Public Service Announcement: Assist Rapid Riding.


I've never seen it on the popular list, so I have a feeling many people might be overlooking it.

Assist Rapid Riding atuomatically handles the switching of Rapid maneuver onto, and off of your hotbar, when you mount or dismount Definitely an excellent addition especially for those without 60-Speed trained horses.

Granted it is not perfect, at times it bugs out-- but seems to do so less than the vanilla "rapid maneuver" skill itself (which about 30% of the time simply doesn't work while mounted-- despite being intended to do so)
Edited by Twenty0zTsunami on February 23, 2018 5:17PM
  • Annalyse
    Thank you! I kept forgetting to switch skills back and finally just ended up giving up on using RM. I'm getting this immediately!
  • jssriot
    Yeah, the folks I pvp with were complaining about it not working properly so I never bothered, but I don't have rapids morphs on my healers since I can't spare the skill point, so I should try it out. Seriously annoying to have it hog a slot.
    PC-NA since 2015. Tired and unimpressed.
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    jssriot wrote: »
    Yeah, the folks I pvp with were complaining about it not working properly so I never bothered, but I don't have rapids morphs on my healers since I can't spare the skill point, so I should try it out. Seriously annoying to have it hog a slot.

    It works but if you get stuck in combat on your horse and you still have the speed buff on your bar it gets kinda wonky since the game doesn't let you swap skills in combat.

    As soon as the speed buff shows up, you have to press it and get that skill replaced with your normal one. Or put speed buff on a number slot that isn't your main damage or heal lol. There are setting to do that. Once you get used to it, its pretty helpful.
  • N00BxV1
    It's a very nice addon, I've been using it for a while. If you are in a combat zone then just be sure to use Rapid Maneuver as soon as the addon swaps to it so that the addon can quickly swap back to your default skill. It sucks going into combat and having RM stuck on your skill bar because skills can't be changed while in combat.
  • Voxicity
    Been using it for a while. Very reliable and works great. Just have to try not to get ganked off your horse cause i think it keeps rapids on instead of swapping back to the original skill. But having 1000cp Flawless Conqueror helps with not getting ganked in the first place :D
  • Gnortranermara
    Grr... Giving me PC envy.
  • Twenty0zTsunami
    jssriot wrote: »
    Yeah, the folks I pvp with were complaining about it not working properly so I never bothered, but I don't have rapids morphs on my healers since I can't spare the skill point, so I should try it out. Seriously annoying to have it hog a slot.

    It works but if you get stuck in combat on your horse and you still have the speed buff on your bar it gets kinda wonky since the game doesn't let you swap skills in combat.

    As soon as the speed buff shows up, you have to press it and get that skill replaced with your normal one. Or put speed buff on a number slot that isn't your main damage or heal lol. There are setting to do that. Once you get used to it, its pretty helpful.

    This is exactly why I set it up to remove it from my bar after casting and during the duration of the skill. Helps alleviate some of the moments where you end up in combat before dismounting.
  • Waffennacht
    So in reality this Only is helpful to PC players and has Nothing to do with the rest of the player base.

    Thanks for the heads up!!!

    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Nihility42
    I use this. I have it set to only toggle when I press a hotkey rather than auto toggling. That way I can toggle when it's safe, activate it, then switch back to my normal skills. But if I need to mount up in or near combat, I don't risk getting the skill stuck.
  • Grimlok_S
    Tried it for a few days, got me killed more often than not. Run at your own risk lol
    Light Attack Hero

    Class context
    Stam NB
    Bomb NB
  • kamimark
    It's unreliable, and annoying to find and reset my normal skill if I get knocked out of mount and it doesn't reset the skill. But ARR's the only way I remember to slot Rapids at all and use it, so it's been a huge help there.
    So in reality this Only is helpful to PC players and has Nothing to do with the rest of the player base.

    Yes, like all addons discussed in the Addon topic. This should not be a shock. Consoles are 1/10 the price of a desktop system that can play ESO, but get all content weeks later and can't do addons. Complain to Sony or Microsoft if you don't like that.
    Kitty Rainbow Dash. pick, pick, stab.
  • Twenty0zTsunami
    kamimark wrote: »
    It's unreliable, and annoying to find and reset my normal skill if I get knocked out of mount and it doesn't reset the skill. But ARR's the only way I remember to slot Rapids at all and use it, so it's been a huge help there.
    So in reality this Only is helpful to PC players and has Nothing to do with the rest of the player base.

    Yes, like all addons discussed in the Addon topic. This should not be a shock. Consoles are 1/10 the price of a desktop system that can play ESO, but get all content weeks later and can't do addons. Complain to Sony or Microsoft if you don't like that.

    well he could complain to me since I intiially posted this to the general forums-- wanted to reach a wide audience with my PSA :disappointed:

    But to be fair the 1/10th is an exaggeration, probably about 1/3. Im playing on an old FX8350, DDR3 Memory and a GTX960 and the game runs fine. Even with 50+ addons. It cost about $1300 when I made it initially, which is about what you'd pay just fore the core components of a more modern machine-- 16GB DDR4, i7-8700k, good mobo, psu, and gtx 1050-1060-- though im not really taking into consideration the extreme inflation of the price of a 10-series or GPU in general. I think we can all agree that crypto miners are filthy n'wah.
    Edited by Twenty0zTsunami on February 26, 2018 8:10PM
  • Nestor
    Assist Rapid Riding ---- Don't Leave Your Stable Without It!!!!
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Arkray
    This is one of my must have addons, can't play without it now, I use it everywhere. In dungeons I usually toggle the skill after every fight to give major expedition to the group so we get to the next fight faster, some people appreciate it.
    "Ah, magic! The solution to all life's problems. I love magic! It's so... magical."
  • RobZha
    This is one of the only addons i use, and i find it kind of essential given the limited amount of skills we can have. Now it's broken though after the new patch. Will it be fixed or have zenimax done something so that it no longer works?
  • CiliPadi
    Hopefully the author will fix it. I love this addon. Gotta go fast ;-)
  • Snit
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • RobZha
    Thanks for the fast ride link! I'm a n00b with addons and have only ever used two I think, and hadn't thought of checking for something similar. Will give it a go later.
  • runagate

    Thank you, folks. I came here to ponder whether I could simply fix Assist Rapid Riding because I needs it and it made me want to cry not having it in (1) Cyrodiil and (2) farming Psijiic skills riding all over the place. Frankly, I don't ride across Belkarth without Rapids.

    Now if I knew what to replace No, Thank You with!
  • BluntLightsaber
    It's easy to fix if you can't wait for the author to do so. If you go into the add on folder and edit AssistRapidRiding.lua and Core.lua by changing local rapidManeuverRefId = 46488 to local rapidManeuverRefId = 38566 and local hasPrgression,rmProgressionIndex = GetAbilityProgressionXPInfoFromAbilityId(46488) to local hasPrgression,rmProgressionIndex = GetAbilityProgressionXPInfoFromAbilityId(38566) it will fix it!
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    runagate wrote: »
    Now if I knew what to replace No, Thank You with!

    No, Thank you has been fixed too ! Although not (yet) by the author.
    Just go to the add-on page on esoui, comment section, and you'll find this holy grale.

  • djyrb
    It's easy to fix if you can't wait for the author to do so. If you go into the add on folder and edit AssistRapidRiding.lua and Core.lua by changing local rapidManeuverRefId = 46488 to local rapidManeuverRefId = 38566 and local hasPrgression,rmProgressionIndex = GetAbilityProgressionXPInfoFromAbilityId(46488) to local hasPrgression,rmProgressionIndex = GetAbilityProgressionXPInfoFromAbilityId(38566) it will fix it!

    i did this fix this morning, works like a charm so far.
  • BluntLightsaber
    runagate wrote: »
    Now if I knew what to replace No, Thank You with!

    No, Thank you has been fixed too ! Although not (yet) by the author.
    Just go to the add-on page on esoui, comment section, and you'll find this holy grale.

    Perfect, thank you very much for that one. For anyone reading this, someone has uploaded the fixes to Google Drive and posted it in the comments so you don't have to edit the .lua yourself.
  • RobZha
    If anyone's using fast ride and it's now failed (like mine has) after the patch, you can switch to this instead at least for the time being, as it works fine.

    edit : actually it could just be that if you see that fast ride has failed and you allow outdated addons, you have to log out and back in again before it works. Forgot to check that and just thought it didn't work.
    Edited by RobZha on August 13, 2018 1:10PM
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