about "stamsorcs", was talking about MAGSORCS.

    Ya said sorcerer and only sorcerer. So I made an educated guess in that you were talking about stamsorcs, as most stamsorcs are Redguards.

    No, unfortunately I am a mag sorcerer, who has done flawless and have done almost all end game as well as pvp but I was still hoping for some *** magicka passives this round for the Redguard race to boost at least the SUSTAIN part of the their magicka regeneration.

    I wish they would at least introduce some kind of passive to change their stamina to magicka regeneration permanently or some kind of swap with an attribute ability ~ maybe ...
  • LightMaster7
    At least then I could finally *** get rid of dark exchange from my front bar! GRR
  • ZonasArch
    Intextio wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Whatever. If you wanted to ever kill a game this is the way to do it.

    ESO was unique because it allowed for sword and shield wearing sorcerers.

    But apparently they are going more toward a specific "mold" as in traditional MMORPGs.

    I think this really will be the nail on the coffin for most people. Its not like a large percentage of the population already quit after the sorcerer nerfs.

    FU Zos.

    Do you need tissues to wipe your tears? Or toilet paper? Because you're crying and full of shift.

    oh did I hit a nerve? Come back after these changes go live and see how the game fares after 3/4 of the current, remaining population leave the game from utter frustration or anger.

    Dude... I bet my hand and my leg 3/4 of them won't even notice any change, and from the other 1/4, half will beach about it and half will praise it. L2p, baby. ESO is a casuals game. These people you think will leave, and they won't, are a tiny minority... Very tiny. I promise you

    Good bye though. Haha

    Prepare to lose them then.

    Hehe ok ok, I'll stop baiting. I shouldn't be bullying dumb-dumbs. Can I have your stuff when you rage quit because you can't l2p? @zonasarch, PC, both servers.

    And they say this game is easy... But for people like you to lose 5 or 10% on a Nerf and this becomes the end of the line, must be a hell of a tough game. Git gud and all that! Hehe

    No, dude... This game is tailor made for causals. Nerfs and buffs change nothing, absolutely nothing to the core audience. If you would leave your end game guild bubble (PvP or vet hm pve), you'd see that even on big trader guilds the casuals reign supreme, let alone on the rest of the causal guilds, plus all the solo players... Just... Open your eyes a bit. You'll see just how insignificant you are, and how ridiculous (44 club!) your claims are.

    Silly kid. Go read a book.

    wow you really sound like a stupid moron who have no idea how end game plays.

    "get gud"? Are YOU a *** kid? Seriously?

    If you actually played "end-game" you'd know how much racial passives become significant. Racial passives at end game can give you 15-20% boost in your dps or other areas.

    Why don't you actually STFU and know what your talking about "kid"?

    Did I pinch a nerve? Hahaha you don't know how to read, do you? Doesn't matter how much racial affects or doesn't affect end game, end game is not the core audience, causals are. And for causals, racial remains, add it was always, irrelevant. That's all ZoS needs to care about, meeting their main audience in the game. Not you, you're an insignificant and loud minority, that's all you are.

    Shush shush a bit. And please, refrain from such an aggressive language, keep it civil or I'll be forced to report you.

    I see, so you out yourself as a member of the main audience who doesn't have a *** clue what he is talking about when it comes to end game.

    Ok I get it. Get lost noob.

    Yes! You got that right! I started the game last month! I don't even have 5k+ hours on it, but my dumbas brain thought it would be a good idea to debate you, the Lord of all theres to know. Are you hermaeus Mora? Hmmmm.... 🧐

    Sometime I wonder why I bother with deranged things like yourself. You tripping on a high late at night in your mom's basement?

    No-no, mom's back room. Basement has spiders and I'm afraid if them. Woooooo.

    Dude, seriously... Breathe.

    He is way to worked up about this. We have two months of testing ahead with weekly PTS changes. None of this is set in stone.

    I'm thrilled to test it next week. No work or school for another 2 weeks, so I'll be starting by getting something done with my wood elf NB. Boring character may become fun and good looking! Ideas? I need to start looking for good races for NBs.
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