Yeah, the folks I pvp with were complaining about it not working properly so I never bothered, but I don't have rapids morphs on my healers since I can't spare the skill point, so I should try it out. Seriously annoying to have it hog a slot.
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »Yeah, the folks I pvp with were complaining about it not working properly so I never bothered, but I don't have rapids morphs on my healers since I can't spare the skill point, so I should try it out. Seriously annoying to have it hog a slot.
It works but if you get stuck in combat on your horse and you still have the speed buff on your bar it gets kinda wonky since the game doesn't let you swap skills in combat.
As soon as the speed buff shows up, you have to press it and get that skill replaced with your normal one. Or put speed buff on a number slot that isn't your main damage or heal lol. There are setting to do that. Once you get used to it, its pretty helpful.
Waffennacht wrote: »So in reality this Only is helpful to PC players and has Nothing to do with the rest of the player base.
It's unreliable, and annoying to find and reset my normal skill if I get knocked out of mount and it doesn't reset the skill. But ARR's the only way I remember to slot Rapids at all and use it, so it's been a huge help there.Waffennacht wrote: »So in reality this Only is helpful to PC players and has Nothing to do with the rest of the player base.
Yes, like all addons discussed in the Addon topic. This should not be a shock. Consoles are 1/10 the price of a desktop system that can play ESO, but get all content weeks later and can't do addons. Complain to Sony or Microsoft if you don't like that.
TheNorthernDragon wrote: »I second Fast Ride:
BluntLightsaber wrote: »It's easy to fix if you can't wait for the author to do so. If you go into the add on folder and edit AssistRapidRiding.lua and Core.lua by changing local rapidManeuverRefId = 46488 to local rapidManeuverRefId = 38566 and local hasPrgression,rmProgressionIndex = GetAbilityProgressionXPInfoFromAbilityId(46488) to local hasPrgression,rmProgressionIndex = GetAbilityProgressionXPInfoFromAbilityId(38566) it will fix it!
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »