Why is it that some people can't be killed in the below 50 PVP

  • Lexxypwns

    Because people who have been playing the game for a while, including myself, find it pretty freaking fun to rule over the new little players who don’t understand how to counter stuff.

    It’s a little toxic yes, but the game is so full of op counters that help groups that jumping into below 50 and wrecking noobs makes it seem almost even

    Let me translate:

    I’m slightly above average on my best day and rerolling characters to sub-50 pvp gives me the illusion that I’m actually good
    Edited by Lexxypwns on August 29, 2018 5:31PM
  • worsttankever
    Edited by worsttankever on August 29, 2018 7:13PM
    Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour.
  • worsttankever
    Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour.
  • Datthaw
    Lexxypwns wrote: »

    Let me translate:

    I’m slightly above average on my best day and rerolling characters to sub-50 pvp gives me the illusion that I’m actually good

    Lol honestly yes. I did this for a while until I realized I was a ***. Now I'm just rolling stam toons for vet through kyne.
  • Syncronaut
    When you see a player like this, use resorce draining poision (magic, starmina, hp) and they cant do anything to you.
  • Lexxypwns
    Syncronaut wrote: »
    When you see a player like this, use resorce draining poision (magic, starmina, hp) and they cant do anything to you.

    Can absolutely 1vX with resource poisons on you. In any campaign
  • Enkil

    Because people who have been playing the game for a while, including myself, find it pretty freaking fun to rule over the new little players who don’t understand how to counter stuff.

    It’s a little toxic yes, but the game is so full of op counters that help groups that jumping into below 50 and wrecking noobs makes it seem almost even

    Wow... that’s like saying you won a game of pool (billiards) by taking a crap on the table and found it fun.
  • Bobleeswaggen
    If your 2-3 man group is having trouble killing 1 guy in below 50 you need to make sure that you are doing a couple of things: 1) make sure you all are decently geared, set wise and quality (at least upgrade you weapons and large pieces to purple). 2) everyone should have dawnbreaker or meteor unlocked, which can be a grind but is important. 3) make sure your group has some hard cc/immobilize ablilities, make sure you've applied your major breach or whatever, then stun him and all drop ultimate at once. Once you figure out when and how to time things, few players can survive that consistently. If he can, then he is too tanky to deal much damage himself and you shouldn't feel bad about just ignoring him.
    Redguard Dragonknight - Ebonheart Pact - Denzel Roundbelly (PVP Main)
    High Elf Sorcerer - Ebonheart Pact - Skinny Roundbelly (PVE Main - Stormproof)
  • MajBludd
    What gear do you use, what are your stats and what class?
  • Mondini
    <50 is the true pvp experience
  • electromagnets
    I’m sorry, but I’ve got no sympathy for this attitude. Saying it “should be impossible for someone to wear gear that makes them unkillable” is absurd on so many levels. First of all, it’s not the gear alone that makes them unkillable - more important is the skill and experience that they bring to the fight, which you’re obviously lacking.

    You say you want an even playing field? You’ve already got it. You have just as much opportunity to practice and create solid a build as anyone else. Just because you don’t choose to, you cry about people who have invested time and gold into becoming stronger, better players. Of course they’re going to beat you and you’re buddies if you’re not doing the same.

    I agree with the point that usually it’s mediocre players who reroll and perpetually live in Kyne, but if you really want to learn to pvp these are great players to practice against. Furthermore, if you invest time and energy into making solid builds and watching pvp videos, etc, it won’t be long until that “unkillable dude who stomps you with 2 hits from a 2H” will become your first teabag trophy.

    Sure there are balance problems and the game is far from perfect. But we all deal with it and keep going regardless. If everyone who had a rough time when starting out with PvP came to the forums to complain and ask for nerfs or changes, the servers would crash.

    In short, stop being so millennial and get to work.
  • Pijng
    I’m sorry, but I’ve got no sympathy for this attitude. Saying it “should be impossible for someone to wear gear that makes them unkillable” is absurd on so many levels. First of all, it’s not the gear alone that makes them unkillable - more important is the skill and experience that they bring to the fight, which you’re obviously lacking.

    You say you want an even playing field? You’ve already got it. You have just as much opportunity to practice and create solid a build as anyone else. Just because you don’t choose to, you cry about people who have invested time and gold into becoming stronger, better players. Of course they’re going to beat you and you’re buddies if you’re not doing the same.

    I agree with the point that usually it’s mediocre players who reroll and perpetually live in Kyne, but if you really want to learn to pvp these are great players to practice against. Furthermore, if you invest time and energy into making solid builds and watching pvp videos, etc, it won’t be long until that “unkillable dude who stomps you with 2 hits from a 2H” will become your first teabag trophy.

    Sure there are balance problems and the game is far from perfect. But we all deal with it and keep going regardless. If everyone who had a rough time when starting out with PvP came to the forums to complain and ask for nerfs or changes, the servers would crash.

    In short, stop being so millennial and get to work.

    Teabags are bad, mkay?
    Also tired from people who are complainig about someone who invested hella lot resorces(both ingame and time).
    It's like complaining that Slash is playing guitar better than you, huh.
  • Lexxypwns
    I think it speaks a lot to your skill level if you regularly PvP in sub-50 instead of fighting experienced players
  • SmackNCheese
    I first fell for this game playing PvP in BWB. I was a level 27 dunmer night blade getting destroyed by other alliances, this was before they removed CP from under 50 so people were literally unkillable to me.

    I wasn’t discouraged by this, I wanted to learn more, I leveled up, bought hundings rage from a trader in deshann and continued to try new things. It was a ton of fun to learn the game, and Zerg down these “Gods”.

    However now that I’ve been playing for 2.5-3 years, mostly in PvP, I make fun of the individuals who reroll and stay in BWB (Kyne now). For if they were actually good at the game they’d come join us in shor or Vivec instead of hiding under level 50 in an insignificant learning campaign.
    NA Mag Player
  • Lirkin
    I’m sorry, but I’ve got no sympathy for this attitude. Saying it “should be impossible for someone to wear gear that makes them unkillable” is absurd on so many levels. First of all, it’s not the gear alone that makes them unkillable - more important is the skill and experience that they bring to the fight, which you’re obviously lacking.

    You say you want an even playing field? You’ve already got it. You have just as much opportunity to practice and create solid a build as anyone else. Just because you don’t choose to, you cry about people who have invested time and gold into becoming stronger, better players. Of course they’re going to beat you and you’re buddies if you’re not doing the same.

    I agree with the point that usually it’s mediocre players who reroll and perpetually live in Kyne, but if you really want to learn to pvp these are great players to practice against. Furthermore, if you invest time and energy into making solid builds and watching pvp videos, etc, it won’t be long until that “unkillable dude who stomps you with 2 hits from a 2H” will become your first teabag trophy.

    Sure there are balance problems and the game is far from perfect. But we all deal with it and keep going regardless. If everyone who had a rough time when starting out with PvP came to the forums to complain and ask for nerfs or changes, the servers would crash.

    In short, stop being so millennial and get to work.

    When 4 people are hitting you with spells and weapons and your health is hardly going down has nothing to do with skill!!! That is what is happening. So obviously some people have figured out how to get armor and skills that almost remove damage. They run around and kill anyone they feel like. This in the under 50 zone. The weapons they use kill you in two swipes.

    Look at the under 50 lately. Hardly no one in there compared to what is was. People are getting discouraged. Especially the AD area. Most of the people in there are over protected.

    This needs to be balanced
    Edited by Lirkin on September 3, 2018 12:13AM
  • Jierdanit
    Lirkin wrote: »

    When 4 people are hitting you with spells and weapons and your health is hardly going down has nothing to do with skill!!! That is what is happening. So obviously some people have figured out how to get armor and skills that almost remove damage. They run around and kill anyone they feel like. This in the under 50 zone. The weapons they use kill you in two swipes.

    Look at the under 50 lately. Hardly no one in there compared to what is was. People are getting discouraged. Especially the AD area. Most of the people in there are over protected.

    This needs to be balanced

    It's called healing. Got nothing to do with removing damage. :neutral:
    PC/EU, StamSorc Main
  • Marcus684
    OP, the players you’re referring to have figured out how to use a combination of damage mitigation and healing to completely offset the low damage output of the typical actual Kyne noob player. It’s NOT just gear, but gear is a major factor. One of the first steps for you to take is to learn how to properly gear yourself for PvP. Do some research and get yourself some decent gear, either by leveling your crafting skills, or finding someone to make gear for you. This will go a long ways towards helping you survive long enough to learn the basics of skill rotation.
  • StamWhipCultist
    That is not true, OP. Look, I died once.
  • Lirkin
    Marcus684 wrote: »
    OP, the players you’re referring to have figured out how to use a combination of damage mitigation and healing to completely offset the low damage output of the typical actual Kyne noob player. It’s NOT just gear, but gear is a major factor. One of the first steps for you to take is to learn how to properly gear yourself for PvP. Do some research and get yourself some decent gear, either by leveling your crafting skills, or finding someone to make gear for you. This will go a long ways towards helping you survive long enough to learn the basics of skill rotation.

    I believe that this is true. What I am talking about is just this. Can they do this in the over 50? No why because what they are doing is unbalanced for a learning zone and under 50.

    This needs to be adjusted. Most people level out of this zone before it is worth making the armor and weapons these people are using. They have probably figured out the best skills to have for this also. Most people don't have this in the under 50 PVP area. I try to find info on what to use but can't find anything for the under 50 PVP on the web.

    For those saying to learn. What can I learn if there is nothing on the web about this and I am dead before I can have a chance to try things.
  • oxygen_thief
    Lirkin wrote: »
    When 4 people are hitting you with spells and weapons and your health is hardly going down has nothing to do with skill!!!
    This needs to be balanced

    i leveling up my new char in bsg now. its a stam dk orc in full orgnum's scales, full fortified brass and two pieces of shacklebreaker s&b/2h 5heavy/2med. all parts are epic except jewelry. i use green blood, vigor and health regen potions when i am focused by enemy team. sometimes i can lay on the ground stunned and dont even try to break free because they cant do anything to me
    Edited by oxygen_thief on September 3, 2018 7:15PM
  • AngryOldMan
    1: make a new character. 2: Go for Magic build. 3:equip 5 piece Armor of the Seducer, 5 piece Magnus' Gift. 2 Robes of Alteration Mastery or Robes of Transmutation. 4: Spam healing ability and Shields. 5: Update ignore list as hate whispers ticking in. 6: Start a New character, rinse and repeat
  • Lloydmp
    Can’t evenly match skill in open world pvp.
    If you can’t kill a skilled player levelling in pvp then do what everyone else does and fetch a Zerg.

    And iv played since beta and still level through pvp, BGs. Am I supposed to stop because you don’t like getting stomped?
  • Lirkin
    The last two suggestions might work to get through the lower level PVP but you are assumming that there are groups that are in there. There have been very low pop in there and no groups. The only groups I have been able to get it max three people and we get stomped by these players with no chance. Most of the players in AD are soloing or grouping with a small number of players and don't want the group. Probably because they don't want to level out to fast. Groups usually kill a lot of NPCs so the experience levels you out of the faster so they don't want to be in a group. They would rather complain about everyone else not knowing what they are doing and doing everything wrong.
  • StamWhipCultist
    Even worse, OP, I died twice
  • Jierdanit
    Even worse, OP, I died twice

    If you get at least one competent enemy It will not look like this.
    Edited by Jierdanit on September 8, 2018 2:56PM
    PC/EU, StamSorc Main
  • Lirkin
    Is this in the under 50?

    If so then why are you there?

    People in there are not supposed to be all decked out and experienced. It goes by to fast because of how fast you level in there.

    If not good playing.

    I for one am not that good at PVP and until it is more balanced will never go over the under 50 zone.
  • StamWhipCultist
    It was on lvl 20 character
  • Marcus684
    Smh at well-geared, obviously-experienced players who go into lowbie BGs and then brag about how elite they are. New toons have low MMR so will be matched up with other new toons, which usually pits you against brand-new players in crap gear, so bragging about your kill/death ratio in this scenario is like a high-schooler bragging about how many kindergardeners he jacked up on the playground.
  • StamWhipCultist
    Marcus684 wrote: »
    Smh at well-geared, obviously-experienced players who go into lowbie BGs and then brag about how elite they are. New toons have low MMR so will be matched up with other new toons, which usually pits you against brand-new players in crap gear, so bragging about your kill/death ratio in this scenario is like a high-schooler bragging about how many kindergardeners he jacked up on the playground.

    u jelly :trollface:
  • Lexxypwns
    Marcus684 wrote: »
    Smh at well-geared, obviously-experienced players who go into lowbie BGs and then brag about how elite they are. New toons have low MMR so will be matched up with other new toons, which usually pits you against brand-new players in crap gear, so bragging about your kill/death ratio in this scenario is like a high-schooler bragging about how many kindergardeners he jacked up on the playground.

    Quoted for truth.

    I take characters in to level and regularly go 40+ kills with 0 or 1 deaths(best record is 71-0). They’re some of the most boring, awful matches you can imagine and a couple of them in a short period will make me go back to pve grinding. I can’t imagine why anyone would try to use these matches to showcase how good they are.
    Edited by Lexxypwns on September 8, 2018 9:05PM
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