I would certainly sink a few skill points into a Jewellery Hireling. It would be a good way for ZoS to cut through the enormous grind that jewellery crafting requires. I appreciate that they reduced the need somewhat by cutting the tempers required to upgrade jewellery, but it’s still a very time consuming, very expensive part of the game.
My biggest frustration with jewellery crafting is that it doesn’t seem to reward those who put a lot of effort into the crafting skill lines. Maybe a hireling could get around that too, with more impressive rewards for higher skilled crafters?
Good idea .. It would help keep those jewels prices in check ..
Everytime I am asked to craft purple or gold jewels, the person asking suffers from a heart attack when I tell him the price.
Wait you can get an alchemy hireling. Where...
Dark Brotherhood Skill line, Shadowy Supplier. Only problem is it's not mailed to you. You must go thru two loading screens to get. One to get into thieves guild or dark brotherhood lair and anther back out. Another issue is it is not a guarantee drop sometimes it's 5 potions.