Quoted for truth.
I take characters in to level and regularly go 40+ kills with 0 or 1 deaths(best record is 71-0). They’re some of the most boring, awful matches you can imagine and a couple of them in a short period will make me go back to pve grinding. I can’t imagine why anyone would try to use these matches to showcase how good they are.
StamWhipCultist wrote: »
Maybe I should level to 50 1st and then start grinding vigor and caltrops? I mean, these screens were not there to show how "good" I am but to answer OP how come some players are so much better than others in under 50 BGs. Answer is simple - old players on new characters.
And as you can see from the screenshot, I had zero heals.
That BG match was my second on that character, lvl 20 in lvl 10 training gear. No PvP sets, no AvA skills, no heals. I am terribly sorry if it offended you in any way.
Also, about 70+ kills in a game. Pics or it didnt happen.
I’m saying you shouldn’t be bragging about average results against a bunch of trash players.
I don’t screenshot sub-50 matches because they’re irrelevant
StamWhipCultist wrote: »
You should not be bragging about 70 kill runs w/o screenshots
They can take spell after spell and four people attacking them and they lose health very slowly.
Something is broken in there! I think there must be an exploit they are using
Also two hand is very powerful.
You're missing the point. You shouldn't be proud of clubbing baby seals AT ALL, screens or not.
Emmagoldman wrote: »Its also designed to be below lvl 50, especially for newer players. Of course, you have older players, geared out playing to feel a lot stronger. Its like going into kindergarten to punt little kids around. Some serious life shortcomings when you need to stomp on new players to feel confident.
Below lvl 50 also rewards some classes more then others because of dcaling. for example, rally is unlocked at lvl 50
There are fully premade groups in below 50 BGs using dawnbreakers, sloads, dungeon sets like overwhelming surge etc.
If they would not be in the learning area, you would have no one to fight. More than half of the population on Kyne EU are vet players who Play there.
I don't believe this as often when I am trying to play there bunches of players give up and leave because they can't be competitive.
New players don't have the resources to make the lower level gear to match these players just to level through here.
Also have you tried to find any builds for lower level players for PVP. I can't find them even if I could afford to make them
electromagnets wrote: »I’m sorry, but I’ve got no sympathy for this attitude. Saying it “should be impossible for someone to wear gear that makes them unkillable” is absurd on so many levels. First of all, it’s not the gear alone that makes them unkillable - more important is the skill and experience that they bring to the fight, which you’re obviously lacking.
You say you want an even playing field? You’ve already got it. You have just as much opportunity to practice and create solid a build as anyone else. Just because you don’t choose to, you cry about people who have invested time and gold into becoming stronger, better players. Of course they’re going to beat you and you’re buddies if you’re not doing the same.
I agree with the point that usually it’s mediocre players who reroll and perpetually live in Kyne, but if you really want to learn to pvp these are great players to practice against. Furthermore, if you invest time and energy into making solid builds and watching pvp videos, etc, it won’t be long until that “unkillable dude who stomps you with 2 hits from a 2H” will become your first teabag trophy.
Sure there are balance problems and the game is far from perfect. But we all deal with it and keep going regardless. If everyone who had a rough time when starting out with PvP came to the forums to complain and ask for nerfs or changes, the servers would crash.
In short, stop being so millennial and get to work.
I was thinking about the people that say get competitive gear.
What level does a crafter have to be to make the armor that these players wearing gold armor? How do you level a crafter? Answer breaking down items. How do you get those items to break down? Killing stuff that makes you level. So you level out of the under 50 pvp area.
So if I don't get the armor given to me how does a level 10 start the under 50 pvp with gold armor that is competitive with these other players.
How many people are going to make me gold pvp armor for every 2 levels for level 10 through to level 50?
You know that I can't even get a set of the armor gotten through pve without leveling way out of the first one I get. DOing the jewelry quest by itself levels a few levels if you do that and then where is the items to break down to level it. Then if I am low level how do I get them to purple or gold with any good stats?
I am not asking them to effect the over 50 pvp but there is no way to say the current system is fair.
This is bull!
So a new player that is level 10 to 30 and entering the under 50 pvp area is suppose to have the same gear and builds as every one else? By the time they do pve to get this stuff they will be level 50 or higher.
I have never said that I want to have skill not matter or that I want to have good players disadvantaged.
Bottom line 4 people in a group should not be killed by one player over and over because the gear and skills (not player skill) that person has is better than they have. If it is one on one than I am not that concerned.
First of, no one except maybe the far too rich people plays with gold armor, since you just dont need it.
In addition to that you rly dont need armor for every 2 lvls, but rather you should get new armor about every 5 levels, because at that point it starts to show that your armor is a lower level than you.
Also you dont need to be a rly high lvl crafter to get most of the gear you can use for lowbie if you dont want to go for rly specialized builds which need 8 or 9 trait sets.
The best way to get Open World PvE gear in my opinion is to buy it with AP from the regional vendor you can find in every alliance base.
This is a better way than farming it, because as you said you level too much when you farm gear.
So i would say everyone who played the game for like 2 - 3 weeks and invested something in being able to get better gear and gold/AP can easily be able to get proper gear for lowbie.
You just need to research gear and level the crafting skill lines a bit, best by deconstructing stuff you find in the world or get from PvP.
And the point that players kill you because they have got better skills than you just does not make sense, since really every player can farm the skills that they want
(the only skill lines not everyone has access too are the psijic order and the skill lines of classes you dont have).
You can not really complain about other people having better skills than you if you could have them too, but are just too lazy or see no reason to farm them.
When I level a new toon I do BGs while doing the mages guild, psijiic and gathering skyshards. I craft two blue 5 pieces with white jewellery and use whatever dropped weapons I find along the way. I make one set for 16 and another for 36 and do fine.
Gear does matter a damn lot, but it’s not going to make you a super pvper just because you have good gear. Just practice.
A more experienced player who levels alts with gold gear’s sorta pathetic imo. I saw a coupe who did in a premade who spawn camping my team in a flag game, but no one had heard of them before so I wasn’t able to track them down and hunt them on my main.
Rivalries can make pvp fun, as long as you’re not a psycho like some people. Remember who they are and get your revenge later. New players missed this type of pvp with kill on sight lists and stuff in FFA pvp games.
Did you read the all the 4 pages of post? For that matter did you read all of my posts thoroughly?My comments are to the whole thing.
Many have commented that some players, the ones I pointed with this post too, make gold for every two or three levels.
My other comments are the for someone to do what you commented they could not start in the under 50 pvp at a very low level but would have to wait until way after level 10. How many levels did you gain doing the psijic order quest? what level would you be if you did it on a low level character. You can't even swap bars until you are level 15. But you are expected to compete with tricked out players.
By the way it is not Kyne any more so it seems it may have been a while since you have been in there so how can you comment on this. The problem is fairly new that I posted about.
You also don't know how good the players I was with were so how can you say that.
So a new player on their first character is going to know any do all this?
People can try to justify what is happening now in the under 50 by a bunch of reasons that do not address the problem of the unfairness of these players with tricked out characters coming in a slaughtering players. They trick them out and the when the get to be 50 they delete them and start over just to kill other new players. What justifies this? This is what the post is about and I am not the only one in this thread that commented about it.
I truly don't believe you have pvped in the under 50 area for a while because what I described is exactly what is happening.
You are not the one I am talking about in this thread then. I would be happy to pvp against players like you all the time.
If you do fine in there with blue stuff that is 19 levels below you than you must have not been in there pvping lately. At level 35 your stuff would be 19 levels below you and you can take on players with gold stuff that is 2 to 3 level off at max. You must be a great pvper and I wish I was that good. When I fight these players I die before I get a chance to get of more than one of two skills.
Please read the whole thread and see that others are saying the same thing.
When were you last pvping? Were you playing against the AD faction? That is the faction that has whole guild that are playing as I described.
That is broken then. PVP is about players that are evenly matched competing with each other or should be.
Here you are making assumptions about my group. This guy was not like any other that I have ever seen in there. He could run for over an hour and not exhaust his resources. We could hit him with all kinds of spells and weapon damage and it didn't even make a dent in his health.
You are making assumptions about how a person should play to being able to compete in the under 50s to validate people going in there over powered and killing groups of people. They should do this and they should do that. People don't want to research the game for hours to play. They want to play. The under 50 is for people to learn to pvp not to go in after already knowing how to pvp.
You do seem to say that it is a problem in the beginning of the post so why are you arguing for it.
You don't think that pvp should be fair? You don't think that players should have a chance to kill another player or other players without first leveling to 30 or 40 even in a group against one player.
I don't play year round but mostly in the colder months so was shocked when I went in there in the fall and it had all changed. It wasn't as much fun because it was no longer a place to learn but to get killed over and over again. Yes when those few over powered players are not playing it is fun. But when they are playing they target players to kill so they don't level out of there so soon. They don't take the keeps or resources except to get other players that are trying to take keeps.
I never said I was a great player either that is why I group when I am in there but I am not so bad that I can't tell when the situation is unfair for beginning players.