Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »I'm going to address the elephant in the room by stating that most of our lag comes from our communities SERIOUS ADDICTION to faction zerging. This is the cause of the lag, No matter what Zos has implemented over the years, people have ALWAYS chose to faction zerg over anything else. Its not even a matter of guilds anymore, all players from PuG's to Zerglings, to 1vXers, ALL STACK together regardless and cause critical lag. What the 1vXers and small man and class leads dont see is that Most people in Vivec (and in other serversl) NEED to zerg just to play the game (this is why so few play on Shor.)Until this is properly addressed NO CHANGE will occur and there will just be more lag. The only way we can Fix this is lag is if we MOBILIZE as a community and Spread ourselves out across the servers. The easiest way to do this is to get ALL guilds larger then 12 to go play on Shor for a season (this is the easiest way to cause the population to disperse the fastest). I know this is a tall order, but its the only way we can realistically reduce the lag, If ZOS could have fixed the lag they would have done it already.
The lag is caused from poor coding, not zerging. Which is why the performance gets worse with each patch despite the population decreasing. Considering you can have bad lag in a 1v1 alone in a field in a 1-2 bar campaign, spreading out will do absolutely nothing to address the problem.
I personally enjoy pvp, not pvdooring, pve, or fighting the same 10 people over and over. If I'm going to be forced to spread out then it's going to be in a different game entirely.
Sorry, but the problem is on Zos's end and no amount of spreading out will fix that.
Crispen_Longbow wrote: »
I'm all for helping reduce the lag where we can, as we know ZOS will never do it. The Lag is the worst during Prime-time. The problem is there aren't that many Prime-time( Medium to Large) Guilds left that run. There are only like 1 or 2 that run on any given night.
Omni plays 2 times a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Fantasia Plays two times a week (Wednesday's and Saturdays If I remember right). Even ones listed below are a stretch to call them medium scale like Phalanx they get like 6-8.
DC Prime-time Guilds
- Vivec = Iron Legion (IL)
- Vivec = Guardians of Daggerfall (GOD)
- Vivec = Blood of Daggerfall (BoD)
- Vivec = Best Laid Plans (BLP)
- Vivec = Nightswatch (NW)
- Vivec = Cry Havoc
- Vivec = Phalanx
- Sotha = Legion of Mordor (LoM)
- Sotha = Nocturnal
- Sotha = Rough Riders
- Shor = Vanquish
AD Prime-time Guilds
- Vivec = Omni
- Vivec = Fantasia
- Vivec = Golden Gryphons (GG)
- Vivec = The Dancing Bears (TDB)
- Vivec = Ruin
- Vivec = Total Domination (TD)
- Vivec = Dominion Imperial Guard (DiG)
- Vivec = Dominant Dominion (DD)
- Sotha = Homicide Inc
- Sotha = War Bunnies
- Shor = Dominion Special Forces
EP Prime-time Guilds
- Vivec = Drac
- Vivec = Allegiance
- Vivec = Tear
- Vivec = Phoenix Rising
- Vivec = Vokundein
- Vivec = Army of The Pact
- Vivec = Justice League
- Vivec = Specters of the Phoenix
- Vivec = Darkest Requiem
- Vivec = Moist sensation
- Sotha = Cobra Kai
- Sotha = Animosity
- Sotha = Fishing Pact
- Shor = Dreadlords
Not included in the above lists as they don't really play in Prime Time Lag.
- Knights of Ni (NI)
- Panda Force (PF)
- The Kelly Gang (TKG)
- Lolizerg
- Vivace
- Wormhole
- EP Hit Squad
- IA
If OP had been around the first year he would have seen much larger stacks with much less lag. It started when they updated to stop the gold farmers that first year and has gotten worse and worse every year.
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »I'm going to address the elephant in the room by stating that most of our lag comes from our communities SERIOUS ADDICTION to faction zerging. This is the cause of the lag, No matter what Zos has implemented over the years, people have ALWAYS chose to faction zerg over anything else. Its not even a matter of guilds anymore, all players from PuG's to Zerglings, to 1vXers, ALL STACK together regardless and cause critical lag. What the 1vXers and small man and class leads dont see is that Most people in Vivec (and in other serversl) NEED to zerg just to play the game (this is why so few play on Shor.)Until this is properly addressed NO CHANGE will occur and there will just be more lag. The only way we can Fix this is lag is if we MOBILIZE as a community and Spread ourselves out across the servers. The easiest way to do this is to get ALL guilds larger then 12 to go play on Shor for a season (this is the easiest way to cause the population to disperse the fastest). I know this is a tall order, but its the only way we can realistically reduce the lag, If ZOS could have fixed the lag they would have done it already.
The cause of the lag is the fact that ZOS chose an outdated and inappropriate game engine to build their game on. Then shortly after release, they fired almost all of their programmers, including the most experienced of them. They've hired intern/entry level programmers to write every DLC since and then promptly fired them. And those coders have been exceedingly lax with their documentation so that each new batch of coders didn't know exactly how the previous ones accomplished their desired goals. This has resulted in a mish mash of spaghetti code that conflicts with earlier coding rather than enhancing it and introducing more bugs than can be managed with bandaid fixes.
It's a train wreck and the train was carrying burning dumpsters on a track that didn't fit the train.
The most immediate thing that ZOS can do to alleviate the strain on the game engine and servers, is to use Battle Spirit to disable all proc sets in Cyrodiil. That would be an enormous reduction in calculations and return immediate results, making the game, at least, playable again.
Unfortunately, the only way to truly fix the game is to hire experienced programmers who document everything they do to rewrite, streamline and optimize the code and build it on top of a game engine that can actually handle large scale combat. ZOS has the resources to do that, but I doubt very seriously that they have the will. I honestly believe that ZOS' only long term plans for the game are how to best monetize it as it slowly dies.
My screenshots show is that there were already widespread complaints about Cyrodiil performance months before the Lighting patch which was Update 2 (1.2.3) that went live, I believe, on June 23, 2014.Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »@zyk anti bot code is just referring to the lighting patch where they supposedly also added this bot code. The fact that bots are still so prevalent and cheat engine blew up in the way it did on NA says more about the success of any zos code rather than the fact it wasn't added. I would stand by the fact that this patch significantly adversely affected performance and the excuse that "oh players just hit max then" is a very poor one. Speaking as someone who played back then and lost over 50% of the guild I played with due to that patch.
This is a myth. Performance was better early because characters were low level and almost no one knew how to play.
The alleged 'anti-bot' code is a theory that doesn't make sense because ESO is still afflicted by the most simple bots possible.
The main difference in the early days was the hype and potential.
It's always been broken.
There seems to be some incorrect information here. ESO started out with a heavily trusted client. After the CE issue blew up in Zos' face they did move a lot of checks server side which has had a big impact. This change is well known.
Also, while performance in Cyrodiil was far from perfect at launch the issues have changed. I am assuming you were not hear in that first year, especially first few months since one had to find threads complaining about the performance.
I believe you are incorrect. The exploit to get to the enemy gates and scrolls was 'tunneling' and to be addressed in update 5 as explained in this Guild Summit update from Oct 2014:Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »Patch 1.2 brought serious fps drops due to healing springs also. This was admitted by zos and partially fixed. The reason for the bot code being added was due to people hacking into scroll gates and stealing the scrolls etc
Memory hacking would have also allowed for access to scrolls and enemy gates, but whether you agree ESO remains vulnerable to memory hacking, it *definitely* was not fixed in 2014.sean.plackerb14_ESO wrote:Coming up in Update 5
Minimum rank requirement to purchase Forward Camps
Buffs will be local to the campaign only for PvP only, they are still considering how to handle buffs for PvE
Anti-tunneling boundaries and ways to block exploits where players wiggle through terrain objects and get underneath the world.
Right, but the main thing the Lighting patch is known for is the brutal client bugs that it added. The lighting patch bug would drop framerates down 1-5 FPS. It took ZOS weeks to correct this bug.Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »Everyone who played back then would agree performance got worse after this "lighting patch"