I did not know that was a thing... what is that appearance? That is awesome!!!
Most Wardens use Thicket though, don't they?
Most Wardens use Thicket though, don't they?
I'm an endgame player with 4+ yrs sunk into ESO. Hell I spend a quarter of my time at the outfit station. If I'm going out to die in dungeons and cyrodiil I want to look good doing it..and my pet as well if it was possible LOL!
I'm not saying there aren't endgame players who care about how their character looks, just that it's not a 1:1 comparison so the number of endgame players who play a warden and use the bear is not representative of the total number of players who would buy skins for it.
Especially when the warden is apparently a bad class for endgame, so those players have an incentive to not play it which doesn't apply to the wider population who will just play whatever seems cool and are doing content which is easy enough that it doesn't matter if it's not the best possible choice.
Huh. Someone gave me this jar of tears from DK players claiming Warden tanks are replacing them...
Hayden_Knight wrote: »
So you thought thiswas always just going to be the home for one bear pet skin. Good job you were correct
i mean, its icon is a picture of a bearskin. "go here to look at your bear skin"
how do you guys do that little trolly picture?
Endgame players are not the target audience for cosmetics like pet skins. Cosmetics sell to people who like to dress up their character and create themes for them. Some of them will also be endgame players, but not all. Therefore the number of endgame players using wardens is not representative of the potential market for new pet skins.
Go into any city and you'll see bears, meaning people playing wardens, taking the bear ultimate and using it even when they're not likely to be in combat. They are the target audience for new pet skins.