Destructible Milegates Improve Cyrodiil Performance?

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Do you think that by adding destructible milegates and more outposts to the game, ZOS intended to spread out the zerg in order to improve performance in Cyrodiil? If one faction can stop another faction's zerg at a gate, they will be forced to go around or go somewhere else, forcing the third faction to go to the other side of the map to defend against the invasion. This would prevent stacking at one keep (Arrius) during primetime so instead of having one large battle going on there would be several medium-sized battles occurring across Cyrodiil.
Edited by Ahtu on January 8, 2019 5:38PM

Destructible Milegates Improve Cyrodiil Performance? 27 votes

SorisAhtuApostateHobostating_silent 4 votes
fastolfv_ESOk1llorbek1lledIzanagi.Xiiib16_ESOMalthorneDelsskiamalchiorNutshotzDerraMinnoSteelshivSugaComameekeyceeAdenomaSkanderAlfie2072fullheartcontainerAki-RalNelothamir412Neyane 23 votes
  • VaranisArano
    Given that ZOS has stated that players stacking up does impact performace, its likely that this is what was intended with the extra outposts and destructible milegates/bridges and the goat paths.

    Whether or not it's worked...that's another matter.
  • TBois
    They stated that is why they added the towns. I imagine it was the same logic.
    T-Bois (Stam Sorc since 1.4) - AD
    An Unsettling Snowball (Templar) - AD
    Bosquecito (Stam Sorc) - DC
    Peti-T-Bois (Stamden) - AD
  • frozywozy
    My vote is : No it did not improve performances because a certain guild decided to stack 3raids together at one place on the map until they get pushed all the way to Arrius with ping spiking up to 800ms.

    I believe the change itself did great results. We get to fight at different spots when the map is active (for the groups and guilds willing to spread out and fight with less than 60people together)
    Edited by frozywozy on January 8, 2019 6:16PM
    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  • Beardimus
    I think it's clear with resource changes and these extra elements that's totally what they were doing.

    If only folks would stop zerging.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Minno
    it doesn't, because it keeps people in certain areas of the map. They are less incentivized to explore outside the emp keep line.

    The changes required are going to be the less sexy/marketed solutions that ZOS wont touch except in addition to PVE DLC changes.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Ahtu
    I did not know that towns were added later and thought that they were always part of the game so that's news to me. According to the ESO website, "When we first began designing a town capture system for Cyrodiil, one of our primary goals was to encourage more skirmishes and open field-style combat.".
    Edited by Ahtu on January 8, 2019 8:56PM
  • TBois
    Ahtu wrote: »
    I did not know that towns were added later and thought that they were always part of the game so that's news to me. Here's an interesting quote I found from the ESO website about towns:

    "When we first began designing a town capture system for Cyrodiil, one of our primary goals was to encourage more skirmishes and open field-style combat."

    Yeah zos has been aware of the negative affect of large amounts of people stacking in one spot for years. They have actively advocated for people to spread out in lieu of the knowledge or resources to fix performance issues in a more direct manner. They have also lowered the population caps because of this as well. That is why most on the forums, including myself, vilify those that knowingly stack multiple raids. We have seen this before and the game is much better when guilds are not stacking multiple raids in one spot consistently.
    Edited by TBois on January 8, 2019 6:23PM
    T-Bois (Stam Sorc since 1.4) - AD
    An Unsettling Snowball (Templar) - AD
    Bosquecito (Stam Sorc) - DC
    Peti-T-Bois (Stamden) - AD
  • Steelshiv
    Destructible milegates do very little to improve performance and do not help the stacking issue. Factions still stack at milegates whether they are destroyed or repaired since one side can still jump over.

    Destroying milegates to prevent Laguna is like trying to fix a broken bone in the leg by putting a bandaid on it. It might help a little bit in the awareness of the injury "oh bandaid, right, my leg is broken." But it does nothing outside of that to heal the injury.

    Remove the ability for one side to pass after milegate destruction and find a creative solutions to incentivize unstacked play and it would help a lot more.
  • Ruckly
    The outposts are arguably a good idea for all factions except EP. The reason is it gives an advanced spawn closer to the enemies back keep. So you have options between attacking a center keep or a back keep without excessive mount riding. In the case of EP it is a town instead. And the EP outpost is a spawn enemies can use as a forward base to attack EP back keeps even if it isn't linked into network without corner keep.

    Destructible gates simply make the flow of battle one way and put an impetus on factions to capture the keep beyond the gate so they don't have to deal with the gate. Thus in PC NA Vivec you often see DC with Chal and AD with Ash. The bridge is 2-way and long and I don't know how AD-EP have battles on them with them getting destroyed. It is a natural choke point(or Imperial made).

    The upside of destructible gates is the gate lights while it is being repaired which gives a hint that an army might be marching through it soon.

    Destructible gates seem to focus groups into areas instead of spread them out. e.g. DC destroys ash gate they only need a minimal defense in the south and can throw 4/5 of what they have at the north. EP can do the same with northern gates and launch a 4/5 campaign against AD. EP can also destroy bridges and launch a 4/5 campaign to counter a 4/5 DC campaign. And AD: they take stabs at BRK and Ash.
    Edited by Ruckly on January 8, 2019 10:06PM
  • idk
    I cannot begin to guess what Zos intended though it is somewhat easy to get around the milegates when they are destroyed.
  • NBrookus
    I haven't noticed a significant change in activity at Chal/Ash milegates or Alessia Bridge. Alessia Bridge is certainly a less fun place to fight now. The milegates can be zerg repaired in about 1 minute, so sieging them down is a waste of time.

    The devs have repeatedly said they want us to spread out, but until there are concrete measures that disincentive zerging via something like AP earning reduction, the blobs will continue.

  • SugaComa
    No the problem is simply player mentality

    From what I see on PS4 EU

    One faction likes to spread out across the map taking multiple keeps resources and such but another faction will come on and every group in there faction all run together

    They may have 2 players in each keep they own as look out but soon as a group of 6 or more turn up 50 odd players turn up like *** roaches

    Now that's their strategy to win that's fine cos often these big groups are all squishy ... But it's the lag, load screen and ultimately blue screen that cause the frustration not the bloody zerg
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