What is best set to pair with torugs for stamplar

I was thinking sloads or viper with sellestrix monster?
  • Jimmy_The_Fixer
    Sloads is your best bet, highest continuous damage of any non-torug proc set. Since your stats are gonna be pretty low with torugs/Sloads (and your damage is already high) you're gonna need a defensive set for your 2piece, troll king would be ideal. Heavy armor over med since the wepdam/crit isn't gonna benefit your procs, HA also synergizes with trollking.

    Cheese builds are fun, but make sure you switch back to something more traditional every once in a while to keep your skills sharp.
    Edited by Jimmy_The_Fixer on October 27, 2018 8:59PM
  • React
    2x masters axes infused back bar
    1x nirn clever alch maul front
    3pc clever on the body
    2pc torug on the body
    3pc torug jewelry
    2pc monster set of your choice, bloodspawn probably bis

    4 tri stat glyphs on the body
    1 triune WD, 1 robust WD, 1 infused WD glyph
    All impen
    Steed mundus
    Lava foot soup and saltrice

    I'm gonna put that on my plar if they dont fix the glyph stuff on the first incremental, because that means itll be around until next patch. Might even drop jabs for crushing weapon if they dont fix jabs. Tbh I'm not too confident the class will be at all playable on console come murkmire, so the cheesier the build the better. Those glyphs + bleeds are going to power up your POTL so easily itll be a joke, so you won't need the pressure from jabs as much to fill it up (definitely still use jabs if they work though, I'm just working off the observation that they're completley broken).

    Enjoy cheesing people down on a build that still has great sustain and non-cheese damage, in addition to the strongest cheese available
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Waffennacht
    Infused lizard potion + Torug.

    Forget damage, forget sustain as you already have enough of both there.

    Build for immortality after infused potion lizard Torug.

    Infinite sustain, unkillable, mad damage
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Casul
    Maybe fasallas guile? Mixed with a diseased enchant for maximum defile uptime?
    PvP needs more love.
  • ATomiX96
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    2x masters axes infused back bar
    1x nirn clever alch maul front
    3pc clever on the body
    2pc torug on the body
    3pc torug jewelry
    2pc monster set of your choice, bloodspawn probably bis

    clever alch proc doesnt carry over to other bar, you need to have 5 pieces active at all times if you want to use it.
  • ATomiX96
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    ATomiX96 wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    2x masters axes infused back bar
    1x nirn clever alch maul front
    3pc clever on the body
    2pc torug on the body
    3pc torug jewelry
    2pc monster set of your choice, bloodspawn probably bis

    clever alch proc doesnt carry over to other bar, you need to have 5 pieces active at all times if you want to use it.


    ye true you need to be in combat, im pretty sure they changed it on PTS that you had to have it on both bars but went with just in combat requirement on live on something.

    IDK uptime is too bad still imo, id rather roll with fury 7th or veiled heritance, unless you have some infused potion cooldown stuff going.
  • React
    ATomiX96 wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    ATomiX96 wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    2x masters axes infused back bar
    1x nirn clever alch maul front
    3pc clever on the body
    2pc torug on the body
    3pc torug jewelry
    2pc monster set of your choice, bloodspawn probably bis

    clever alch proc doesnt carry over to other bar, you need to have 5 pieces active at all times if you want to use it.


    ye true you need to be in combat, im pretty sure they changed it on PTS that you had to have it on both bars but went with just in combat requirement on live on something.

    IDK uptime is too bad still imo, id rather roll with fury 7th or veiled heritance, unless you have some infused potion cooldown stuff going.

    You dont need to have clever on both bars lol, that's what he was suggesting. I've literally used that set on every class, have multiple gold sets, and recently posted a detailed build with it.

    You do need to be in combat to proc it, but once procd barswapping doesn't affect it.

    Clever offers the best balance of stats with the setup I posted.
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • nryerson1025
    white rubedite armor and click the left mouse every second. you'll kill everything you come across
  • Datolite
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Tbh I'm not too confident the class will be at all playable on console come murkmire, so the cheesier the build the better.

    This is the typical excuse of people who have a hard time PvPing without a crutch build.
  • glavius
    If you want to 1 v x cowards gear for kiting speed.
  • idk
    My guess is OP is just joking since according to Joy Division, class rep, Zos has already stated they are dialing back the DW enchantment changes.
  • mursie
    I love bone pirate and ravager but with the new torug meta you are at a serious disadvantage not to run it.

    given the new change to dw enchants proccing about 1/2 as often, it will require some testing to see how sub-optimal a drift away from torugs and infused is going to be.

    twitter: @mursieftw
  • React
    Datolite wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Datolite wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Tbh I'm not too confident the class will be at all playable on console come murkmire, so the cheesier the build the better.

    This is the typical excuse of people who have a hard time PvPing without a crutch build.

    Go watch the video on my signature of my solo outnumbered pvp in medium armor on multiple classes, I dont need any sort of crutch build. If you're not aware, jabs barely functioned on murkmire release hence the comment. Educate yourself potato.

    Whoa hit a nerve. I know, it's hard to feel good about joining the cheese herd.

    I'm not saying I'm a pro PvPer. In fact I'm kinda meh at best, and yeah I main templar too so I feel the jabs pain. But even I don't use that as an excuse to jump on the glyph train. This whole thread is shameful.

    "I'm meh at pvp, but I can definitley tell high level PvP players that they need cheese to play"

    Just lol.

    Go check out my build that I've been running on my plar, I run max damage/minimum sustain & resists on every class.

    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Thogard
    An offensive cheese like torugs is paired best with a defensive cheese like blessed meridia.

    I’m running skoria / master DW / torug / blessed meridia backbar (bow) on my stamblade.

    It’s a cheese build for a cheese class. I’d never put that garbage on my stamplar though because unlike stamblade, stamplar is actually a respectable class that requires actual effort to PvP well on.
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo

    Stream: twitch.tv/THOGARDvsThePeasants
    YouTube: http://youtube.com/c/thogardpvp

  • React
    Thogard wrote: »
    An offensive cheese like torugs is paired best with a defensive cheese like blessed meridia.

    I’m running skoria / master DW / torug / blessed meridia backbar (bow) on my stamblade.

    It’s a cheese build for a cheese class. I’d never put that garbage on my stamplar though because unlike stamblade, stamplar is actually a respectable class that requires actual effort to PvP well on.

    How are those Jabs working for you post-yesterday's incremental?
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Checkmath
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    An offensive cheese like torugs is paired best with a defensive cheese like blessed meridia.

    I’m running skoria / master DW / torug / blessed meridia backbar (bow) on my stamblade.

    It’s a cheese build for a cheese class. I’d never put that garbage on my stamplar though because unlike stamblade, stamplar is actually a respectable class that requires actual effort to PvP well on.

    How are those Jabs working for you post-yesterday's incremental?

    Actually running torugs pact is a very bad idea, if you consider yourself a good PvPer. It will just ruin your reputation.

    (Btw a good PvPer should have realized, that jabs work normally if you weave in between)
  • Datolite
    Checkmath wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    An offensive cheese like torugs is paired best with a defensive cheese like blessed meridia.

    I’m running skoria / master DW / torug / blessed meridia backbar (bow) on my stamblade.

    It’s a cheese build for a cheese class. I’d never put that garbage on my stamplar though because unlike stamblade, stamplar is actually a respectable class that requires actual effort to PvP well on.

    How are those Jabs working for you post-yesterday's incremental?

    Actually running torugs pact is a very bad idea, if you consider yourself a good PvPer. It will just ruin your reputation.

    (Btw a good PvPer should have realized, that jabs work normally if you weave in between)

  • killahsin
    Math did you really just tell him he was going to ruin his reputation for running a build people dont like? Seriously Math? Is this the new anti-meta meta? My meta is better than your meta cause your meta is a cheese meta nowwww? The entire game is based on designing cheese metas based on a poorly delivered yet still the best build system. But were now going to tell people If they run a set we dont like you will destroy your rep? What is this high school?
  • React
    Checkmath wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    An offensive cheese like torugs is paired best with a defensive cheese like blessed meridia.

    I’m running skoria / master DW / torug / blessed meridia backbar (bow) on my stamblade.

    It’s a cheese build for a cheese class. I’d never put that garbage on my stamplar though because unlike stamblade, stamplar is actually a respectable class that requires actual effort to PvP well on.

    How are those Jabs working for you post-yesterday's incremental?

    Actually running torugs pact is a very bad idea, if you consider yourself a good PvPer. It will just ruin your reputation.

    (Btw a good PvPer should have realized, that jabs work normally if you weave in between)

    You PC folks don't understand; On console, after 5pm until 3am on thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday, there is so much lag in the main campaign (which is usually the only one populated) that you literally cannot use jabs. They will not connect, no matter how good your targeting capabilities are, no matter how much time you have practiced using jabs. You are lucky to land 2/5 hits out of each set of jabs. I've got 3k hours on stamplar; this observation is drawn from extensive practice.

    Obviously I weave light attacks between jabs. But in the aforementioned lag; these light attacks do not fire 45% of the time, they do not connect when they do fire even within 1 meter of your target another 45% of the time, and the other 10% of the time they connect.

    See, i used to be self righteous as anyone when it came to running cheese. Check back at my original stamplar build from morrowind (the construct v1 - 18k views), on there I have a bit of a back and forth with fengrush in regards to running or not running cheese. But the game has progressed into such a steaming pile of garbage, that I really could care less what anyone thinks. That being said, I've run medium armor with no damaging proc sets on all 5 stam classes since 1T. I'm the furthest thing from a meta-abuser. I'll still craft and use a set of torgus when this goes live on console though, because in a dying game with developers who clearly care more about furnishing & crown store additions than fixing their combat system or properly balancing the game, caring about your reputation is gonna cause you more stress than just playing and enjoying the enjoyable parts of the game.

    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • UndeniablyAVG
    Do people really care about reputation in this game? I care about winning.

    If you want to gimp yourself for some sort of 'moral' code, be my guest.

    The meta is there for everyone to abuse.
    PS4 EU - Daggerfall Covenant
    PSN - N_O_B_L_E-

  • Ariades_swe
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Checkmath wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    An offensive cheese like torugs is paired best with a defensive cheese like blessed meridia.

    I’m running skoria / master DW / torug / blessed meridia backbar (bow) on my stamblade.

    It’s a cheese build for a cheese class. I’d never put that garbage on my stamplar though because unlike stamblade, stamplar is actually a respectable class that requires actual effort to PvP well on.

    How are those Jabs working for you post-yesterday's incremental?

    Actually running torugs pact is a very bad idea, if you consider yourself a good PvPer. It will just ruin your reputation.

    (Btw a good PvPer should have realized, that jabs work normally if you weave in between)

    You PC folks don't understand; On console, after 5pm until 3am on thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday, there is so much lag in the main campaign (which is usually the only one populated) that you literally cannot use jabs. They will not connect, no matter how good your targeting capabilities are, no matter how much time you have practiced using jabs. You are lucky to land 2/5 hits out of each set of jabs. I've got 3k hours on stamplar; this observation is drawn from extensive practice.

    Obviously I weave light attacks between jabs. But in the aforementioned lag; these light attacks do not fire 45% of the time, they do not connect when they do fire even within 1 meter of your target another 45% of the time, and the other 10% of the time they connect.

    See, i used to be self righteous as anyone when it came to running cheese. Check back at my original stamplar build from morrowind (the construct v1 - 18k views), on there I have a bit of a back and forth with fengrush in regards to running or not running cheese. But the game has progressed into such a steaming pile of garbage, that I really could care less what anyone thinks. That being said, I've run medium armor with no damaging proc sets on all 5 stam classes since 1T. I'm the furthest thing from a meta-abuser. I'll still craft and use a set of torgus when this goes live on console though, because in a dying game with developers who clearly care more about furnishing & crown store additions than fixing their combat system or properly balancing the game, caring about your reputation is gonna cause you more stress than just playing and enjoying the enjoyable parts of the game.

    Lag as *** in pc tbh.
    Unplayable on EU.
    I given up on zos balancing at this point and hardly log on anymore.
  • montiferus
    Checkmath wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    An offensive cheese like torugs is paired best with a defensive cheese like blessed meridia.

    I’m running skoria / master DW / torug / blessed meridia backbar (bow) on my stamblade.

    It’s a cheese build for a cheese class. I’d never put that garbage on my stamplar though because unlike stamblade, stamplar is actually a respectable class that requires actual effort to PvP well on.

    How are those Jabs working for you post-yesterday's incremental?

    Actually running torugs pact is a very bad idea, if you consider yourself a good PvPer. It will just ruin your reputation.

    (Btw a good PvPer should have realized, that jabs work normally if you weave in between)

    For the folks that enjoy talking crap Liam is universally thought of as the top stamplar on Xbox NA.
  • Datolite
    I guess I keep forgetting that people still play in Cyrodiil, zerg infested lag hole that it is. The Torug's cheese is more of a BGs issue, where the balance is much easier to disrupt and where skill is a bigger deciding factor in a fight because the odds are (presumably) even.

    Cyrodiil is a damn mess, cheese away...
  • React
    Datolite wrote: »
    I guess I keep forgetting that people still play in Cyrodiil, zerg infested lag hole that it is. The Torug's cheese is more of a BGs issue, where the balance is much easier to disrupt and where skill is a bigger deciding factor in a fight because the odds are (presumably) even.

    Cyrodiil is a damn mess, cheese away...

    I cant play bgs on my stamplar. Takes 30+ minutes for me to get a game, even solo. I've got 5k+ bgs games with probably 50% of them on that character alone.

    Gotta love zenimax for taking the most enjoyable lag free pvp, then making it unplayable for players that play it the most by adding mmr.
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • killahsin
    The fact that BG's are no-cp is absolutely hilarious to me. But i guess thats because I'm one of the players that left because of the pre-champion system nerf that scaled back the entire game to spread it out across the champion system. Well that and the fact i got cancer, so the game became more stressful than the illness. The lag while a bigger problem was just part of that stress. It's disappointing to me that a large segment of the population cried zenimax into secluding the champion system from the battlegrounds which limits build diversity immensely. Which was initially the entire reason a large amount of pvp guilds and players came here, including the RvR sieging system. It is also disappointment to me to now see this same community cry about cross bar sustainability on dot proccing enchants simply because of a solitary extra proc that is 1/5th the dmg of a max dps build currently and yet these same so called 'good players' design their builds around this same mechanic inherently either in sustained or proc or rng survivability w/ dmg from heaven.
  • Elong
    I've played Templars since beta, and since the latest patch combined with my ping being increased another 40 points due to how the data is sent from NZ now, I can't weave jabs or sweeps. The first time playing ESO that I've gone with cheese, and torugs is the only way I can compete until there is a fix my end. I'm not proud of it but if you haven't played on a 350 ping at best then you wouldn't understand.
  • p00tx
    montiferus wrote: »
    Checkmath wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    An offensive cheese like torugs is paired best with a defensive cheese like blessed meridia.

    I’m running skoria / master DW / torug / blessed meridia backbar (bow) on my stamblade.

    It’s a cheese build for a cheese class. I’d never put that garbage on my stamplar though because unlike stamblade, stamplar is actually a respectable class that requires actual effort to PvP well on.

    How are those Jabs working for you post-yesterday's incremental?

    Actually running torugs pact is a very bad idea, if you consider yourself a good PvPer. It will just ruin your reputation.

    (Btw a good PvPer should have realized, that jabs work normally if you weave in between)

    For the folks that enjoy talking crap Liam is universally thought of as the top stamplar on Xbox NA.

    Since when? I've never heard of him. I mean, no offense, and I'm sure he's great and all, but I spend 99% of my time in Cyrodil running with a pretty wide variety of people, and I've never run into him that I can remember.
    Edited by p00tx on October 31, 2018 6:23PM
    PC/Xbox NA Mindmender|Swashbuckler Supreme|Planes Breaker|Dawnbringer|Godslayer|Immortal Redeemer|Gryphon Heart|Tick-tock Tormentor|Dro-m'Athra Destroyer|Stormproof|Grand Overlord|Grand Mastercrafter|Master Grappler|Tamriel Hero
  • React
    p00tx wrote: »
    montiferus wrote: »
    Checkmath wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    An offensive cheese like torugs is paired best with a defensive cheese like blessed meridia.

    I’m running skoria / master DW / torug / blessed meridia backbar (bow) on my stamblade.

    It’s a cheese build for a cheese class. I’d never put that garbage on my stamplar though because unlike stamblade, stamplar is actually a respectable class that requires actual effort to PvP well on.

    How are those Jabs working for you post-yesterday's incremental?

    Actually running torugs pact is a very bad idea, if you consider yourself a good PvPer. It will just ruin your reputation.

    (Btw a good PvPer should have realized, that jabs work normally if you weave in between)

    For the folks that enjoy talking crap Liam is universally thought of as the top stamplar on Xbox NA.

    Since when? I've never heard of him. I mean, no offense, and I'm sure he's great and all, but I spend 99% of my time in Cyrodil running with a pretty wide variety of people, and I've never run into him that I can remember.

    Theres a clip of me 1v4ing your magplar in IC on my xboxdvr, from summerset. Check it out!

    XBL GT: React Faster
    Edited by React on October 31, 2018 7:57PM
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • p00tx
    montiferus wrote: »
    Checkmath wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    An offensive cheese like torugs is paired best with a defensive cheese like blessed meridia.

    I’m running skoria / master DW / torug / blessed meridia backbar (bow) on my stamblade.

    It’s a cheese build for a cheese class. I’d never put that garbage on my stamplar though because unlike stamblade, stamplar is actually a respectable class that requires actual effort to PvP well on.

    How are those Jabs working for you post-yesterday's incremental?

    Actually running torugs pact is a very bad idea, if you consider yourself a good PvPer. It will just ruin your reputation.

    (Btw a good PvPer should have realized, that jabs work normally if you weave in between)

    For the folks that enjoy talking crap Liam is universally thought of as the top stamplar on Xbox NA.

    Since when? I've never heard of him.
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    p00tx wrote: »
    montiferus wrote: »
    Checkmath wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    An offensive cheese like torugs is paired best with a defensive cheese like blessed meridia.

    I’m running skoria / master DW / torug / blessed meridia backbar (bow) on my stamblade.

    It’s a cheese build for a cheese class. I’d never put that garbage on my stamplar though because unlike stamblade, stamplar is actually a respectable class that requires actual effort to PvP well on.

    How are those Jabs working for you post-yesterday's incremental?

    Actually running torugs pact is a very bad idea, if you consider yourself a good PvPer. It will just ruin your reputation.

    (Btw a good PvPer should have realized, that jabs work normally if you weave in between)

    For the folks that enjoy talking crap Liam is universally thought of as the top stamplar on Xbox NA.

    Since when? I've never heard of him. I mean, no offense, and I'm sure he's great and all, but I spend 99% of my time in Cyrodil running with a pretty wide variety of people, and I've never run into him that I can remember.

    Theres a clip of me 1v4ing your magplar in IC on my xboxdvr, from summerset. Check it out!

    XBL GT: React Faster

    Oh! I do know that name. I was actually going to post that React Faster is the only Stamplar that has gotten my attention, but wasn't sure if I was allowed to name them publicly. Now I'm curious to see that video of you kicking my healer's butt...

    edit: aaaaad I just realized your gt is in your signature.
    Edited by p00tx on October 31, 2018 8:13PM
    PC/Xbox NA Mindmender|Swashbuckler Supreme|Planes Breaker|Dawnbringer|Godslayer|Immortal Redeemer|Gryphon Heart|Tick-tock Tormentor|Dro-m'Athra Destroyer|Stormproof|Grand Overlord|Grand Mastercrafter|Master Grappler|Tamriel Hero
  • CyrusArya
    If you’re abusing Torugs on a Stamplar, you will be banished from the Order of the Templar. Because at that point you are no longer a Stamplar, but rather a despicable glyphmancer.
    A R Y A
    The K-Hole ~ Phałanx
    My PvP Videos
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