For what it's worth I'm still running innate/BSW and I don't think it has ever been much better than this patch. Switch to dual wield, cauterize, and tri stat glyphs and it's still solid. Although this whole hybrid think is piquing my interest. If you're running pelinals and 2h wouldn't you want to be using execute? That and healing seems like the only reasons to go hybrid over full mag.
SkysOutThizeOut wrote: »@Fiveboro exactly. People need to stop thinking hybrids in terms of damage only. Think in terms of healing, sustain, and utility. If you want legitimate damage with mag/stam, I think your answer lies in SB piercing armor for fracture and breach.
Light armor mag dk has diminished since pre-cwc in my opinion. That’s set up pre-cwc was better.
I might try building a hybrid DK for *** and gigs based on your thread. I think all of the DK magicka DOTs and Skoria paired with 2h execute could be devastating.
And I take back what I said it is definitely harder to play LA mag DK this patch due to how hard surviving is with shield nerfs but actual damage output for me is as high as ever.
I have just leveled my mag dk and used it in cyrodiil a couple of times and I was thinking spin to win after a leap. Not sure at what point I should just make it a stamdk.
Those in power only have the illusion they are powerful, however in reality, those in power are only so because we allow them to be.
SkysOutThizeOut wrote: »@mursie Damage is higher in light armor. Test it yourself. lol I’ve done the damage tests. I have video of it in medium. For dw and 2h, focus on mag damage, light is better. That crit and 4800 pen is often underrated. You can definitely do something towards hybrid damage with sb and 2h in medium tho, using pierce armor.
SkysOutThizeOut wrote: »@mursie lmao is light armor in at 4400 weapon and spell damage. That is meaningful. And if you have base 3k, with medium armor that 450 wd/sd gained with 15%. It’s funny because I thought it would be better. And it wasn’t. If you can work in an execute it’ll be worth while. But otherwise meh.