Hello there. As you see in title i have some problems with FPS.
I try all i find in google and forum, and nothing help.
So thats why i decide to make this thread.
I have about 40-50 fps in world (craglorn, rawlkha etc). 30-40 in empty cyro and bg. 25-30 in cyro fights and IC. It may drop below 20 sometimes makes game totally unplayable.
Last time i have some 30 fps at bergama, alikr. My friend with same settings and addons have 90-100 there, but he have worse pc than mine.
I try run game without addons, it gives me 5 fps more. Five, its rookie number.
I have minimum background apps (only discord and windows services). I havent any viruses, miners etc.
So i ask you for help.
Here is my RIG
My dxdiag and usersettings in attached files.
Here is my ingame settings
Thank you for your help, guys! I hope someone can advice me how to improve fps to playable (50-60) in pvp.
Edited by labambao on September 15, 2018 3:10PM