Why is it that some people can't be killed in the below 50 PVP

  • CompM4s
    They don't stand in red circles.
  • Kartalin
    If it's the AD group in lowbie cyrodiil that I'm thinking of they probably got tired of getting blown tf up in Bahlokdaan by smaller groups lol.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 37
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 37
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 36
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Kallenna, EP Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - Tertiary Meat - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Anyron
    These players are just noobs walking in gold equip, farming new players because they have to heal their ego they were slaughtered in proper cyrodiil

    Lowest form of life. Its just sad and stupid

    Edit: its just as sad as some people here claiming proudly they are ones who play this cowardly pvp, farming new players.

    Shame. Get your balls together and play 50+
    Edited by Anyron on January 13, 2020 3:27PM
  • ThePhantomThorn
    this thread is 2 years old... why did you res it?
  • kijima
    Playing below 50 for me, well its the fun way to level up a new toon, beats mindless grinding or having to repeat the same quests you've done multiple times.
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

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