New guild made as part of my twitch stream
As with the stream, we like to be social, have fun, and do our best to learn and educate about the game.
Interested members can start training for end game trial and hard m ode content and we will do our best to help people achieve this, learning to DPS, heal, stay alive and win the day.
We have a couple of Achievement hunters in the officers who are always happy to help.
Most of all we like to be social, we also have an established discord server and interact with many experienced players in the community..
We have majority of AUS/NZ players with a few officers in the USA, looking to expand both time zones for different events.
You can message me in game
@dacu or reply here for one of the officers to add you.
Edited by DacuTv on November 20, 2018 8:45AM