FireCowCommando wrote: »Theres no question that the majority of marketing pre-launch and for the first half year or so focused mainly on PvP, but the company has clearly pivoted away from PvP entirely since the IC relaunch.
They gave up on their starting player base and built the game in a new direction; It's just frustrating that they saw PvP players as $$$$ cow's until they filled the game with enough PvE content to be marketable to the Skyrim fan base. But at this point too many players that cared about PvP, unsurprisingly, gave up on ZoS and are not looking back.
Anotherone773 wrote: »You realize this is a PVE game with PVP tossed in to appeal to a few more people right? Since a majority of players do mostly or only PVE, i dont see you getting more than a bone thrown to pvp every once in a while, lately that has been in form of battlegrounds and changes to battlegrounds. Battlegrounds are a year old, they recently when to no CP to make them more competitive with new maps added and with summerset even more people will be able to access them meaning more people to play with.
I doubt they will spend the resources on making a pvp centric DLC because its not going to be real profitable to do so.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »To be very, very blunt --
The PVP community is not large enough to warrant the level of resources that a DLC would entail.
Until they lure enough players back to it (and it's only been a shrinking community), I do not think they will do more than adjust numbers (skill changes, class updates, gear nerfs, etc) here and there during major patches.
I mean it only “shrinks” because they haven’t done anything mind blowing to change cyro drastically.
Sandman929 wrote: »
That would be very welcome, and mostly what I wanted from battlegrounds to begin with. Customized matches, not arcade PvP with powerups.
Serjustin19 wrote: »Trust in ZOS, we will get dlc for PvP. If not our life time, then our Childrens and or Children's children life time.
DeadlyRecluse wrote: »
I honestly don't know if this is ironic or not.
Serjustin19 wrote: »"If you pay me, good chance that I abused your money. I will gladly take your money, then I'll gladly run away. Sure there would be millions of people mad at me. Many would bring tourches and search party. I'll be everywhere at same time, I'll be with you, yet you not know. I'll be shadowed by many international personal. Some will get me, some will not. But I will always be let go, I'll never loose; nor would I ever win." (written by me)
I prefer eso making dlc, especially for PvP. I believe ESO makes good decision when not make PvP dlc. It will come in the future sure. But if you want it now. Could ask the scammers to do it for you. (virus, other things.) also you'll get banned, whilst scammers gladly take your money. They laugh at you to with pleasure. Be very aware. Trust in ZOS, we will get dlc for PvP. If not our life time, then our Childrens and or Children's children life time. That would be a lot of ESO upgrades, that is if, eso surpasses Destiny in its lifetime. Just remember have the F.B.S (fun, be patient and stay safe)