So before this PvP event started there were many forum posts about the bad performance in Cyrodiil. So I was surprised to have decent performance while the two new opened campaigns Malacath and Boethiah were pop locked. But after playing for a long time on the population locked campaigns I noticed that it was hard to find any action. Which got me thinking how come the campaigns be locked and there is no lag like I experienced for over 4 years on Vivec and Shor? Combined with the fact that it is hard to find any action on Cyrodiil in the two new opened campaigns this event compared to when vivec or shor is locked pop. The only explanation can be that zos lowered the population cap on the new campaigns. This results in better performance of but what do you buy for good performance if there is no people to fight... anyway smart move guess the PvE players can do their quests without experiencing huge delay and terrible lag.