I'm thinking of starting a new character since my 24 lvl Khajiit NB w/Bow is getting her fur kicked. Now that mobs are hanging around in groups of three, I just can't win (or proceed in quests, which is annoying as hell). I've been trying to run around and kill things for some extra oomph, but that's just a waste of time.
Here's one big question I have: how does DW work in this game? I tried running around with two axes, but every time I hit LT, it wants to block rather than swing my other axe. Is there a skill I need to unlock (I don't see it).
I wasted quite a few skill points in this game, not really understanding how it all worked, and that's another reason I'm thinking of re-rolling. I try using my abilities during combat, but they're just not doing any damage I need it too.
Finally, one more question: I noticed many people are running around in heavy armor, which makes sense for tanks, but I prefer medium armor. Problem is, trying to craft two skills is draining me tirelessly (and sucking up skill points). How does one balance out two skills? It would be easier to just focus on blacksmith, but that seems like copping out to me.
Thanks and any advice you have will be greatly appreciated.