This is all speculation. First of all, the client is still trusted and vulnerable to memory hacking. Secondly, you don't just move functions from client to server. The game would have needed to be re-engineered and there is no evidence of that at all. But let's not go there. We don't need to.
Zazeergate happened in 2016, roughly around 2.4 I think. Server performance had already been garbage for almost 2 years and did not degrade after. The worst performing patch of 2016 was, without a doubt, 2.3 (TG).
I was most definitely there the first year. I have provided google results of forum posts complaining about the same things we complain about today :
Performance deteriorated over the first summer and was as bad as it is today in big fights by 1.3. Lag manifested in slightly different ways then, but it was just as dysfunctional.
Brian Wheeler has talked about optimizing some checks that were done on both the client and the server, but always in the context of improving performance.
The way in which ZOS has hurt Cyrodiil performance since launch, objectively, is by continuing to add things they've explained cause performance issues: passives, procs and CP.
I believe you are incorrect. The exploit to get to the enemy gates and scrolls was 'tunneling' and to be addressed in update 5 as explained in this Guild Summit update from Oct 2014:
Memory hacking would have also allowed for access to scrolls and enemy gates, but whether you agree ESO remains vulnerable to memory hacking, it *definitely* was not fixed in 2014.
Right, but the main thing the Lighting patch is known for is the brutal client bugs that it added. The lighting patch bug would drop framerates down 1-5 FPS. It took ZOS weeks to correct this bug.
The FPS bug was annoying in overland PVE, but not critical because it was less common and one could relog to correct it. In Cyrodiil, it was quickly triggered and no one wanted to relog because of queues.
I recall Brian Wheeler specifically saying that he confirmed with the coders that security code was not added and that performance was better early because the average character was a low level.
This is extremely relevant because ESO had only been live for 3 months when the lighting patch was introduced. So by the time the bug was fixed, the game had been live approximately 20-25% longer and of course, significantly more players had reached max level by then; and, crucially, had 20-25% more time to learn the game.
But again, I am happy to be wrong about these things. I have no horse in this race. My goal is for our community to have as accurate an understanding of the state of the game as possible. Of course we can't assume security code sabotaged performance without evidence, so if this is more than player speculation, please show me.
Clearly I did not suggest there were no performance issues during the first year. Heck, there were clear performance issues before the game launched. MattF has got to be the worst manager of a major MMORPG launch there has ever been.
However, we know that fights at keeps could easily be many time larger than what can even possibly occur today because of population caps. We saw those fights at times defending scrolls and attempting or preventing an Emperor cap. The lag did not affect us like it does today considering the numbers involved.
I seem to find it odd that you share Rich's comments acknowledging issues with server performance but seem to suggest it is better than it has ever been. Idk (obviously), maybe I am missing something you are attempting to say.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »Yes I mentioned the fps bug in my post. Also from what I remember Brian never actually addressed the security code issue only the visual "improvements". If you know different please post the links.
I've been quoting some old posts from Brian Wheeler recently. They are things I've read to verify my own recollections.
The performance issues the first year were just as bad, yes. By 1.3, during prime time, if there were multiple raids at a keep fight, most attacks wouldn't register for minutes. There were multiple server crashes every weekend in 1.3 and 1.4. There were widespread complaints that certain raids were intentionally crashing the server with healing springs spam.
I do not think the raw capabilities of the server have been decreased, no. There's no reason to believe that. ZOS has made multiple changes to improve server performance over the years. Unfortunately, those improvements are always offset by factors that make lag worse like new passives, proc sets, power creep and, most importantly, more experienced players who push the server harder than they did in 2014. The heavy armor meta doesn't help either because the longer it takes players to die, the worse lag will be.
I'll try to find the source. I'm certain that he said the performance degradation was from players advancing in levels though. And that makes sense. We saw the same on BWB on PC/NA when it was popular and on the Console campaigns when they were new.
Edit: On ESO Live from Dec 4, 2015 @ 53:03 Brian Wheeler addresses the lighting patch. He says they looked at the server and did not see a discernible difference.
He goes on to say what they did discover was that around that time characters happened to become better developed in terms of level and gear. This is reasonable as the game was only 3 months old. He references armor proc sets as an issue. He says it's completely coincidental that performance seemed to get worse around that time.
Also, the actual FPS drop client bug caused by the lighting patch really muddied the waters.
I don't think he was choosing his words to deceive us. To me, it's pretty clear he's saying the server wasn't changed in a way that affects performance that update and provides his explanation for the decrease in performance players noticed around that time. The question was obviously in the context of server performance and that particular update.Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »[
Yes I remember the eso live but he didn't make reference to any underlying api or client /server protection changes only said "it's not the lighting"
This is a myth. Performance was better early because characters were low level and almost no one knew how to play.
The alleged 'anti-bot' code is a theory that doesn't make sense because ESO is still afflicted by the most simple bots possible.
The main difference in the early days was the hype and potential.
It's always been broken.
You keep saying that yet you have both your facts and your timeline wrong.This is a myth. Performance was better early because characters were low level and almost no one knew how to play.
The alleged 'anti-bot' code is a theory that doesn't make sense because ESO is still afflicted by the most simple bots possible.
This is a myth. Performance was better early because characters were low level and almost no one knew how to play.
The alleged 'anti-bot' code is a theory that doesn't make sense because ESO is still afflicted by the most simple bots possible.
The main difference in the early days was the hype and potential.
It's always been broken.
You keep saying that yet you have both your facts and your timeline wrong.
The current bot situation is *nothing* compared to the bot rampage we had at PC launch.
By June of 2014 (your alleged "evidence" date), the first round of anti-bot code had already been implemented. And it was quite effective in holding back the bot tsunami, but it also turned the game into a lag-fest.
Again, the bot problem today is nothing compared to the bot problem at PC launch.
Your argument is flawed on so many levels ...