I hope you like grinding... It's all we seem to be getting now.

... Because you're going to have to be here every day for every event in the next year if you want all your Indrik mount variations.

For real though, ZOS, can we get some engaging content rather than mindless/grindy busywork with only a nice reward that forces us to do this *** if we want it?

Once every day, 24 hours, I can get 2 tickets, I need 40 for the berries (Which are content gated anyway), so once a day I get 5% of a mount. It goes so *** slow that there is almost no translatable "worth" to the progress I make each day. Ill be doing this every event

Same with the new life festival and the new ice skin. Cool AF, dont get me wrong, but to get it I had to spend a few weeks 40 mins of pointless quests (the vast majority of which where spent in a loading screen or sprinting to a wayshrine) for maybe 0.5 charity writs per day per character. So I had to work my way through this grind about 24 times to get the reward at the end.

Whats the fun?

So what I think would be more fun;

Harder challenge content;
  • vMA was great, the polymorph sucks but I enjoyed the content (at-least until grinding it for Winterborn gear sucked all the fun out of it anyway)
  • BRP was also fantastic, a cool skin and only requiring a group of 4 which is much more achievable for people who don't have a dedicated trials guild

Longer form content;
  • I mean all you need to do is just do the same old content, but rather than making it in tiny little bits, give us bigger chunks of content that take longer but reward more
  • Would remove the feeling of worthlessness to the tiny progress made each day, would remove a lot of the grindy feel even though you're still doing the same amount

Less RNG;
  • This one is less big, but I feel obliged to mention it because of the New Life Festival.
  • I got 2 charity writs on 1 char on the first day, I know people who got 6 and sold each for 100k, I personally then went 4 days without seeing another writ.
  • This ties into the last point about tiny drips of progress feeling worthless. Give us bigger goals with guaranteed rewards, not content artificially drawn out by luck.

New Life festival was particularly disappointing with the writs being RNG, but it should also be quite frankly re-designed, 3 quests, one for each faction zone, big content, big fights. Same time to complete or even much longer, but less traveling and more fun than sitting waiting for a dance animation. Last reward box each day on a character (limited to 1 per account) gives you a writ.

As for the Indrik, I feel like you're missing the point that a lot of people enjoy with the older event challenges; collecting the achievements. Its a challenge, its an established thing that people already enjoy and now they have new content and new achievements to go to for a short time. The indrik takes nothing of this, it takes 5 mins a day to get your 5% progress, no more, no less. Its not challenging, not engaging and not fun.

You are turning this game into a skinner box. Eventually the monotony of the tasks you've been given starts to hit you, and the things designed to draw players back in become something people would rather just avoid.
EU: Magden, Magknight, Stamsorc(*2), Magsorc
NA: Magplar, Magden, PotatoBlade
  • Arunei
    Back when people were first complaining about how getting Indriks was going to be a grind, I just kinda blew them off because my line of reasoning was "We're going to be doing these events anyways, so it's nice to have the chance of getting a cool mount on the side". That still personally holds true for me; I'm still doing these events, so for me the Indrik is a nice extra. But it seems like a lot of people are feeling like they have to do every event now, whereas in the past they might have only taken part here and there if they had time and/or felt like it, if at all.

    I suppose I'm also lucky in that I only want three of the evolved Indriks out of the five available, so I have a lot more wiggle room in terms of missing days or even entire events. But you only need to do an event thing once a day to get your tickets; you don't have to keep grinding after the initial tickets. The people who generally do keep farming/grinding boxes during events were already doing it to begin with.

    If each day during events were to give more 'progression' towards the Indriks, that would put more pressure on people already feeling stressed and overloaded by events to not miss any given day. And again, the tickets for the Indrik are just an addition to events that were already happening and that most people were already doing at least one thing for here and there, if not every day for the duration of the event. I get that what feels grindy is that very thing; feeling you have to take part every day for the whole duration of every event. But making each day in an event worth 'more' towards Indriks would only make that worse, not lessen it. Missing 5% of an Indrik mount here and there, in the long run, isn't much of an issue. Missing 10% here and there would put you a lot further behind a lot faster.
    Character List [RP and PvE]:
    Stands-Against-Death: Argonian Magplar Healer - Crafter
    Krisiel: Redguard Stamsorc DPS - Literally crazy Werewolf, no like legit insane. She nuts
    Kiju Veran: Khajiit Stamblade DPS - Ex-Fighters Guild Suthay who likes to punch things, nicknamed Tinykat
    Niralae Elsinal: Altmer Stamsorc DPS - Young Altmer with way too much Magicka
    Sarah Lacroix: Breton Magsorc DPS - Fledgling Vampire who drinks too much water
    Slondor: Nord Tankblade - TESified verson of Slenderman
    Marius Vastino: Imperial <insert role here> - Sarah's apathetic sire who likes to monologue
    Delthor Rellenar: Dunmer Magknight DPS - Sarah's ex who's a certified psychopath
    Lirawyn Calatare: Altmer Magplar Healer - Traveling performer and bard who's 101% vanilla bean
    Gondryn Beldeau: Breton Tankplar - Sarah's Mages Guild mentor and certified badass old person
    Gwendolyn Jenelle: Breton Magplar Healer - Friendly healer with a coffee addiction
    Soliril Larethian- Altmer Magblade DPS - Blind alchemist who uses animals to see and brews plagues in his spare time
    Tevril Rallenar: Dunmer Stamcro DPS - Delthor's "special" younger brother who raises small animals as friends
    Celeroth Calatare: Bosmer <insert role here> - Shapeshifting Bosmer with enough sass to fill Valenwood

    PC - NA - EP - CP1000+
    Avid RPer. Hit me up in-game @Ras_Lei if you're interested in getting together for some arr-pee shenanigans!
  • Tandor
    Is there really enough of a difference between the various Indrik mounts for anyone but an absolute completionist to feel the need to have them all? I've got the basic one, and haven't yet seen any indication of what I'll be missing if I don't "evolve" it.
  • Lichbourne90
    God forbid you have to earn something.
  • Loves_guars
    We are getting 4 dlc a year, this is a grind for a cosmetic item. Play other mmo like swtor to see what a a grind without content means!!
  • Kagukan
    This is my 4th MMO. All of them have had some form of grind to achieve certain goals. Sometimes they can be done in a few hours, sometimes 100's of hours.
  • eso_nya
    Complains that the game is to grindy have their 5th anniversary soon. They never failed to find new, unique ways to implement a system that is more grindy than everything they made before. like when i thought motifgrind is bad, they bring pyandonian bottles; nirnstone grind was bad so they made jewelry crafting.
    Play other mmo like swtor to see what a a grind without content means!!

    swtor difficulty, scaling, "endgame" and rewardsystem in eso.... just imagine u do vma and u get a token for a weapon of your choice ... vtrials netting better rewards than crafting green food and selling it to npcs ... trialgear being better than crafted 3-traiters or well being actually desirable ... tanks wearing actual tanksets, heals not being a convinient byproduct of buffing your grp ... content giving u a hint if u r up for it (no i cant q for master tnc, cause im not geared for it) + groupfinder is actually working ...
    swtor is a poor excuse for a game, sadly eso could still learn from them.
  • gplumblingnrb18_ESO
    Welcome to the mmorpg genre. (Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind and Grind some more etc) The game is still fun tho.
  • Nyladreas
    ... Because you're going to have to be here every day for every event in the next year if you want all your Indrik mount variations.

    For real though, ZOS, can we get some engaging content rather than mindless/grindy busywork with only a nice reward that forces us to do this *** if we want it?

    Once every day, 24 hours, I can get 2 tickets, I need 40 for the berries (Which are content gated anyway), so once a day I get 5% of a mount. It goes so *** slow that there is almost no translatable "worth" to the progress I make each day. Ill be doing this every event

    Same with the new life festival and the new ice skin. Cool AF, dont get me wrong, but to get it I had to spend a few weeks 40 mins of pointless quests (the vast majority of which where spent in a loading screen or sprinting to a wayshrine) for maybe 0.5 charity writs per day per character. So I had to work my way through this grind about 24 times to get the reward at the end.

    Whats the fun?

    So what I think would be more fun;

    Harder challenge content;
    • vMA was great, the polymorph sucks but I enjoyed the content (at-least until grinding it for Winterborn gear sucked all the fun out of it anyway)
    • BRP was also fantastic, a cool skin and only requiring a group of 4 which is much more achievable for people who don't have a dedicated trials guild

    Longer form content;
    • I mean all you need to do is just do the same old content, but rather than making it in tiny little bits, give us bigger chunks of content that take longer but reward more
    • Would remove the feeling of worthlessness to the tiny progress made each day, would remove a lot of the grindy feel even though you're still doing the same amount

    Less RNG;
    • This one is less big, but I feel obliged to mention it because of the New Life Festival.
    • I got 2 charity writs on 1 char on the first day, I know people who got 6 and sold each for 100k, I personally then went 4 days without seeing another writ.
    • This ties into the last point about tiny drips of progress feeling worthless. Give us bigger goals with guaranteed rewards, not content artificially drawn out by luck.

    New Life festival was particularly disappointing with the writs being RNG, but it should also be quite frankly re-designed, 3 quests, one for each faction zone, big content, big fights. Same time to complete or even much longer, but less traveling and more fun than sitting waiting for a dance animation. Last reward box each day on a character (limited to 1 per account) gives you a writ.

    As for the Indrik, I feel like you're missing the point that a lot of people enjoy with the older event challenges; collecting the achievements. Its a challenge, its an established thing that people already enjoy and now they have new content and new achievements to go to for a short time. The indrik takes nothing of this, it takes 5 mins a day to get your 5% progress, no more, no less. Its not challenging, not engaging and not fun.

    You are turning this game into a skinner box. Eventually the monotony of the tasks you've been given starts to hit you, and the things designed to draw players back in become something people would rather just avoid.

    Nobody forces you to do anything. You wanting all indriks is your decision lol. You're just being greedy and it makes you entitled tbh. Just my opinion anyways.

    I only care about one indrik.

    I do agree however, that events need some "new life".
    Edited by Nyladreas on January 11, 2019 7:23PM
  • ezio45
    i gave up on the indrik mount and eso a long time ago lol
  • idk
    it is a choice and nothing less than that. No one has to do every single event every single day.
  • Nestor
    I am glad that I have no interest in the Indrik Mount.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • randomkeyhits
    Welcome to the mmorpg genre. (Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind and Grind some more etc) The game is still fun tho.

    I don't mind the grind.

    I do mind when game companies "pushes the boundaries" with respect to grinding as the game evolves.

    They don't seem to understand that most people have thresholds beyond which they just say nope and turn off.

    Within reason grinding for something can be and is fun. Within reason...........
    EU PS4
  • validifyedneb18_ESO
    God forbid you have to earn something.

    God forbid the way you earn something in a game be challenging or fun.
    EU: Magden, Magknight, Stamsorc(*2), Magsorc
    NA: Magplar, Magden, PotatoBlade
  • validifyedneb18_ESO
    Welcome to the mmorpg genre. (Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind and Grind some more etc) The game is still fun tho.

    I don't mind the grind.

    I do mind when game companies "pushes the boundaries" with respect to grinding as the game evolves.

    They don't seem to understand that most people have thresholds beyond which they just say nope and turn off.

    Within reason grinding for something can be and is fun. Within reason...........

    Very much agree.
    EU: Magden, Magknight, Stamsorc(*2), Magsorc
    NA: Magplar, Magden, PotatoBlade
  • Beardimus
    ... Because you're going to have to be here every day for every event in the next year if you want all your Indrik mount variations.

    For real though, ZOS, can we get some engaging content rather than mindless/grindy busywork with only a nice reward that forces us to do this *** if we want it?

    Once every day, 24 hours, I can get 2 tickets, I need 40 for the berries (Which are content gated anyway), so once a day I get 5% of a mount. It goes so *** slow that there is almost no translatable "worth" to the progress I make each day. Ill be doing this every event

    Same with the new life festival and the new ice skin. Cool AF, dont get me wrong, but to get it I had to spend a few weeks 40 mins of pointless quests (the vast majority of which where spent in a loading screen or sprinting to a wayshrine) for maybe 0.5 charity writs per day per character. So I had to work my way through this grind about 24 times to get the reward at the end.

    Whats the fun?

    So what I think would be more fun;

    Harder challenge content;
    • vMA was great, the polymorph sucks but I enjoyed the content (at-least until grinding it for Winterborn gear sucked all the fun out of it anyway)
    • BRP was also fantastic, a cool skin and only requiring a group of 4 which is much more achievable for people who don't have a dedicated trials guild

    Longer form content;
    • I mean all you need to do is just do the same old content, but rather than making it in tiny little bits, give us bigger chunks of content that take longer but reward more
    • Would remove the feeling of worthlessness to the tiny progress made each day, would remove a lot of the grindy feel even though you're still doing the same amount

    Less RNG;
    • This one is less big, but I feel obliged to mention it because of the New Life Festival.
    • I got 2 charity writs on 1 char on the first day, I know people who got 6 and sold each for 100k, I personally then went 4 days without seeing another writ.
    • This ties into the last point about tiny drips of progress feeling worthless. Give us bigger goals with guaranteed rewards, not content artificially drawn out by luck.

    New Life festival was particularly disappointing with the writs being RNG, but it should also be quite frankly re-designed, 3 quests, one for each faction zone, big content, big fights. Same time to complete or even much longer, but less traveling and more fun than sitting waiting for a dance animation. Last reward box each day on a character (limited to 1 per account) gives you a writ.

    As for the Indrik, I feel like you're missing the point that a lot of people enjoy with the older event challenges; collecting the achievements. Its a challenge, its an established thing that people already enjoy and now they have new content and new achievements to go to for a short time. The indrik takes nothing of this, it takes 5 mins a day to get your 5% progress, no more, no less. Its not challenging, not engaging and not fun.

    You are turning this game into a skinner box. Eventually the monotony of the tasks you've been given starts to hit you, and the things designed to draw players back in become something people would rather just avoid.

    People love to grind. Look at this event. We could.have quality PvP on the less pop servers but no everyone wants to AP farm to max out.

    Every event people talk of burn out.

    It's not the devs fault all the time its players, they grind everything from cp to events. Folks don't play to enjoy content that much these days.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • JadonSky
    I just wish they launched all the available berry's at the same time. Think it would be cool right after Q1 to see people with different indriks all over the place. I really just want the light indrik for my templar but since I have to wait until Q2 anyways just to get the berries i figured i might as well not let my tickets waste and collect all the berries then morph the other ones later.
  • wolf486
    After people had the Indrik for the first three days it seems they went back to their regular mounts anyway. It's been a while since I've seen one. I got tired of mine after 2 days. Prefer the Elk and Wolf. So while I felt like I needed to do the events to get the Indrik, I just don't care about getting the berries, especially with the current, awful event.
    Moved onto BDO and GW2 Skyrim, ATS/ETS2, ACNH and the overall goodness of single player games

    RIP to the following:
    (DC) Tharbûrz gro-Glumgrog - Orsimer -Stamden (lvl 50)
    (AD) Vukz - Bosmer - Stamblade (lvl 50)
  • _Salty_
    Thankfully the Indriks dont appeal to me. I didnt even bother getting one.
    Psn l---Salty---l

    Patiently waiting to make a Stankcromancer.
  • Elsonso
    Don't worry. They will sell bypasses in the Crown Store.
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • MasterSpatula
    To me, the alternative to "grindy" isn't "harder." It's "more engaging."

    But yeah, the lazy reliance on RNG and, God help me, RNG-within-RNG (I'm looking at you, Pyandonean Bottles!), is a really bad look and needs to take a break.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Wildberryjack
    This is grinding? M'kay. Go play WoW BfA for a while then get back to me on that.
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • validifyedneb18_ESO
    This is grinding? M'kay. Go play WoW BfA for a while then get back to me on that.

    I did, I had exalteds and ilvl 352 within 3 weeks and had 8 day 1 mythic clears. And I main Feral.
    It was fun. Doing quests where the only difficulty is staying interested while I run between 3 or 4 locations is not.

    EDIT: Just how the skinnerbox of worldquests became not fun after 2 weeks of completing every single one, considering how many there where and how much longer they took compared to legion (Or just their existence in general)
    Edited by validifyedneb18_ESO on January 11, 2019 10:59PM
    EU: Magden, Magknight, Stamsorc(*2), Magsorc
    NA: Magplar, Magden, PotatoBlade
  • Thalidar
    You only have to do 1 quest a day for the Indrik rewards and it can be on any toon, so I fail to see how this is grindy.

    However if you then want to get all the extras in these events on every toons, then yes it'll be boring as hell. What I don't understand is why you're blaming ZOS for the grind. It's your choice as to whether you do these extra quests.

    I have 7 feathers and learned early on not to do anything other than the first quest and my sanity and enjoyment in the game has remained. Why would anyone repeat the same quests time after time after time....

    Oh and I make sure to always miss one event to recharge. This time its Cyrodiil as just can't be bothered.

    Self control goes a long way towards enjoying any MMO events.
  • FlyingSwan
    The alternative is to play the bits of the game you like and ignore the hideous mount. It's just a fake mount in a game. If getting four of them is some sort of life priority, I really don't know what to think.
  • validifyedneb18_ESO
    Thalidar wrote: »
    You only have to do 1 quest a day for the Indrik rewards and it can be on any toon, so I fail to see how this is grindy.

    However if you then want to get all the extras in these events on every toons, then yes it'll be boring as hell. What I don't understand is why you're blaming ZOS for the grind. It's your choice as to whether you do these extra quests.

    I have 7 feathers and learned early on not to do anything other than the first quest and my sanity and enjoyment in the game has remained. Why would anyone repeat the same quests time after time after time....

    Oh and I make sure to always miss one event to recharge. This time its Cyrodiil as just can't be bothered.

    Self control goes a long way towards enjoying any MMO events.

    The point is, maybe I want to skip a day or two and make up for it later? I cant.

    What if I want to put in all the work and earn the new mount next week? Cant, got to wait for a whole quater's worth of events. What if I want the 5th mount style? Guess I got to wait a year.

    I get your point, but im saying that if some of the most dedicated players like yourself with 7 feathers, are only doing the initial quests of each event, then there must be some fundamental design issue. These events are supposed to be fun are they not? Its madness.
    EU: Magden, Magknight, Stamsorc(*2), Magsorc
    NA: Magplar, Magden, PotatoBlade
  • adeptusminor
    To all the people saying "You think this is bad, go play X"...There is a reason I don't play those games and played ESO, there was generally less grinding. As ZOS have over time added in more and more grinding and RNG and daily login requirements and grindy events, while it might still not be as bad as some other games, it's still pretty bad. I had hoped when they implemented transmute crystals that they were going to veer away from some of the grind, but unfortunately it seems they have reversed that course and are going full steam ahead to similar grinds as other games.
  • Meesha1170
    I do agree with the op on guaranteed rewards. There’s something to say when you put the right amount of grindiness in an event to make it worthwhile to do said event because you’ll definitely get a specific item but you also risk turning people away if the chance for a specific reward is so rare that doing the event over and over again makes gaining said item not worthwhile anymore. There’s a few areas in ESO that I just don’t feel like doing because of this.
  • Ohtimbar
    agreed. my tolerance for grinding has limits, and eso gets closer to crossing them every year. it's perilously close to insulting my tastes and my time.
    forever stuck in combat
  • Jameliel
    ESO feels soulless and hollow. Everything they do seems rushed and not well thought out. Bugs are ignored for so long that's its difficult to believe they take them seriously. In every single other major mmo I have ever played, serious bugs were fixed in a matter of weeks at most. With ESO they stay in for months or years. The dungeon event was marred by the broken group finder. They gave an apology and said they would improve. Then they turned right around and had a midyear pvp event at the start of the year. All the while knowing how many bugs there are in pvp AND the terrible Cyrodiil performance. Anything they say cannot be taken as truth.
  • Finviuswe
    Personally I've been a supporter of a fair bit of 'grind'.

    IMO, a little bit of grind helps replay value and increases player engagement with respect to the game.

    ESO is the least grindy MMO I've personally played, and I believe the game could possibly benefit from more
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