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Patch Notes v101 - Bounty Board Kill 20 Players for Cyrodil Feedback

  • Kapone
    I come from DAOC aswell and they had it right. The RR system was perfect. I agree that the 20 kills was too much since i would get my 20 kills, suicide and do it again. 100 Kills for 5000 points is a nice idea
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  • austinwalter87ub17_ESO
    Kapone wrote: »
    I come from DAOC aswell and they had it right. The RR system was perfect. I agree that the 20 kills was too much since i would get my 20 kills, suicide and do it again. 100 Kills for 5000 points is a nice idea

    I agree the Realm Rank system was by far the best system i've ever encountered in any MMORPG i've played. But, I don't think the bounty system in and of itself is inherently bad. Just the scaling is way off. Even 100 kills doesn't take long, but it's a vast improvement over 20. It's ridiculous that a player can join a Cyrodil Large Group, stay inside AFK during a keep defense, and have their quest done in a matter of no more than a few minutes. Even if the quest were 100 kills, it might not take more than 30 minutes to accomplish this.

    PC and PS4 (bring back character transfers please?)
    Templar Extraordinaire
  • austinwalter87ub17_ESO
    This entire direction they're taking with this is just bad news. The daily quest system is awful, and if they continue down this path. I foresee more bad news, yet again, for the generation of players that saw the beauty of Dark Age of Camelot and numerous other games. Considering that the PVP is heavily inspired by Dark Age of Camelot, Zenimax would be wise to continue down that path. If they choose to go down the daily path, the game will become repetitive, watered down, and boring. Player's will begin pursuing other games out of boredom. Why developers constantly fail to truly see the effect of these systems amazes me, and I'm hoping to at least raise awareness on this issue before it proceeds down this path.
    PC and PS4 (bring back character transfers please?)
    Templar Extraordinaire
  • Hawtsauce
    Hawtsauce wrote: »
    What about War NPCs that you can access in all major cities that allow you to turn in trophies from slain enemies ( knucklebones or skulls, etc ). Trophies stack to 999 , you can turn in 20 at a time ( unlimited number of time per day ) and choose to exchange them for a chest containing XP or AP or gold or random gear - let players choose how they want to be rewarded

    of course balancing this at first might be tricky but I like this idea for 2 reasons :
    1. I could pick the type of reward
    2. turn in the trophies when you want, wait until just before you log or whatever - your not loosing anything by waiting. It will prevent the " kill 10 and suicide " and make it feel less like a daily.
    Ebonheart Pact
    Darkmoon - Mag NB
    Ermak - Mag Templar
    Pukk - Stam NB
    Hawtsauce - Mag DK
    Mystik - Mag Sorc
    Brutikus - Stam DK
  • Ellorra
    I would agree with changing it to more players to kill if they also increased the Alliance Point reward. I don't want to continue to get 100 AP for 100 kills if we are currently getting 1000 for 20.
  • austinwalter87ub17_ESO
    Hawtsauce wrote: »
    Hawtsauce wrote: »
    What about War NPCs that you can access in all major cities that allow you to turn in trophies from slain enemies ( knucklebones or skulls, etc ). Trophies stack to 999 , you can turn in 20 at a time ( unlimited number of time per day ) and choose to exchange them for a chest containing XP or AP or gold or random gear - let players choose how they want to be rewarded

    of course balancing this at first might be tricky but I like this idea for 2 reasons :
    1. I could pick the type of reward
    2. turn in the trophies when you want, wait until just before you log or whatever - your not loosing anything by waiting. It will prevent the " kill 10 and suicide " and make it feel less like a daily.

    The person who suggested having no cap on the players killed, and just returning to the board at the end of the day to receive a reward for each player killed, offered a similar system that's effectively easier to develop and has literally no balance concerns whatsoever.
    PC and PS4 (bring back character transfers please?)
    Templar Extraordinaire
  • hrdndv_ESO
    It really really stinks that some players already used that exploit to gain massive leveling and players who had only 3 day Early Access and those without Early Access do not get this advantage! "Kill 20 Players" was my favorite quest. It was the only one I could do fairly easily. But it was not that easy to do as a solo player and took several hours of play to earn. Of course large groups accumulated kills rapidly. but returning to reclaim your reward and then returning to your group to earn more kills was not easy and there were many times zerging parties prevented me from returning for hours. Agreed it seemed like an exploit, but it was not a exploit that was easy to take advantage of.
  • austinwalter87ub17_ESO
    hrdndv_ESO wrote: »
    It really really stinks that some players already used that exploit to gain massive leveling and players who had only 3 day Early Access and those without Early Access do not get this advantage! "Kill 20 Players" was my favorite quest. It was the only one I could do fairly easily. But it was not that easy to do as a solo player and took several hours of play to earn. Of course large groups accumulated kills rapidly. but returning to reclaim your reward and then returning to your group to earn more kills was not easy and there were many times zerging parties prevented me from returning for hours. Agreed it seemed like an exploit, but it was not a exploit that was easy to take advantage of.

    Well, I can't entirely agree because grouping should have certain incentives over solo gameplay. As an organized/skillful group and/or large-group should be able to rack up more kills faster than a solo player. However, the bounty quest is awful simply because of how it encourages players to kamikaze and port back all the time.
    PC and PS4 (bring back character transfers please?)
    Templar Extraordinaire
  • Inactive Account
    Inactive Account
    This entire direction they're taking with this is just bad news. The daily quest system is awful, and if they continue down this path. I foresee more bad news, yet again, for the generation of players that saw the beauty of Dark Age of Camelot and numerous other games. Considering that the PVP is heavily inspired by Dark Age of Camelot, Zenimax would be wise to continue down that path. If they choose to go down the daily path, the game will become repetitive, watered down, and boring. Player's will begin pursuing other games out of boredom. Why developers constantly fail to truly see the effect of these systems amazes me, and I'm hoping to at least raise awareness on this issue before it proceeds down this path.

    I can see your concerns and in some ways I can even agree with them, but I would have to say that we need to take things slowly here. ESO has not officially launched and there are no doubt many, many changes on there way.

    Vanilla versions of MMOs are always a chaotic time. We as a player base need to ride the waves for a little while and see if calmer waters prevail.

    The changes today and in the near future will no doubt be greeted with cheers and jeers, but these forums are a good way to send feedback to the development team. So If a change that has been made is unacceptable to the majority of the player base, I am hopeful that the issue will not be dismissed. But it may take time to iron out the wrinkles.
  • Tyrrus52
    There goes PvP. 1000 APs isn't a lot of AP. That's not even a single siege weapon. Change it back to a repeatable quest and raise the number of kills to 50 please.
  • Inactive Account
    Inactive Account
    Tyrrus52 wrote: »
    There goes PvP. 1000 APs isn't a lot of AP. That's not even a single siege weapon. Change it back to a repeatable quest and raise the number of kills to 50 please.

    If I am correct here, they are / were more concerned with the Xp gain given as a reward, not the Alliance points.
  • Hawtsauce
    Yes I believe it was all about the XP gain
    Ebonheart Pact
    Darkmoon - Mag NB
    Ermak - Mag Templar
    Pukk - Stam NB
    Hawtsauce - Mag DK
    Mystik - Mag Sorc
    Brutikus - Stam DK
  • Azarul
    I think it should be based on campaign duration and scale up each turn in. So campaign starts its 20 kills. You turn that in its 40 kills. You turn that in its 80 killls. Etc. Up to a set amount maybe 320 kills or whatever. Then when the campaign resets your kills reset.
  • Azarul
    double post sorry
    Edited by Azarul on April 2, 2014 6:07PM
  • Inactive Account
    Inactive Account
    I am defiantly interested in seeing what the new rewards are for the quest in question. Things MAY NOT be as bad as we are thinking. Maybe.
    Edited by Inactive Account on April 2, 2014 6:10PM
  • Inactive Account
    Inactive Account
    updating now
  • Hawke
    Not sure I like it going to daily status. I would say 50 players a shot, but still not call it daily... that is... meh. The xp is not that much as is now.
  • hubdawgb14_ESO
    I would like to see maybe a scaled version of dailies. Each one maybe up to 6 missions. The first being 20 players killed. Second maybe 20 of a specific alliance. Then maybe 30 players and capture a resource. Next make it harder by being kill 20 of any one type of enemy say healer or templar etc. All your kills would be counted after acceptance and when any one category hits 20 you would complete it. Thus making an escalating "daily" for lack of a better word.
  • RandomusNamus
    As a regular leader of Cyrodiil groups, I'm personally glad this change was made. The repeatable system incentivized players staying dead in the middle of a fight just to accumulate kills for the quest. It causes untold frustration when you're trying to actually take an objective.

    An additional note to those thinking to simply replace the quest with a much higher kill count equivalent: Not all campaigns are high population, meaning that a 500 kill version of the quest could take days to compete on some campaigns.

    Edit: I *do* like the idea of a scaling quest for kills that rewards you for however many you have when you turn it in, though at that point isn't it basically becoming a second alliance point payout for a kill?
    Edited by RandomusNamus on April 2, 2014 6:20PM
  • Darlgon
    Azarul wrote: »
    I think it should be based on campaign duration and scale up each turn in. So campaign starts its 20 kills. You turn that in its 40 kills. You turn that in its 80 killls. Etc. Up to a set amount maybe 320 kills or whatever. Then when the campaign resets your kills reset.

    This is.. an intriguing thought. How about with this tweak tho? Remove ANY XP from the quest, getting XP only from player kills. Reset the number of kills daily, with a +50 increase each time you got the quest per day. (50/100/150/200/...)
    Some of us actually did not abuse the system by suiciding but actually would stay in the fight until killed, then go back, do the turn-in and then try to get back to the fight...use the AP granted to buy more siege to replace what was destroyed.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • tallenn
    I HATE dailies. Dailies suck. They force you to login each and every day to complete a task or lose out on a reward that you simply can't get if you fail to perform your daily duty. Before long, it begins to feel like an actual task, as in, work.

    I stand by my earlier assessment. Get rid of the quest altogether, and just raise the ap for player kills. Or don't raise it at all. I don't care. Just don't put in quests that feel like work, just due to their daily nature. Why do we need additional incentive to kill players, anyway?
  • Hawke
    Dailies would only work on the weekdays when I only have an hour or two to play... but when it is the weekend and time to buckle down on getting rewards... I can only do it once???

    No thank you.
  • austinwalter87ub17_ESO
    bump for great justice
    PC and PS4 (bring back character transfers please?)
    Templar Extraordinaire
  • nochance
    Would it be too hard to implement a system where instead of a quest you just get so many points per kills? That way it keeps players out there and not having to kamikaze back to town. Could stick with the 20 kill system.. Still relatively Common to get solo or in group..
    Edited by nochance on April 3, 2014 6:16AM
  • Woenprom
    ... constantly porting back to receive your reward and renew the quest every 5 minutes was rather silly.
    In my opinion, devs should increase amount of players to kill up to 50, and simply multiply current quest reward 2-3 times.
    " Multiplayer? M'aiq does not know this word. You wish others to help you in your quest? Coward! "
  • xiuyoalliub17_ESO
    this daily stuff just ruin the game , now is just wow ¬¬
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