PC is high spec, ESO barely works, keeps crahing

Hi all,

So my PC is as below:

Quad core i7 3770k 3.5ghz
8gb DDR3 RAM
AMD Radeon 7950 3gb graphics card

So not to brag but pretty beast of a machine, and way above recommended spec!

So can someone tell me why i need to be running on low settings, in order for my game to play for 20 minutes, even then crashes and says ESO.exe has stopped working, if i play on high (which i should be *** doing) crashes in minutes!

Getting f all with support and if this doesnt get fixed im demanding a refund for a game that doesnt work on a high spec PC.

I was a part of the beta and expected this much, got no support then, thought the actual game might work, but no, and still no support!

See my DXDIAG for more info

Any one else getting similar issues?
Edited by Dogtag19 on April 5, 2014 11:02AM
  • tokyov
    Yes, If I run the game on high, it will crash within 5 minutes. I run it on low, looks like im playing Ultima Online, but I can play for hours. THIS IS AN ESO ISSUE. The game is not optimized.

    I have a very high spec PC (sli), can play all new releases on Ultra with no issues.
  • Dogtag19
    yeah, but 20 mins, minimum specs and crashing....***
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