Vet Malstrom Arean

HEY ZOS VMA .........!!

I have Siroia, Necro, illambris all in gold. (no i dont have perfect siroira cause i dont have the VMA staff so i can grind out VETcr.)
Sorc dark elf pet build and still.
I cant get by the very very very last boss and that ring.

I am sick of watching you tube how to videos.
I am sick of reading build after build after VMA build.

After 30 plus hours on the last boss. i SHOULD.. be given at least a freaking cookie!

Dead every time before the third crystal is even at half health.

And you trolls don't tell me you can jump down. cause that anchor mine and stupid chicken just chew me up.

I have tried this on super templar, sorc, dk builds. and still.. year after year... never finished VMA.

ZOS your VMA makes me HATE ESO!!!


  • Dow_phoenix1ub17_ESO
    Thinking outside of my anger.. thanks for giving me anger so kind of you.

    stun is 1.3 seconds too long.
    Knock back is 25% to far..

    I wonder if i could beat that and still be a ridiculously absurd challenge.

    So nice to want to play again where the best weapon gives you anger everyday cause
    1 . you dont have it.
    2. you cant get it.

    how about $30 in the crown store?
    make me have to pay to win.
    Insert more anger if that is the only way to get it.
  • TheInfernalRage
    I don't have it and never cared. It's really just on you. Are you one of those competitive type or BiS worshipper?
  • Spyxi
  • ihazzit
    After 30 plus hours on the last boss. i SHOULD.. be given at least a freaking cookie!

    Can't give you cookie, but the here's the next best thing, the only chocolate cookie recipe you'll need. Maybe you can get good at that.

    1 cup salted butter* softened
    1 cup white (granulated) sugar
    1 cup light brown sugar packed
    2 tsp pure vanilla extract
    2 large eggs
    3 cups all-purpose flour
    1 tsp baking soda
    ½ tsp baking powder
    1 tsp sea salt
    2 cups chocolate chips (or chunks, or chopped chocolate)


    Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Line a baking pan with parchment paper and set aside.
    In a separate bowl mix flour, baking soda, salt, baking powder. Set aside.
    Cream together butter and sugars until combined.
    Beat in eggs and vanilla until fluffy.
    Mix in the dry ingredients until combined.
    Add 12 oz package of chocolate chips and mix well.

    Roll 3 TBS of dough at a time into balls and place them evenly spaced on your prepared cookie sheets. (alternately, use a small cookie scoop to make your cookies)!
    Bake in preheated oven for approximately 8-10 minutes. Take them out when they are just BARELY starting to turn brown.
    Let them sit on the baking pan for 2 minutes before removing to cooling rack.
    If you are angry about anything in this game you are only punishing yourself.
  • HuawaSepp
    Try to destroy the third crystal first
  • Shezzarrine
    First of all, if you can't beat vMA you're more than likely never going to get perfected gear without getting carried hard anyway. Secondly, just try to go into it to have fun. I know it gets frustrating but when you're relaxed it really isn't that bad, the frustration is what makes it impossible, not the difficulty.
    One other thing is that it seems like the stuns are getting you, you could try using immlvable potions which will keep you from being stunned. Just remember, it's not very hard if you get out of your own head. Just kite the guard in a circle to avoid his flame breath and kill him immediately and if you master that you can go up and down the platform however many times you want
  • pattyLtd
    I am also struggling with last boss now but i will complete it (she said anxiously lol).
    I real hate feeling like im on a deadline with the upcomimg nerfs to my playstyle.

    For me I just want to be able to beat it, i guess im weird but i truelly dont even care about the weapons at all.
    I would like a lightning staff but it would cause me headaches to fit it in my build 😂

    I failed it before morrowind too and deleted quest then,
    I do notice the additional CP made it alot more doable, since its not as unforgiving as it felt before.

    However, i find myself stuck on the crystal phase.
    I be honest sometimes i have days i even struggle on round 3 of the theathre and yes it makes me feel desperate lol.

    Not sure what my point is if i had any but i feel same regarding the youtube vids etc, it looks so easy that i suspect it being recorded in nma haha. I like joy’s guide because its realistic and has awesome tips. Vma teached me one thing, i suck at videogames lol

    Edit: typos
    Edited by pattyLtd on October 13, 2018 7:05PM
    English is not my native language, no grammar police please, tyvm
  • dpencil1
    Do you get hit by the skulls he throws or get knocked off by his blast? You should be roll dodging the skulls and getting behind the floating wall for the blasts. Liquid lightning, blockade, and overload light attacks should be sufficient to take down each crystal quickly. Save up your ulti for this. If you have the matriarch, shield and heal through the damage. You shouldn't have to jump down, but you cannot make a mistake and get hit by the meteors, skulls, or blast while you are up there. Don't run between crystals. Save your stamina for dodge rolling and work on learning the timing of when to dodge. You can get this down so well that you don't even have to watch him, you just know when to dodge. Stay close to the floating wall as much as possible. Don't feel like you have to destroy a crystal to move on. You can come back to it.
  • Dubhliam
    If you pay as much attention in the arena as you are paying attention to spelling mistakes, it’s no wonder you can’t finish it.

    Also, don’t expect that the weapon will magically grant you 20k more DPS.
    The gear doesn’t beat content, the PLAYER does, and the fact you can’t beat vMA with legendary BiS gear only serves to prove my point.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Dymence
    If you can't complete it you don't need the gear
  • Crixus8000
    You don't need to make it a dps race. Build for more healing/survivability, then you can either stay up top and heal through the dot or you can jump down and survive the daedroth. More survivability will make it more forgiving until you perfect it.
    Edited by Crixus8000 on October 13, 2018 5:55PM
  • Sigtric
    Gear you are using doesn't mean squat until you know how to deal with the mechanics in there. Keep going till you learn it.

    Stormproof: Vibeke - 50 EP mDragonknight | Savi Dreloth - 50 EP Magsorc | Sadi Dreloth - 50 EP Magblade | Sigtric Stormaxe - 50 EP Stamsorc | Valora Dreloth - 50 EP Magplar | Sigtric the Unbearable 50 EP Stam Warden
    Scrub: Chews-on-Beavers - 50 EP DK Tank | Vera the Wild - 50 EP magicka Warden | Sigtric the Axe - 50 EP Dragonknight Crafter | Sigtric the Blade - 50 EP Lost Nightblade | Sigtric the Savage - 50 EP magicka Templar | Vibeka Shadowblade - 50 Ep Stealthy Ganky Nightblade |

    Show Me Your Dunmer
  • eso_nya
    siroria? thats not good in there, is not like u can stand still for more than a second. drop it for julianos.
  • Agenericname
    pattyLtd wrote: »
    I am also striggling with last boss now but i will complete it (she said anxiously lol).
    I real hate feeling like im on a deadline with the upcomimg nerfs to my playstyle.

    For me I just want to be able to beat it, i guess im weird but i truelly dont even care about the weapons at all.
    I would like a lightning staff but it would cause me headaches to fit it in my build 😂

    I failed it before morrowind too and deleted quest then,
    I do notice the additinal CP made it alot more doable, since its not as unforgiving as it felt before.

    However, i find myself stuck on the crystal phase.
    I be honest sometimes i have days i even struggle on round 3 of the theathre and yes it makes me feel desperate lol.

    Not sure what my point is if i had any but i feel same regarding the youtube vids etc, it looks so easy that i suspect it being recorded in nma haha. I like joy’s guide because its realistic and has awesome tips. Vma teached me one thing, i suck at videogames lol

    I got stuck on stage 5 with a character for a while. I went back and grabbed another character to try instead and the first few levels felt like nMA. I suspect that once you've done it a few times they feel like that.

    I dont feel like that about round 9 though. I've been stuck there for a while. I get frustrated and leave to do something else for a while periodically.
  • XxCaLxX
    Siroria on pet build is useless. Won’t stop you from beating vMA at all but extra spell damage on pet build hardly raises dps. Use destro mastery to pump up magicka for more damage or something else.
  • dpencil1
    Necropotence, Grothdarr, 3 Siroria (or any trials set), Willpower staff.

    That's a possibility that focuses more on max magicka. Grothdarr is the best monster set for vMA in my opinion.
  • Hotel6
    ilambris sucks in vma. try something slimecrew. siroria doesnt also sounds too good because u have to move around alot. maybe bsw.
  • WuffyCerulei
    I'm not gonna be a jerk like some people here. First off, try Julianos or BSW over Siroria's. vMA is too mobile of a fight for that set. Ilambris isn't a terrible set in there. For the last boss, try to learn the cues of each attack up top. When you first get up, be prepared to block. Then run to the rock wall. After that, you'll have to block 2 attacks and then rock wall. Then 2 again after. For the constant dot on you up there, keep your shield up at all times. Hardened Ward is your best friend.
    If you have a hard time keeping your stam up, try using immovable pots to keep you grounded for a short time or tri-pots to help keep your stam up. I understand how frustrating it is to just clear it first. I took me 6 months.
    Edited by WuffyCerulei on October 13, 2018 7:18PM
    Sorcerer's pretty much been the same for years. Nerf Rush of Agony and Saints&Seducer's
  • GrigorijMalahevich
    Stop losing and start winning!

    P.S. lolz gitgud
    PC/EU 800 CP.
    PvP MagSorc.
    Pedro Gonzales - Mag Sorc EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Progib - Stam Sorc DC vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Pozhar - Mag DK EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Podlechi - Mag Templar AD vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
  • notyuu
    ....I'm just going to point out that you can block/dodge the boss's skull blast thing that knocks you back...also when he summons up the huge shockwave there will be some busted ass gem fragments floating about..hide behind them and the shockwave won't hit you...course this only applies to the upper level.
  • Stebarnz
    The last boss was hard first time around but after first complete and learning the mechs its easy.
    Use necro, julianos and grothdar on mag sorc and its easy mode.
    Learn when the boss does knock back, use the shield wall on upper level for big knockback.
    save sigils for last burn.
    But after a few hours you really should have learned mechs, you banged your head? They haven't changed in like 3 years or so.
    How you got your CP allocated?
  • rumple9
    I was stuck on crystal phase for weeks tearing my hair out because I couldn't burn them down fast enough before the dot got me or I got knocked off.

    The answer I found was to take the speed sigil before you go up and to stack penetration by using the lover mundus and spinners gear. Apparently the crystals have really high resistance. This change helped me immensely for my first clear

    It also helps if you use Tri pots and Tri food if you are a magicka class so you don't run out of stamina when sprinting and dodge rolling
  • Taleof2Cities
    Don’t be too proud that you avoid the buff sigils. Use them. You can’t get your first clear without them.
  • idk
    I would give you a cookie if I could.

    If you trouble comes when on the to ring destroying the crystals, just take it slow. it is more important to watch the boss so you know when to dodge roll as well avoid/block any meteors.

    I never stop moving when up top so I usually miss the metors. If I do not miss one I block. I keep dots on the crystal.

    But take it slow. Keep your health up and you will get it. It is not a horse race.
  • GreenHere
    HuawaSepp wrote: »
    Try to destroy the third crystal first

    This is one of the best comments on the forum!
  • godchucknzilla
    You break the first two. Then jump down, kill whatever is down there, and get your resources back. Go back up, break the third crystal and then burn the boss down. Make sure you try to incept the yellow ghost he tries to absorb because it makes him harder to burn.
  • GlorphNoldorin
    I liked Infernal Guardian for my first sorc clear using tristat food and having negate/destro as ults. Infernal wears the further crystals down, tristat gave me enough stam to dodge the skulls/and keep out of the blasts. Negate works well on the guards until you get comfortable on healing through them or you can use destro on them. Nothing wrong with jumping down and if you can kill the guard in previous rounds you should be able to do it after jumping down.

  • TroodonsBite
    Not gonna lie, I’ve had a hard time staying up stop to get all three crystals in one go. I need more practice at it. Instead I would destroy one and jump off. Downside is having to deal with a crematorial guard and all that crap. But I’ve only done vma on a stam character so idk how different it is for ya
  • Bevik
    I have Moondancer+Necro+Ilambris on my 2x pet magsorc and I farmed vMA like that. Didn't change any CP but I changed skills for my taste.
  • Carl-lan
    Get the speed sigil before you go up. This will help you. The main thing is to keep an eye on the boss. Dodge his attacks. As soon as his shock attack starts, run to the floating rock fragments, but make sure you drop aoes and dots onto the crystal you were attacking before hand, if it hasn’t been destroyed, this will help burn it down.

    Once you’ve destroyed all three and fall down, run to the boss straight away and get the gold ghost that’ll come for him. Then get the defensive sigil and kill him. If you’re a little better the weapon power sigil is better at this point, but only if you can stay alive, otherwise it’s useless. Because you’re dead.

    You know what I’m saying?

    It’s hard because there’s little room for error on this boss. Once you do it though, you’ll feel both extremely powerful, and embarrassed that you posted this thread, because you’ll be so good at VMA you’ll be giving other people advice on how to clear it, and you’ll be like ‘I can’t believe I whinged so much publicly, I’m so embarrassed.’

    And then you’ll retell the story of the most embarrassing moment of your life around a campfire with your friends who don’t play eso, and will not understand you. But you’ll feel powerful.

    Which is a good thing. You’re awesome.

    And also you’ll probably get a VMA shield which you’ll never use ever because that’s what happens when you finish VMA.

    Speed sigil.
    Edited by Carl-lan on October 13, 2018 9:38PM
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