Hello there! Let me get to the point of this post - My husband and I are looking for a guild that’s LGBTQ friendly, is social, helps newbies (I was in beta, and we do play... We made it past level 10! Lol), and Casual (We like to play at our own pace. We aren’t in it for the grind, we want to play for the fun of the game). We will help where we can, and he wants to get into crafting while I do want to try... I normally leave it to him for the crafting lol.
If you’re willing to put up with us, by all means send me a message in game, on here, or my personal account on twitter.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
creator of the
ESO Dev Tracker.
I also have my own twitter at
https://twitter.com/askray if you care.